
Chapter 2

6 months after Yamcha and Puar start their training at Korin Tower.

"Good, finally you managed to take the bottle from me when I use my full strength against you." Korin quite satisfied with Yamcha progress and improvement.

"Thanks to you Mr. Korin." Yamcha smiled.

Yamcha can felt his strength far stronger after these six months. Korin have battle power around 190, so Yamcha think that his battle power right now is at least around 190 also.

For his current progress, he already far surpassed the current Son Goku who isn't started his journey with Bulma yet.

Actually Yamcha's progress could be said good. Master Roshi needed 3 years to finish his training, but Yamcha finished it in one month.

At the first month, Yamcha managed to take the water bottle, but Yamcha still staying at Korin tower for another 5 month to train himself.

His training with Korin is more about technical aspect rather than a training to increase his power. But his battle strength still increased quite a lot.

As for Puar, he managed to master the transformation technique and can transform precisely now.

Moreover, Puar managed to increase his battle power by tranform into Yamcha then sparring with the real Yamcha sometimes.

In those six months span, Puar also tried to take the water bottle from Korin but Puar didn't managed to take the water bottle.

Puar isn't a genius in martial arts, and Puar battle sense is far too lacking compared to Yamcha.

But Puar battle power is still quite good, around 40 or 50 and can fight quite well when he transform to Yamcha form.

Yamcha and Puar climbed down the tower quite often in the past six months to met Bora and Upa, it made their relation become close.

The biggest benefits Yamcha got in these six months is not his improved battle power.

It's his battle instinct, Ki Sense, and Ki manipulation.

The original Yamcha actually is a talented martial artist, if there are no people like Son Goku, or Saiyans in the Earth, Yamcha definitely one of the strongest humans on the earth.

The bad news is that Yamcha is replaced by a young boy who didn't know any martial arts.

Even though the memories of the original Yamcha still remained, "Yamcha" right now is a different person.

For the first month, Yamcha able to start sensing Ki in his surrounding environment, Yamcha also managed to sharpen his battle instinct by integrating original Yamcha's memory and training with Korin.

In the second month after he able to take water bottle from Korin. Yamcha tried to improve Ki manipulation.

In the canon, Ki sense taught to Son Goku by Mr. Popo at the Lookout.

'Clear your soul, sharpen your spirit and then move like a lightning.'

Yamcha keep reminding himself about that. His hardwork bearing fruit in the six months he trained with Korin every day non-stop.

If Yamcha felt too exhausted and sore all over his body where he can barely moved, he just eat a senzu beans to bring his body to peak state.

Using senzu beans, Yamcha keep pushing his limit over and over making his strength improved significantly.

Within six months, Yamcha managed to surpass Korin's full power.

Yamcha also able to sense ki, even though his ability still limited, Yamcha could sense anyone's ki within dozens of meters.

With his Ki Sense, Yamcha have easier time to manipulate his ki. So technique like Ki blast is another given thing that he could do.

Yamcha could do Kamehameha or Dodon Ray by using his own Ki. But he not sure if it is the "Real" Kamehameha or Dodonpa, the signature move of Master Roshi from Turtle-style and Master Shen from Crane-style.

Maybe the respective martial arts school have their own way to use the Ki to have more efficient input and stronger output... or not... he didn't know.

But things that make Yamcha the most happy is he can learn how to fly.

With his ki manipulation, he first learn how to float like Puar and then he tried to figure out on his own how to fly.

In the end he managed to learn it and can fly easily right now.

He is someone from another world in the inside after all. Now he can fly on his own, and it's really make him feel the wonder of this world.

Now, there is still around 1 year and six months until the time for bulma start her journey.

He didn't want to waste this period of time so he intended to continue his training at the Lookout where he can learn from Mr. Popo and Kami-sama.

"Mr. Korin, Do you now where can I continue my training to deepen my martial arts another step further ?" Yamcha ask Korin.

"Ohh ? You want to keep continue your training ? As you need to know, your strength can be said as one of the strongest on the earth you know that ?" Korin asked Yamcha back.

"Yes, I want to keep training and training as much as I can. Now, I'm not at the end of my road yet, I can still walk further. So I ask guidance from Mr. Korin about where I can continue my training." Told Yamcha sincerely.

"To be honest, I can say that you are the most talented people that I've ever met in my life, I also believe that you can walk further than where you are right now." Korin nodded.

The latest person that ever climb Korin Tower is Master Roshi who managed to snatch the water bottle from Korin only after three years. Now, Yamcha managed to snatch the water bottle from him only in a month. So of course, Yamcha is the most talented person who Korin met so far, never he knew that he would met Son Goku in the near future who can snatch the water bottle from him only in three days.

Yamcha just leave it at that as he keep silent.

"I know a place where you can train yourself further, but reaching that place is the problem." Korin told Yamcha about the Lookout and About Kami-sama.

Yamcha calmly listened to Korin when he told Yamcha about a staff that could become longer is the things he needed to reach the Lookout.

"So I need this staff in order to reach the Lookout where Kami-sama lives." Confirm Yamcha to Korin.

"And also a bell from me. You needed this bell as a prove of my acknowledgement." Said Korin as he give a small yellow bell to Yamcha.

"Thanks Mr. Korin, even without the staff may I try to fly there ?" Ask Yamcha.

"Hmmm... No one was ever tried to go there by fly himself so I don't know whether you can reach the Lookout or not." Said Korin.

In the past six months, Korin knew that Yamcha could fly by manipulating his Ki.

Korin let Yamcha try so they moved to the building's roof where there is a slot to place Nyoibo.

With Puar clinging to Yamcha, Yamcha fly straight above with moderate speed to save his energy.

After quite a long time, Yamcha able to see a half spherical building floating above the sky.

'I can reach the lookout.' Yamcha happily smiled and increase his speed.

At the Lookout Yamcha welcomed by Mr. Popo.

Yamcha knew that he should strive as hard as he could and get stronger as much as he can.

He know that his chance to surpass Son Goku is almost impossible in the later story, at most he could take the lead only until the Saiyans come to the Earth.

At that time, Vegeta's battle power only at 18.000 and if he turned into a great ape, it will be 180.000.

Yamcha knew that he can reach that battle power, but what lies after that is Namek Saga where they have to face Frieza.

Frieza full power is 120 million. It's a really huge leap in power where Yamcha isn't certain could reach it in the given timespan.

He didn't think it's impossible, he just think that he didn't have the time to reach that level of power. Yamcha isn't a saiyan who have a Zenkai ability after all.

The most he can do is train as hard as he can in the most effecient and effective way.

He knew that he had many options he can choose like using gravity machine, or using Hyperbolic Time Chamber, or go to Namek early to have his potential unlocked.

He will do that, just it's not the time yet. With his current strength, using gravity chamber without having a solid foundation in martial art and Ki manipulation, it'll just be a waste of time as his training won't have an effective results.

Go inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber where it have 10 times gravity and harsh environment ? With his current strength it's just courting his own death.

About go to planet Namek ? His current strength also still too miniscule to get his potential unleashed, it will be a really huge waste, so he keep this option on hold until his strength and potential is cultivated deep.

At the lookout, Yamcha met Mr. Popo but not Kami-sama as Mr. Popo said Yamcha is not qualified to met Kami-sama.

So Yamcha just asked Mr. Popo to teach him about martial arts.

As for Puar, he also trained with Yamcha no matter what happen, even though he doesn't have the talent he just keep training with Yamcha without care.

Yamcha already tried to applied Mr. Popo's teaching in martial arts since he trained with Korin even though it isn't on the level of proficient yet, at least Yamcha already had an initial mastery of it.

So in another six months when Yamcha could touch Mr. Popo, Kami-sama decided to met with Yamcha and teach him about Ki manipulation.

Kami-sama also proficient at martial arts and Ki sense, but he is more proficient at Ki Manipulation. So Kami-sama just let Mr. Popo be the one to teach in Martial Arts and Ki sense.

And of course, Kami-sama create a weightened clothes for Yamcha.

Yamcha choose to wear a durable but comfortable long sleeves black inner clothes, on top of it is the weightened sleeveless outer clothes tightened by weightened cloth belt.

His pants is not the common baggy style where so many characters wore, but just a not too tight not too loose normal pants.

Yamcha wear the weightened wristband on both of his wrists, and also the weightened boots for his foot.

So overall, Yamcha clothes' design and color he ask from Kami-sama is similar with Black Goku's clothes. Only the pants is not the baggy one.

And so Yamcha and Puar spent another one year and a half training at the Lookout.

In this one year and a half Yamcha didn't use the Hyperbolic time chamber, he save the only two precious chances to go inside for the more urgent need if something he can't deal with appeared.

The first thing Yamcha asked Kami-sama to teach him is a Ki Manipulation technique that can multiplied his body.

This technique is called Multi-Form used by Tien Shinhan at 23rd Martial Art Tournament.

Kami-sama didn't use this technique but with his proficiency in Ki Manipulation, Kami-sama able to give Yamcha guidances in order to mastering Multi-Form technique.

Only after one year of training, Yamcha finally able to use Multi-Form.

But his technique only able to split into three Yamcha and maintain it just for one hour before his mental power got exhausted.

It is not easy to maintain the divided consciousness.

Kami-sama also give a detailed remark about this Multi-Form technique.

"This technique not only split your strength into equal for each body, it also drain your energy to maintained the Multi-Form."

"But the most taxing in this technique is your Mental Power, it is really draining your Mental Power quickly in order to keep the technique. On the other side of the coin, by keep using this technique you can strengthen your Mental Power."

"As for how much you can split your body, there are 2 requirements. First is your proficiency in Ki Manipulation and the other is of course your Mental Power capacity."

"The higher your proficency in manipulating your Ki, the higher the number of body you can split. But even though you have a high proficiency in your Ki Manipulation, if your Mental Power isn't sufficient, the body couldn't be formed no matter what."

There is one reason why Yamcha wanted to master this technique so bad.

His remark about this technique is that this Multi-Form technique is not suitable for fighting.

Not only it needs time to split his body, it also split his battle power making his body have lesser strength.

But the most suitable function of this technique is for...


Yes, Yamcha want to use Multi-Form technique for training.

Let say his battle power of 200 is splitted into two body resulting 100 battle power each body.

If the two of Yamcha trained and then their Power increased to 110, it will accumulated when the two Yamcha fused back increasing his Battle Power to 220.

This technique multiplying Yamcha's training effectiveness.

The more his body split, the more effective his training is.

It's like a certain technique from a certain ninja.

But there is one problem. When Yamcha split his body, the clothes of the other Yamcha is not a weightened one. Only the original Yamcha have his clothes weightened.

So it can't be helped, Kami-sama keep using magic to make the clothes of the splitted Yamcha heavier.

So the last six months in his training at the Lookout is Split his body, train, rest and Split his body again, train, rest.

Split, train, rest.

Split, train, rest.

Split, train, rest.

The last Six months of training can be said is a leaps and bounds increase in Yamcha strength as the effectiveness in training is multiplied because of the Multi-Form technique and the weightened clothes from Kami-sama.

In this six months Yamcha who at first able to split his body only to three, now he can split into four.

Yamcha can felt his body is far much stronger than before he applied Multi-Form technique in training.

Now around two years passed since Yamcha start his training, so it's the time that he go back to meet Bulma and Son Goku.

Yamcha have a little problem, how should he act ?

After a little of thinking time, Yamcha decided to meet Son Goku at mount Paozu and wait for Bulma there.

In the canon, this first journey is the Emperor Pilaf Saga where it ended with the wish from dragon ball wasted by Oolong.

So Yamcha won't let the same thing happen like in canon story.

Before leaving, Yamcha asked for some senzu beans from Korin.

Korin said senzu bean plants' output quite decreased in these few decades so he only have two jars of senzu beans.

So Korin give Yamcha one jar and kept the other jar.

With this one big jar, Yamcha have around 5 thousands or 6 thousands of senzu beans. More than enough for himself and all the other Z warriors in the future.

Yamcha only reminded Korin to keep the other jar of senzu beans safe and store his own jar of senzu beans using storage type Hoi-Poi capsules.

"Thank you so much for the beans, Mr. Korin." Yamcha and Puar bid their goodbye to Korin.

They flew right down the base of Korin Tower to also bid goodbye to Bora and Upa.

"Now let's go and meet Goku." Yamcha fly using his full speed with Puar clinging to his neck.