
Reincarnated as the weakest sorcerer: A sorcerers tragedy

DionStudios · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs


After the cataclysmic battle against Gai, the battlefield lay in ruins, a somber testament to the clash of titanic forces. Selena and the remaining members of the Order of Saints stood amidst the wreckage, their faces etched with exhaustion and awe at the display of divine power they had witnessed.

But there was little time for respite. A blinding light pierced through the heavens once more, heralding the arrival of Archangel Michael, the embodiment of divine wrath. His radiant wings spanned the horizon, and his voice boomed like celestial thunder as he dispatched Gai, the Demon god, with swift and righteous justice.

As the darkness dissipated, Archangel Michael turned to Selena and her companions, declaring that their trials were far from over, and greater battles loomed on the horizon. His words were a solemn reminder that the forces of malevolence still threatened their realm, and they must remain vigilant.

Days passed, and the battlefield was slowly cleansed of the remnants of Gai's malevolence. Selena and her companions, their wounds tended to by the healers, found themselves summoned to the grand Church of Light. It was a place of resplendent beauty, adorned with intricate stained glass windows that depicted the triumph of light over darkness.

High Inquisitor Solara, a figure of authority and wisdom, awaited them in the inner sanctum of the church. Her eyes, as piercing as sapphires, studied them with a mix of pride and concern. She gestured for them to approach.

"Emissary Selena and the Order of Saints," High Inquisitor Solara began, her voice carrying the weight of centuries of devotion to the light. "Your valor in the face of Gai's malevolence is commendable. You have proven your dedication to our cause beyond measure."

Selena and her companions bowed in acknowledgment, their humility contrasting with their recent battle prowess.

"However," High Inquisitor Solara continued, "Archangel Michael has conveyed to me that the task of spearheading this war against the forces of darkness is a burden too great for any single emissary and her order. He has proposed a council of the highest order to lead our efforts, consisting of the three remaining archangels and himself."

Selena's heart sank at this pronouncement. She had grown accustomed to bearing the responsibility of guiding the Order of Saints and leading the charge against malevolence. To relinquish that role felt like a personal failure, a concession to her own limitations.

Archangel Michael stepped forward, his countenance proud and assured. "High Inquisitor Solara, I assure you that with the combined might of the archangels, we shall produce results swiftly. In two weeks' time, we shall deliver a decisive blow to the forces of darkness."

High Inquisitor Solara regarded Archangel Michael with a mixture of trust and reservation. She knew well the power of the archangels but was also aware of the unique strength that Selena and her order had brought to the battle.

Selena, feeling a mixture of frustration and inadequacy, found her voice. "High Inquisitor, I understand the necessity of this decision, but I cannot help but feel a sense of failure. I have led the Order of Saints through countless trials, and now I am to step aside."

High Inquisitor Solara's gaze softened. "Emissary Selena, your humility and strength have carried us far. But even the brightest stars must yield to the brilliance of the sun when the time is right. This is not a reflection of your inadequacy but a strategic decision to maximize our chances of victory."

Selena nodded, though the bitterness of her own perceived shortcomings still lingered.

High Inquisitor Solara turned to Archangel Michael. "You have my blessing to proceed with the council, Archangel. May the light guide your decisions and actions."

Archangel Michael inclined his head in gratitude. "We shall not falter in our duty, High Inquisitor."

As the council of archangels and High Inquisitor Solara withdrew to discuss their strategy, Selena and her companions were left standing in the hallowed halls of the Church of Light. They exchanged somber glances, grappling with the abrupt change in their roles.

Selena, her voice filled with determination, addressed her companions, "We may no longer lead the charge, but our duty remains clear. We will support the council in every way we can. Our order's mission endures."

Her companions nodded in agreement, their resolve undiminished. Selena may have felt a momentary pang of self-doubt, but her commitment to the light and the protection of their realm remained unwavering. The battle against malevolence would continue, with new leaders at the forefront, but Selena and the Order of Saints would be the steadfast guardians of their realm's hope.