
Reincarnated as The Strongest System Holder: Defier of Time and Space

“...If I hadn't drunk so much, I wouldn't have made a mistake like you" “...A good for nothing bastard" “...Jason isn't your true father" ____________________________ Kevin was a 'mistake'. A bastard made by his father after drinking too much alcohol. He was killed by that father with a kitchen knife. What a pathetic way to die, right? However his lucky gods smiled at him and he was reincarnated as the second prince of an empire in a fantasy world. Glacier empire. Though he's the second prince, it doesn't mean he's not a candidate for the throne, know why? He has the long lost magical affinities of Time and Space and an ever evolving system! His new father is an angel and his mother a human. You think they're not special? His father is a god and his mother comes from a clan of legendary system holders. Kevin is thrown into a bunch of plot twists and turns. Never relenting with his four teammates. They overcome everything. Though there are more people in the team later on, these four are inseparable. He fights gods despite being a demo god and takes them down. A legendary god slayer. However, life is not as easy as he thinks. He won't be some main character who slashes every enemy and leave unscathed because there were far more greater entities that were involved in his reincarnation. __________________________________ ---- The mc isn't your type of 'very nice guy'. He's cruel but not too much even as a kid. ---- Discord server link - https://discord.gg/a5zUQbMZg4 ---- My discord ID - Kelvar ---- Book cover is mine ---- 1-3 chapters a day

Kelvar10_ · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

The training hall incident

After the class, we checked our timetables and we saw that we had magic and weapon training. The location to the training hall was shown to us by the watches on our chest in a hologram way.

On the map, we were blue dots and our destination was the green dot. Leon and I looked at each other and we nodded.

We rushed down to the training hall at full speed, falling more people down with papers flying about. As we ran, we turned and we saw three other people from our class behind us.

The five of us got in together huffing and puffing. We took some chairs to seat and that's when Leon decided to look at the timetable. "Hey!, there's a fifteen minutes break, there's 12 minutes more."

There was a silence between us for two minutes before Leon suggested we should introduce ourselves. " Kevin Paragus" I said with a smile on my face " I'm a sword user and my affinities are space and time."

" Leon Ritsuki, I haven't decided on a weapon and my affinities are earth and water."

" Roy Razan, I'm a dagger user and my affinity is wind"..... There was a little silence because the next person hadn't introduced herself. I turned to look at her and I just noticed her up till now.

She had silver hair just like Roy but her's wasn't a dull silver but a bright one. Like silver metal that had been polished to shine. She had a white face with no single blemish with bright silver eyes and pink lips.

'Wait what!. What am I thinking!' I could even feel my face turning red from looking at her. I quickly looked away. " Rachel Razan. I'm a sword user and my affinities are ice and lightning."

' Oh~, that angelic voice' I thought. 'Snap out of it Kevin!, this is not you.' " Well your I've affinity fits the cold look on your face" said Leon but he only received a cold glare in return.

"J-J- Jasmine Murrow" said the girl with white hair who kept blushing as she stole glances of my face. " I- I use my bow and arrows. My affinity is wind."

"Ok, let - " Leon said but he couldn't finish because of the students and the teacher entering the hall. I noticed the students started to whisper in excitement as they saw us five.

The training hall was quite a big one. It's length was the size of two football fields and the width of one football field.

The teacher, a bald man with a muscular figure with chocolate colour skin walked to the stage and shouted " Listen up you younglings! Today, we are gonna do a test to show where each one of you stand in this class.

It's gonna be in form of a last man standing match. Take on your armours and fight. I shall be watching that no one dies. Any injured shall be healed. Now, Begin!!."

Everyone in the hall were stunned for ten seconds and the word crazy was the first word that came to my mind. ' This teacher is crazy'.

Everyone started to fight and I lowered the strength I put in my weapon. I only used five percent of my strength and speed throughout the fight.

I noticed something that bothered me. All these students were still at rank 1. The highest I saw was a peak rank 1 but the five of us from before were at rank 2 with only me and Rachel being rank 3.

Rachel was early rank 3 and I'm a peak rank 3. I easily knocked out everyone and after ten minutes, it was only the five of us from before that remained.

It seemed my speculation from before was correct. "Okay who's going to attack fir-, PAH!" He was kicked in the gut by Roy. I was wondering how he didn't pass out because of his stature.

While I was still thinking Rachel was fighting Jasmine and she was headed for her brother and having the element of surprise with her, she knocked him out along with Leon.

I looked at the teacher and I saw him looking at us with an impressed look on his face. I turned around just in time to see four swords being swung at four different places on my body.

I quickly activated [Loophole (S)] through the system and I escaped to he back. I looked at Rachel and I saw her in a silver armor with with four scabbards on her. Two on each side.

She was holding Two swords on each hand. I sensed something a I quickly escaped through [Loophole S] again and the moment I left, lightning struck the place I was.

"Stop running and fight me like the man you are!" she shouted.

"I forfeit, I wouldn't hurt a lady" I said as I gave her a wink. She continued to run towards me with her sword as ice started to grow around her swords.

She swung her swords but she was stopped in her tracks as the teacher had held her down with his spell. I looked at his feet and I saw a shadow coming from his feet.


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