
Reincarnated as The Strongest System Holder: Defier of Time and Space

“...If I hadn't drunk so much, I wouldn't have made a mistake like you" “...A good for nothing bastard" “...Jason isn't your true father" ____________________________ Kevin was a 'mistake'. A bastard made by his father after drinking too much alcohol. He was killed by that father with a kitchen knife. What a pathetic way to die, right? However his lucky gods smiled at him and he was reincarnated as the second prince of an empire in a fantasy world. Glacier empire. Though he's the second prince, it doesn't mean he's not a candidate for the throne, know why? He has the long lost magical affinities of Time and Space and an ever evolving system! His new father is an angel and his mother a human. You think they're not special? His father is a god and his mother comes from a clan of legendary system holders. Kevin is thrown into a bunch of plot twists and turns. Never relenting with his four teammates. They overcome everything. Though there are more people in the team later on, these four are inseparable. He fights gods despite being a demo god and takes them down. A legendary god slayer. However, life is not as easy as he thinks. He won't be some main character who slashes every enemy and leave unscathed because there were far more greater entities that were involved in his reincarnation. __________________________________ ---- The mc isn't your type of 'very nice guy'. He's cruel but not too much even as a kid. ---- Discord server link - https://discord.gg/a5zUQbMZg4 ---- My discord ID - Kelvar ---- Book cover is mine ---- 1-3 chapters a day

Kelvar10_ · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Party making

As I said before, I'm going to test your skills and see the best team strategy for you guys. Let's move to the training hall." Mom said

"Can we at least get a break, we've been sitting for 5 hours." Leon said as he stretched himself.

"Ok, a 5 minutes break. Kevin, show them the way to the training hall in 5 minutes, I'll be there." mom answered.

Haritha POV

'Those kids will end up killing someone with their questions. Especially that Rachel girl. She's too smart for her own good. I hope she puts it to good use.'

Kevin POV

While everyone was warming up, I approached Leon and just as I was a few steps away from him. The system told me something shocking.

'Things host should know about the party making function. When Leon, gets the default system. All exp he receives shall contribute to his power level not system level.The same goes for all shared exp.

System level is non existent for members of the party.' the system said in it's usual monotone voice.

'woah, that's awesome.' I thought.

"Uhm, Kevin." Leon said as he waved his hand in front of my face. "You've been standing there for a full minute."

"I'm fine, don't worry." I answered and I took him to the corner of the room and I asked him a question that left him stunned for 5 seconds.

"Leon, do you want a system." He looked at me like I was crazy and he laughed.

Pffft, hahahahaha

"I always thought I was the craziest one but look at you, you've taken the throne."


"I'm not joking Leon." I said with a dead serious look on my face. Seeing that I was serious, he stopped laughing and he answered me.

"Y-yes, it's been a dream of mine to have a system. Please do whatever it takes to give me one." he said as he knelt on one knee with a hand down and his head down.

'Ok system, activate party making function.'

'Activating party making function. Host should follow these instructions.'

I did as the system asked. I lifted Leon's dominant hand where his rank and level were inscribed. I brought out my index finger and my nail got elongated and as sharp as one hundred knives.

At this point, Leon was scared out of his mind. "Take it easy Leon. Steel your mind." I turned around and I saw everyone looking at me fearfully except Rachel of course.

I gave Roy a look and he nodded. He dashed towards us and he covered Leon's mouth with his hands.

I put my hand onto Leon's forearm and I started to scraped off the numbers and letters. Blood started to spill out and Leon's muffled scream followed.

Parts of the scream started to leak out but Jasmine had already used her wind to deflect all sounds going to the door and windows.


Leon screamed in intense pain. I was impressed he hadn't fainted at this point.

I finished removing the inscriptions after that I cut my own forearm and I let my blood drip into Leon's wound. I bit my lip as the pain was too much for my four year old body.

My eyes glowed in their green colour and Leon's glowed in his brown ones.

The wound started to close up and Leon's screams started to reduce. Blood started to drip from my lip because I bit it too hard.

After the wound closed up, Leon's screams stopped and a surprised look came onto his face as he saw a screen in front of him.

I got some system notifications

[Host has successfully made a party]

[Quest : name your party. (Reward Time manipulation Lv1)]

[Quest : make your party mark. (Reward Space manipulation Lv1)]

'Space and time manipulation?, I do that all the time with the skills I use. System, what's this?' I asked.

'Space manipulation give you the ability to manipulate the space, the air and the oxygen around you. You haven't noticed that you can't move the space or time around you. You have only been using your skills from scrolls.

This will give you the ability to shape the space and the time around you to make new skills. This was an ability that was used by Sariel Paragus to make the skills you use now.'

I thought I was already used to the system shocking me but once again I was shocked.

'Party name, hmm what should I name the party. Team rainbow, team medal, team argh, I can't think of a proper one. If I can't think of a name,

now, I'll lose this fantastic reward.'

'Host can complete the quest later. You can do your own things now.' Just then the door came open and mom was there with a vein popping on the side of her head.


'Woah.' I never saw mom that angry before. Everyone looked at mom except Leon who was looking at his system. To everyone else he looked like he was in a dream. He hadn't even noticed mom had entered.

"Hey Kevin, what are these numbers and why does this thing say reward." Leon said as he turned and he finally saw mom.

"Y-your majesty!" he said as he bowed down. Mom had a surprised look on her face after hearing Leon's words.

"Everyone out. Leon and Kevin stay behind." Rachel, Roy and Jasmine went out of the room and mom asked the question.

"What happened here?. I sensed wind magic blocking sound from moving outside and Leon's started to act like a new system holder. What happened?"

"Mom, do you remember the party making function I told you about. Incase you've forgotten, all party members get default systems." I said.


Mom stood there with an expressionless look an her face. "Ok, I remember but what is a default system?" she asked.

"Mom you're joking right, don't tell me you don't know what a default system is and a level 1 system or a level 2 system!" I asked almost shouting.

'I am different. Will I be treated like an outcast now. Will I be thrown out like spoilt food.' a dreaded look came over my face as I ran outside the room with no destination in mind.