
Chapter 60

Chapter 60

The temperature turned eerie and Jiseok growled at Jaeho. Jamie frowned at them confused at what made the younger upset. 

"You're not going to use my hyung." Jiseok snarled in his deep voice, "I will cut my fingers so I won't be useful to you anymore! Mark my words Hong Jaeho." Jiseok threatened not to back down even a bit.

Jaemi blinked at the boy who was safeguarding him, Jamie sighed it needs more time until the help will come. 

"I hate that you are acting like an arrogant brat Jiseok. Fucking lost my appetite. Get them away from my sight!" Jaeho muttered angrily, he snapped and turned his steps at the next door, Jiseok still glaring until Jaeho disappeared from their sights. 

"Hyung... Jaeho likes posthumous painting." Jiseok whispered, thwarting his breath. He trembles while staring at Jamie. Misty eyes reflected the fear that compelled them both to shudder.