
Meeting of the Wives?

Holding the Pink Robinkin's head down, Rhefia grunted as she came inside the woman's throat, filling her stomach with semen before letting her pull away.

Watching as Suu gulped it all down expertly, I chuckled before sitting down besides Rhefia, wincing slightly as my body continued to ache.

Sari stared at Rhefia for a few moment, her eyes narrowed as she observed the lounging Deerkin.

"So, how was it love? Enjoy your night away from me~?"

Rhefia smirked at me, ignoring the Catkin for the moment as she focused on me, all while Suu helped pull Rhefia's pants back up, her cheeks a deep red.

Biting my cheek, I nodded hesitantly as I said "It was... an experience. A rather pleasurable one too..."

Her smirk widened, only to fall away as she glanced at Sari.

"Can I help you? I do believe your time is over now, Captain."

Tilting her head slightly, Sari's lips tugged into a smirk as she said "Maybe you can help me... Maybe you can't. As for my time with this rather perfect woman, I don't believe my time is up. Nor will it be up for years to come."

Standing up, Rhefia loomed over the Catkin by almost a half foot, her antlers only adding to her imposing stature as she stared down at Sari.

"Sari! Rhefia! Please, stop it!"

Sari smirked as Rhefia stepped away, my wife's amber eyes turning towards me as she asked "What's the meaning of that, love?"

Seeing her narrow her eyes at me, I shivered before saying "W-Well... Sari has... well, she..."

Fiddling with my hands, my words began to fail me as I tried to speak my mind, only to gasp and blush as Sari said "I asked to marry her."

Rhefia turned back towards Sari, her face rather dark as she growled "You what?"

Grinning at Rhefia, Sari repeated herself confidently, adding "I asked to marry her, and I am willing to... 'join' this family of yours."

Clenching her fists slightly, Rhefia glanced at me for a moment, her amber eyes flashing with even darker emotions before she growled at the Catkin again.

"You may be 'willing', but that isn't your choice. It's mine."

"And Astra's, isn't it? After all, she was the one to bear you children, no? Does she have no say?"

Grinding her teeth together, Rhefia's voice was low as she spoke again, her words frighteningly neutral.

"She does. As do I. As do my daughters. One of four isn't an acceptance, Sari. So why should I even bother listening to, or contemplating your words?"

Chuckling, Sari met Rhefia's amber eyes without flinching, her demeanor calm and unbothered as she said "Well, for one, because my kits are growing in her womb. As such, I have every right to journey with her as you do. Secondly, because she herself has said that she wasn't apposed to being my toy. Lastly, I do believe that the weight of her vote is greater than yours."

Snarling softly, Rhefia turned towards me as she asked "Is that true, Astra?"

Gulping, I flinched slightly under her heavy glare, idly noting how she softened upon seeing that.

"W-Well... I... I-I think s-she does have the right t-to see her kit? A-And... well... y-yes, I r-really enjoyed last night..."

Sighing, Rhefia pinched the bridge of her nose before muttering "Of course you did..."

Taking a deep breath, Rhefia sighed again before glancing at Sari, saying "We'll see. For now... For now, let's see what the others think. Suu, is Yiksa awake yet?"

The Pink Robinkin flinched as she became the focus of both Rhefia and Sari, and she shook her head as she gestured towards the stairs.

"P-Probably not? She had an Bullkin for a customer last night..."

Sari chuckled, her yellow eyes alight with mirth as she said "Doubt she'll be moving anytime soon; Viala isn't a gentle lover."

Pursing my lips, I tapped my fingers together before activating the bond between Yiksa and I, ordering her to awaken and begin making her way downstairs when she was ready.

Seeing that, Rhefia shrugged before leaning against the bar counter, taking the glass that Suu provided and downing it.

A few minutes later - all of which was spent in silence - Yiksa stumbled down the stairs, leaning against a tall, muscled brown skinned woman with a pair of white horns sprouting from her temples.

The satisfied smirk on the Bullkin's face as she groped Yiksa's ass spoke volumes, and she saluted Sari as she moved to stand behind her Captain.

Yawning, the Dark Elf plopped onto a stool and let out a sigh before asking "Can I get something strong, Suu?"

Nodding, the Pink Robinkin slid her a glass a few moments later, which Yiksa downed with an appreciative gasp.

"So, what's up? Hopefully nothing complicated, since my mind is currently... what's the word... oh for... hazy, I guess..."

Letting out a sigh, she turned to look at me, before glancing over at Rhefia.

"Fuck me, it's complicated isn't it?"

The gray skinned woman elicited a chuckle from Sari, while Rhefia raised a brow.

"Astra wants to let the Catkin Captain here join us."

Yiksa turned to scan Sari, before shrugging as she said "Sure? I mean, its not like I have much of an opinion on this? Unless she's a- wait, I can't be the one to say that now can I?"

Trailing off, she yawned again before shrugging, saying "I don't see why not? This sounds like Astra to me... I mean, wasn't she the one who wanted that orange woman earlier? What was she, a... Lamia, right?"

Sari stiffened at that, glancing at me in surprise as she asked "You wanted to purchase Prixisia? That... might be a rather expensive venture, considering her crime of poisoning a few Nobles and fleeing towards Geard..."

Shrugging, I said "That's... why I'm working. And Rhefia as well."

Nodding, Rhefia grinned at me as she said "You will be watching Aethisia and I finishing our Gladiator's Gauntlet, right?"

Sari smirked at Rhefia, saying "Of course I'll be there~! I need to scope out my future competition, don't I?"

Scoffing, Rhefia rolled her eyes as she said "Do what you want. Come on Astra, let's get going. Need to make sure Camara and Kalia managed to keep Aethisia away from liquor again..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts