
Business Decision

I bit my cheek again and stared at the smirking Horsekin for a few seconds, taking in her relaxed, confident smirk alongside those sparkling eyes as she waited for an answer; lust swirled around inside of those warm brown orbs while her smooth, chocolate skin looked even more ravishing in the candlelight now than it had in the beginning.

She was playing her cards perfectly right now, and as I thought about the benefits of this deal I found myself nodding, causing her smirk to widen while the long, thick bulge along her leg pulsed in anticipation.

"Let's start with the dance then, hm? Remember Miss Astra... nice~ and slow..."

Her hands trailed down to her cock, stroking it gently before unbuckling her pants to pull it out, revealing a dick that rivaled both Shelur and Duru in terms of sheer size, but unlike them both she had a unique shape that made even me blush.

At the base of her massive cock was a few inches of dark brown skin that must have acted as a sheath for her when flaccid, and that dark brown contrasted so well against the smooth, shiny pink flesh that took up the rest of her shaft, traveling straight into the air and smacking right between her breasts as it bounced free of her hands for a moment.

What really stole away my attention was the crown of her cock, that flattened, wide disc of cockmeat riddled with bumps on the edge that promised nothing but pleasure, while the thin spout that poked barely a fraction of an inch above that disk revealed where she would be shooting her cum from.

It was a sheer dissonance with her outward demeanor; a thick, aggressive and lecherous penis that was made for nothing besides getting women pregnant... it didn't seem to belong on the refined, bespectacled businesswoman sitting in front of me, and yet here it was, throbbing and demanding attention.

So... as I stared at it and barely stopped myself from drooling, I eventually jolted 'awake' when she said "Miss Astra, I know I am a stud, but please... get to it.", her voice dripping with lust now as she grasped the base of her cock and started massaging it, directing my gaze to her gigantic testicles.

How she hid that away from sight was beyond me since both were easily a half foot long and even wider, but really all that truly mattered was the semen sloshing around inside those balls and how said semen was yearning to be released inside of me.

Reaching for the buttons of my blouse, I stared at Miss Hertanc and began to slowly undo the remaining buttons, letting my bountiful bosom burst out with each one that slipped free, and as more and more of my breasts were revealed to her she began to slide her hands up and down her cock even more.

Swaying my hips and emphasizing my curves, I leaned forwards and undid the last button, showing off the smooth bump of my belly that didn't technically look like a baby bump yet while also revealing that I was, of course, not wearing a bra, so now my tits were barely being restrained by the blouse I was clutching tightly.

I took a few steps forwards and approached the Noble, smiling beneath my veil and asking "You still want me to dance, Miss Hertanc~?" even as I slowly began to spin around, flaunting my ass for her and listening to the way her breath hitched slightly at that sight.

"Of fucking course I do, Miss Astra... shake that ass for me... shake that ass, bounce those tits and earn that fucking coin..."

Her elegant style of speech was gone now, replaced by her desire as she almost burnt a hole through my pants staring at my butt as I did just that, lifting each side of my hip before dropping it as I gave her a very simple - yet effective - dance.

Carefully removing my top, I tossed it over my head and began to twist my body side to side, letting her catch glimpses of my breasts whenever I moved but never showing them off completely, though before that could 'anger' her too much I ran my hands down the side of my body and leaned forwards again.

This time she was staring at my lower curves as she took in my thighs and hips to their fullest, and again she groaned in pleasure as she jerked off behind me, only to groan louder as I began to walk backwards, rubbing myself against that giant cock.

With her penis resting between my clothed cheeks she reached out and grabbed my hips, feeling me up as I began to grind against her and taking advantage of this as much as she could by leaning forwards and whispering "I've had many beautiful dancers, but already... you're my favorite."

Nothing in that was meant to be sexy or flattering, but the honesty in her tone made up for it as I took the compliment and gave her more of what she wanted by arching my back and starting from the top of her cock.

Bouncing my hips yet again, I stroked her thick penis with my ass as I moved down towards her balls, my hands resting on her knees as I went low before slowly returning to her tip, which left a noticeable stain on my pants as her precum seeped through the cloth.

As I reached the bottom again she gave me a firm spank before saying "I like this ass a lot, Miss Astra, but now you got me wanting more... turn around for me and wrap those tits around my cock... earn that split... make it worth my time... worth my money...", sending a small shiver up my spine.

Again I was told to dance but not allowed to actually dance, but I definitely wasn't complaining as I did what was asked of me, falling to my knees and gasping out loud as I stared at the giant Horsekin cock that towered over me, idly wondering if it was actually longer than Shelur's.

But... I didn't have long to marvel over it as I grabbed my tits and lifted them up, offering them to my new business partner and gasping again as she smacked her penis against my sternum, allowing me to wrap them around her shaft and get to work as she grinned down at me, her glasses flashing as she leaned back and started to enjoy the sealing of this deal.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts