

on December 12th two thousand three a genius was born a genius that awaits to mark his paws on history. 

at a luxurious hospital, a woman was wearing a hospital gown delivering a baby, and not just any baby she delivered me. my mom was a famous singer and my father was nowhere to be seen at the moment of my birth. don't take it as a bad thing because as for my mother, my father was an asshole and as far as I know there is no disproving it 

I want to say that I am a genius at the arts of music but only managed to pick up two musical instruments. the piano because it was the coolest one to play the second instrument was the violate mainly because my mom could play it so it was easier for her to teach me

before I could even remember anything I was 4 years old and as you expect of any baby I went to kindergarten and there was my talent for fast learning. I learned the whole alphabet on the first day perfectly learned the addition and subtraction of any number as long as it's written down on the second day

and learned to count to 100,000 on the third day it all just came so easily to me and the teacher knew it too. so when reached me at the rest times and at the play times and by the end of the year I was at 4th-grade level at everything and that's only because the teacher was old and could not remember the other subjects

but it was ended because the teacher told my mother that stuff and she got me tested and jumped to first year and after a month to third it was all so awkward for the kids with me I would have been jumped more but my mother stunted my potential

at the age of 7 I started to get all reagent and full of myself I started to learn music but only learned the previously mentioned instruments. at that time I also started to pick up hobbies and throw them away after they became boring. it was so when I went by checkmate I started to learn and beat up some boring middle schoolers and then I got so full of myself that I entered a professional tournament and then got ravaged it wasn't even close 

my score could not have helped me even a little bite that tournament got my ego to the right place. and then at the age of ten, I discovered the magic of science it was the happiest day for me. it went like this I was at the lab of a famous scientist the specific name doesn't matter it could be Bill Nye the science guy for all I care. the important part is the equipment.

it all looked interesting so I wanted to go and see what they did but the teacher of my class stopped me and I was forced to let it go. but when I am interested in something I will not let it go so when I was at home my research started. and I got hooked and never got bored because theoretically, science could be as complex as it gets there were some holes in science I could not fix for the life of me 

I asked my mother to get me some teachers and I jumped from a grade 8 personal teacher to a high school personal teacher and then to a professor. and then to specialists at this point I didn't want to waste time so went and jumped to college at the age of 15 but when college ended with my physics degree I wanted more so I learned biology nuclear science and chemistry and I could get my arms on like that I burned my way to the age of 26

from that place, I could go to whatever science-related job and land it easily without any difficulty. and so I did I started to work for a private business of weapons. and then my intrigue fell it was all boring again that was the moment I saw anime a lot of them from all the tags fantasy slice of life moe yuri even the traumatic yoai and a little bit of echi not that I am proud of that 

It all went in a flash and I was at the age of 33 I was getting ready to quit bordem I thought of getting a noble prize for a coat but it would help so I just became the head of the same company got rich and took care of my mother which I will always stay thankful for

she supported my hobbies and my passions without a word which I am not sure if it's a great thing or a reckless thing, either way, she will always stay the best for me no contest. 

but with all my genius I could never settle down with a wife and I don't mean I was a playboy I was faithful. tho I did get my v card stolen by some rapist not like I was traumatized I think I would have only been traumatized if it was a man. tho she did have a friend with her and god knows what gender it had since I couldn't see, doesn't matter forget about it lets get to the topic

I was 33 getting back from a job and then died in a car accident like every other MC truck- kun just had to take my life. either way, it went like that

what a lovely day is it but it's always lovely so it gets boring now either way it would be a shame if I get reincarnated now. Truck Kun what a lovely day to kill a dude a boring dude with glasses looks like a target to me. hey, what is going on the driver didn't know what was going on as the truck just moved on its own. hey what are you doing shift why are you pointing your car at me? 

and then black all dark nothing could be seen not light not my arm not nothing and it lasted for god know how much times. and then i opened my eyes 
