
Reincarnated as the Demon Lord best Knight

Freya is a woman who died at the age of 20. In her previous life, she was born into a chaotic and unhappy family. Her biological father often tried to hurt or abuse her only when she's just 10 years old. Fortunately, she have her mother who always try her best to protect her... What happens after she die will change her life forever...

piecessyn · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Chapter 16: Date I

The wind was blowing with the unique smell of soil, carrying the moist flowery vapor, rashly and gently poring into a palace window that are opened in my room. But for a moment, it was mixed with the sea salt and caremal that fill the room. The state of a hot cup of coffee was overwhelmed in front of me.

Unlike how I was before I died... I always have a similar feeling like those time whenever I wake up from my sleep and not wanting to get up, wishing to just maybe sleep for enternity, forgetting all my worries, anxieties, problems, thoughts and other things that just weight heavily on both my mind and heart.

The life that I used to live taught me patient and also taught me pain.

Today has been three days since I rested from the injury that I got during the mission that was successfully carried out before. Finally, I will will be able to come back to serve Violet as her personal knight.

Also today is actually a very important day for me, I will tell Lord Alazuir about my wish that he had promise to fulfill whatever in might be.

Last night, I already asked the help of a butler named Lucifer to inform His Majesty, Lord Alazuir about our meeting early in the morning today to discuss about some matter.

Now I am walking my way to the main hall of the main palace because there...Lord Alazuir is waiting to meet with me. I arrived at the familiar big, red crimson door.

The knight in front of me announced my presence and soon Lord Alaruir's voice was heard through the door allowing me to enter. The big door opened by Lucifer and the knight scrambled for me to enter. He is now sitting comfortably in his throne looking almighty.

"Nice to see you again, Your Highness..." I said after kneeling down while looking down.

"Please Freya…you don't have to bow down like that…now stand up and tell me what you want to talk about." said Lord Alazuir as he showed his concern face.

"I am here to present the matter regarding the wish that Your Majesty had promised after I successfully carried out the mission that day." I said in a serious tone.

"Ooohh... so this is all about that... hehe please do tell me My Knight." he said to me while widening his eyes then smiled.

"Ehem... ...Actually.... Umm my wish is that I want to ask permission from Your Majesty as Princess Violet's father to allow me to go out on a date with her." I said clearing my throat nervously waiting for any answer from Lord Alazuir.

The feeling I feel now is probably even worse than when I was on my mission.

"Sure...go ahead and have fun." he said casually while giving me a big smile.

"Excuse me?..." I saw Lord Alazuir's with my now dumbfounded face.

"HA HA HA... what's with your expression! Of course I know that my dear daughter and my best knight have a feelings for each other... Anyway it's so obvious from the way you look at my daughter's eyes ." he continue laughing unable to resist the look on my surprised face.

My face must be looking bright red right now so after chatting a bit about this and that, I continue to thank Lord Alazuir again and excuse myself. Then I went straight to Violet's room...


I knocked on the door after standing in front of her door.

She then slowly opened her door and showed her cute head first to see who knocked on her door in this early morning. Looking at her tiny head... my hand reach her head and rubbed it while lowing my head slightly to her eyes level and looking into her light violet eyes.

"It's you Freya!" She looked at me with a red face.

I entered the room and gave her a peck kiss on her soft lips.

"Go get ready now, we're going out today." I said while looking through the window of the room to looking at the sun that are shining not too hot and not too cold. Perfect.

Before she could ask why to me with that puzzled look on her face, I explained to her and she give me her shining eyes she hugged my waist tightly.

"hahaha silly girl..." I thought looking at how happy she is that she's able to spend time all day with me today.

She told me to go to my room and go get ready too. After finishing choosing clothes with a dizzy head when I saw a really little choice of clothes on Freya's previous closet, I went to wait for Violet outside her door.

Then an angel with a silky golden yellow hair came out through the door in front of me...

"*Wheeewwff..." I whistle appreciatively in high pitch and airy sound looking at Violet.

Violet was wearing a white simple off shoulder top that showed her coller bone and long rose skirt, she looked very attractive yet simple coupled with her angelic face. If she ever standing among the other noble girls, she indeed must be the one that stand out the most.


While she's wearing a dress, i'm currently wearing the black shirt that are not fully botton to the top and black tight leather pants.This outfit outlines an exquisite figure of mine. If you pit aside my physique. I look very delicate and barely beautiful because of my masculine line.

'Well... it's not that bad I think...' I thought in my mind.

Then, we rode on my black horse until we reached the city just before noon. I dropped off my black horse at a shop that offered to take care of any horses only for 3 silver coins.

By walking hand in hand, we both stood out from the gaze of those around us who saw us as if they were seeing a two good looking couples.

"Where would you like to go, my dear..." I asked looking into her eyes.

"U-Um... maybe we can go to this bookstore that is popular among nobles right now." She shyly answered my question.

"Sure." I answered while nodding my head once.

When we got there, it turned out that this wasn't a normal bookstore because the bookstore or better to be called the library looked very big and luxurious. I can say that this is probably the national library of this Kingdom.

We went in together... then, Freya asked one of the workers for directions to the book genre she wanted to read. She then pulled my hand toward the direction gently.

When we got there, I could see the word romance written on the hanging board. While Violet was busy choosing a fairy tale book about romance next to me, I saw a book titled "how to do that" with a little love at the end of the title. I was curious so then I took the book and try reading the contents.

"What the... I don't need this book to make it haha..." I mumbled with a somewhat surprised face after reading the contents of the book.

Somehow, Violet being able to hear my mumbling earlier maybe because of the quiet atmosphere in the library, she saw the book I was holding and her face turned to bright red immedietly. She hit me on the shoulder quit strong then tried to run away to hide her embarrassed face.

Easily, I was able to grab to her slander wrist and gently pin her to the bookshelf. Our faces were only a few centimeters apart now and I could hear her heavy breath. While my other hand hold her wrist above her head, my other hand reach to her golden yellow hair and kissed it in front of her gaze.

"I'm honest about what I said earlier... if I want to do those naughty things to you, I don't need the help of this silly books..." I repeated my words in front of her bright red face.

"Fine... now let me go." She said while trying to escape my gaze.

I turned her head towards me gently and gave her a long, romantic kiss. Then I let go of her slander wrist..

"Hmm..emm.." she let out a small moan and hit me on the shoulder to stop me.

I then released the passionate kiss and allowed her to take a breathe.

"N-not here..." She said with an innocent face.

'so she thinks that I want to do these naughty things right here...hahaha" I let out a chuckle then patted her head.

After she chose the book she wanted to read, we continued this beautiful day to my choosen destination...

To be continue...