
Chapter 626 Please Help Me!

The next day, Salamander, Cleome, Shinari, and everyone except Cellaeth visited Aldred.

"Where did you guys go?" Was the first question Aldred asked to them. They'd been gone for a few days.

Salamander and Shinari were silent at first, but Shinari decided to step forward and proudly looked at Aldred in the eye.

Before this, she was always unsure when looking into his eyes. Aldred seemed so powerful to her as if his power had no limit. Aldred always had ways to surprise her.

Every time she thought she understood the limit of his power, Aldred break beyond it. 

But today, she steeled herself to face him. "I refuse to be useless. We are in this journey together, and I want to contribute as best as I can!"

"What are you talking about? Who said you are useless?" Aldred was genuinely confused. What happened?