
Twisted Flow (2)

The next month, on February 2nd, I received an invitation to grace Queen Victoria's funeral, but I declined.

Instead, many monarchs attended and graced it, including Germany's Wilhelm II, the King of Belgium, the King of Greece, and the Crown Prince of Sweden and Norway - so it must have been a grand funeral even without me.

In March, U.S. President William McKinley began his second term.

While his re-election was successful, there was quite a bit of criticism about the imperialistic tendencies revealed through the war with Spain and Cuba and the Philippines, and even the Asian Open Door Policy he had been pushing seemed to hit a slight snag.

In May, America was once again in an uproar about whether the economy would die or live.

I heard someone tried to sweep up stocks to control railways, but it was a cause difficult for me to understand.

Three months after Cuba finally became U.S. territory, McKinley died. It was assassination.