
Chapter 6, Part 1-2

After those three long years, Shin woke the frost demon. Frieza slowly opens his eyes to see the kai's surrounding him. "Man, I am sore," Frieza says. "Why did you rest for so long?" Old Kai questioned.

"It was well needed. Although, I am famished. To make it short, I was waiting for someone to arrive on Earth. They should be here by now and if they're not, they will be shortly." Frieza says to the kai's.

"I see. Also, have you noticed some...changes within you?" Shin says to the confusion of Frieza. "What do you mean? I feel amaz..." Frieza finally notices that the color of his skin was no longer its pearly white, instead it was pink. "Well, would you look at that?" The frost demon says. "Are you not worried about this sudden change?" Shin asked.

"Why would I? I mean Majin Buu is now a part of me now. A physical change would be expected." Frieza says to the surprise of the kaioshin. "You mean you're telling us that Buu is inside of you? But how is such a thing possible?" Kibito questioned.

"Yes, Majin Buu is currently working with that copy of yours. Explain yourself, please." Old Kai says. "Good thing you said please because I will not be told what to do. First I had Buu clone himself and then that clone absorbed me. While inside I powered up to my final form and the pieces of Buu's clone were assimilated inside my being. Now, when did this change happen?"

"The change occurred a couple hours after you first went to sleep," Shin says. The forest demon nods in understanding. "Well, I guess we need to test out these new abilities now." And without warning Frieza blasts a hole into his chest. He had little reaction to it. The kai's watch on as the hole in Frieza's chest was covered in pink goo. He was healed and good as new. Frieza smirks at this. "I guess there wouldn't be a reason for me to keep this Cell tail in my arm."

Shin and the kai's were confused once again. "A what in your arm?" Old Kai says. "I wouldn't think about it too much if I were you," Frieza says to them. He disappears from sight without saying another word.

Frieza arrived back at a familiar building, the capsule corp building. There he meets with the saiyans after three years. "Frieza, it's good to finally see you again. But, why are you pink?" Bardock says. "It's a long story. Anyway, three years is quite a long time, you better have something new to show me."

"Why wouldn't we? We are trying to surpass you after all." says Raditz. Frieza grins after hearing this. "Is that so? I'm able to sense some traces of godly ki all of you. Is Kakarot still the only super saiyan god?"

"It's true, I am still the only true saiyan god here." Kakarot confirmed. "Yes, training with Kakarot these past few years caused us to have some access to that godly power." Broly says.

"Okay...show me what you got, all of you," Frieza tells the group. All of the Saiyans powered up to their max. Bardock and Raditz in Super Saiyan 4, Broly in Legendary Super Saiyan, and Goku in Super Saiyan Blue.

The frost demon smirks. "This should be interesting."

Broly was the first to go for an attack. He was in his full powered super saiyan state but it was easy to tell that he hulking saiyan was having trouble controlling the power. "You've come a long way Broly, it's impressive." The blows that they were trading were mind blowing. Frieza had a pretty easy time fighting the legendary super saiyan. Broly seemed to become tired every time Frieza punched him. "What are you doing?" The saiyan questioned. "Testing out something," Frieza says. He looks at the other saiyans and smirks.

First, he made a clone of himself by using the yardratian technique. The clone used his new majin powers to make two copies of himself. "What the hell?" Raditz says in disgust and amazement. The main Frieza continued to fight Broly, the hulking Saiyan was growing more tired and frustrated.

Frieza's remaining clones fought the three other Saiyans. The ones made from the majin cloning technique were weaker than the original but still impressively strong in their own right. A Super Saiyan Blue and two Super Saiyan 4's with god ki wasn't enough to beat the likes of Frieza. And this greatly disappointed the frost demon.

Frieza cut the fight short, taking all of their energy for himself. All of the Saiyans returned back to their base form. "How do you keep gaining these abilities?" Bardock says, grunting. "A magician never reveals his secrets," Frieza states. Him and his clones then took the time to heal the Saiyans. "That wasn't that bad now was it?" Frieza says.

"We are never going to catch up to you in strength, it's quite literally impossible," Raditz stated. "Oh, don't say that. There are still people much stronger than any of you here," Frieza told them. "Yeah? Like who?" Kakarot questioned.

"You'll meet them soon enough. But there is someone who is stronger than me, or will be," Frieza stated. "What? Stronger than you?" Bardock says. He did not believe what he was hearing, the same can be said to the other Saiyans. "What the hell are you on about?" Raditz says. "I'll be right back," Frieza says to them. And just like that he was gone, once again. "It would be nice to have that teleportation ability," Kakarot says.

Frieza appeared in front of Gero, the doctor was not pleased to see him. "Why are you here?" Gero questioned. The frost demon looked behind Gero and saw the thing he was looking for, "Cell," Frieza says. "I need him," he continued. Gero shook his head, "I've already helped you once before, why would I do it again?"

"Because I am your superior, I am the one with the advantage, I am the one with power. Those are your reasons. Now, let me grab Cell and I will spare your life," Frieza says.

"You've been gone for a while now Frieza, and I see you have a new transformation? Doesn't matter, you will die here," Gero says, Frieza smirks. "Tell me, doctor, did you ever collect my DNA?"

Gero smiles, "I would be crazy if I didn't."

"And when did you take this sample?"

"When you asked for the upgrades for your body of course."


The frost demon now had a palm near the face of Gero. The doctor smirks which confuses Frieza. "I am about to kill you, why the hell are you smirking?"

Gero's smirk fades, a satisfied look was replaced with it. "Attack," he says. The frost demon's eyes widened in shock. He was then shot multiple times by ki blasts. Bits and pieces of him were splattered around the room. Frieza looked down at his body, there were multiple holes within it.

"I had to rush the process in perfecting them but I think it was worth it," Gero commented.

He turns to see 17 and 18. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me," Frieza says. The holes in his body regenerate. He went for an attack on the two, the twins had a slight advantage over Frieza.

Gero was watching from the sidelines. "This will be your downfall!" He yells. Frieza powers up into his Ultimate form, blowing everyone back. The frost demon did not waste any time. The skin on his torso began to open up, he first absorbed 18. "What...What is this!?" Gero yells. 17 attempted to escape but it was much too late, he too was absorbed. Frieza stood still waiting for his appearance and body to change. "Maybe this wasn't the best idea." The change never happened, he opened his eyes and realizes that he wasn't affected when he absorbed the two androids.

He turns to Gero who had a shocked and terrified expression, "This is the end for you," Frieza says. Gero was then grabbed by his arms, he was still looking at Frieza who was right in front of him. This confused the doctor. The figure revealed himself to Gero, it was Frieza. The skin that was blown off merged together to create another Frieza. "Surprise!" He says as he begins to absorb the doctor. "Your intellect cannot go to waste, it will be mine!"

The clone of Frieza turns to the original, "Good work, now return back to me." The clone did as told and merged back with Frieza. He now possessed the infinite energy of the androids and the intellect of Dr Gero.

Frieza walks up to Cell's holding chamber. "I could have Bulma help me make you perfect but who needs to do that when you have the dragon balls?"