
Reincarnated as Fallen Angel in Tensura!?

I was reincarnated as Dino, the laziest character in Tensura. Summoning Waifus? Of course!! Watch how I live as Dino in the background while watching the plot plays before me. -Spoiler Alert- -Mainly focused on other characters... so expect many POV >>>>Caution to the ENGLISH speaker *I only create this fanfic for a hobby with poor grammar and poor implementation of the story* *I might not be able to update it regularly* *Heavily based on light novel and anime* Want to support me? Buy me a coffee ^.^ ko-fi.com/greedyqindian

GreedyQindian · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

5th True Dragon



The final battle between Rimuru and Geld the Demon Lord comes to an end with Rimuru's victory, as the whole Lizardman and Goblins start celebrating while Orcs who gain reason because of the disappearance of their king and Unique Skill: 'Starve One' become depressed and sad because of their defeat.

"I guess it's over."


Rimuru said to the group of Kijins behind him while the handsome man with red-haired agreed to him.

"I promised you'd be free once the Orc Lord was defeated. Thanks for all your help."



"Rimuru-sama, I have a favor to ask"

"What is it?"

"Please accept our allegiance; We will continue to serve you."

"You're sure about that?"

Rimuru question the group of Kijins behind him

"I have no objections."

An old Kijin said to Rimuru

"We are truly fortunate to have met you, Rimuru-sama."

Another handsome Kijin said with blue hair with one horn contrasting to the color of the red-hair one with two horns.

"Hehehe, I'm your secretary and bodyguard, Rimuru-sama; I'll never leave your side."

A Beautiful Kijin with a great figure and big bust said to Rimuru as she hugged him behind, emphasizing her big bust on the head of Rimuru.

"Not until the ends of our lives."

The group of Kijins said to Rimuru as they bowed down to him respectfully.




"Master, I'm sorry for letting those Clowns escape."

Artoria sincerely apologized as she let those clowns escape.

"No need for that, someone breaking the Unique Skill: Absolute domain of Jeff was unexpected even for me, so no need to feel sorry for it"


"More importantly, I'm going to do something, just relax and eat some foods created by the white goblins; some are delicious."


"As you command master!"

Dino knowing the weakness of Artoria, decides to tell her about the foods created by the White goblins as jeff shakes his head and decides to follow Artoria, who leaves in vigor, making Dino alone in his place.

(Yosh, now that those two are gone, its time for me to use this)

Dino thought as he brought the Orb full of Magicules and Souls that resides inside it.

(What I lack was absolute existences like Veldora with Rimuru, Velgrynd with Rudra, and Velzard with Guy Crimson, if that was the case, I'm going to summon an existence close to those guys to become a chess player in this world)

Dino knowing who he was going to summon, imagined the figure of a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes.

"Summoning Servant"



[Notice by administrative Assistant: You summoned a servant name Ophis {\>.<\}]

World Voice: [A 5th True dragon has been born]

[Notice by administrative Assistant: Ophis was recognized by the Voice of the World as a True Dragon changing her race as a True Dragon {\o.O/}]

[Notice by administrative Assistant: Because of her unfathomable power, she could undoubtedly escape the influence of King Indolence that gives absolute loyalty {\>.</}]




"That was!!!"

A handsome man with blood-red eyes and wavy, burning hair with a deep shade of rouge stands up as he detects someone whose very existence was close to his partner Velzard.

"Velzard, did you notice it?"

"Yes, someone managed to become a True dragon or been born as a True dragon?"

A young woman answered his inquiry who embodied the very ice itself.

"HAhaHAha, It looks like my decades of boredom will end."


"Velgrynd that was!?"

"Yes, Rudra... maybe another little brother or sister of mine was born as a True Dragon; maybe it was Veldonava itself."

The two figures said in the palace of the Eastern Empire as they started changing their plans on the upcoming battle between them and Guy Crimson.



"Master, who is she?"

"She is Ophis-chan, the mascot of this place and True dragon, so please treat her well."

Artoria questions Dino as the girl eats everything created by goblins, making Artoria displeased by the little girl's action. At the same time, everyone became shocked by what Dino said, particularly the White goblins, as they started prostrating on the ground.

"Now, no need for the ceremony, right Ophis-chan?"

"As long you give me a home, then I'm okay with everything."

The little girl said as she munched on the food given to her by the White goblins.

"As expected of Dino-sama becoming friends to a True Dragon."

"With her and Dino-sama, the Great Forest of Jura would finally regain its peace."

The White Goblins praise Dino and Ophis as they intensify their celebration by winning against the Orc Lord.

"Dino-sama, Artoria-sama a Dryad was in front of the base requesting an audience; what should we do?"

Jeff said to Dino and Artoria while Ophis was on his lap, still eating the grilled meat given by the white goblins.

"Okay, let them in."

"Yes, Master"

(It looks like the management of this Forest would most likely going to be talked about, given the current situation)

Dino thought as he started planning his next plan for the upcoming scheme he was going to do.



A group of monsters comes into the base of Dino as they decide to do what their next plan is; as the meeting progresses to the pardoning of Orcs and giving them food supplies, Treyni the Dryad stands up.

"Then... As a caretaker of Forest I, Treyni now pledges to acknowledge Rimuru-sama and Artoria-sama as the leaders of the Great Forest of Jura. Thus the Alliance of Great Forest of Jura would be created."

(EH! Me? leader?)


Every monster in the meeting started bowing down to Rimuru and Artoria as they acknowledged their new leaders, making Rimuru panic. At the same time, Artoria was not undisrupted by the decision given by Treyni itself.


"Was there a second for this food?"

Dino said as he disguised himself as an ordinary monster while also bowing down; no, more like laying down on the ground like a worm.

Thanks for reading ^.^

GreedyQindiancreators' thoughts