
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

Bazett 1 and important notice

(Shirou's pov)

After my talk with Truck-chan I returned home to be greeted by Illya and Chloe.

Illya and Chloe: "Welcome back Onii-chan."

There was also third person to greet me.

Irisviel: "Welcome back Shirou."

Shirou: "I'm home."

I said with the voice full of affection. Before I even noticed they became my family. Not remembering my past helped it as well as I didn't have or at least recall having a family so they are my first one.

Wait, Irisviel? When did she came back?

Shirou: "When did you returned?"

Irisviel: "I came back just today. I had a feeling that something bad is happening but it seems that I was wrong this time."

She said with mischievous smile as if she is seeing through me.

Knowing her she probably does but doesn't say anything.

She always was a carefree person but at the same time is the most perceptive one.

Irisviel: "Oh, by the way. This girl here is Illya's and yours cousin, Chloe von Einzbern."

She said while showing off Chloe.

Shirou: "We already know each. We met just the other day."

Irisviel clapped her hands together.

Irisviel: "That's great."

She turned around ready to go the living room just to turn back in my direction.

Irisviel: "I almost forgot to tell you, from today onwards Chloe will live with us."

With that said she left me, Illya and Chloe alone.

Shirou: "I'm sure that Irisviel already said it but welcome in the family."

I patted her head making her happy.

Chloe: "Thank you Onii-chan."

And that was the end of this day.

*Next day*

The morning was rather chaotic. Chloe sneaked into my room to sleep with me making Illya mad.

She tried to slap me but I avoided all her attempts. She looked at me strangely as if I broke rule of some sort but I just shrugged it off. Why would I let be hit if I didn't do anything wrong.

During breakfast Irisviel made ranking of all family members and of course I was at the bottom of said list. It didn't bother me since it doesn't affect me in any way and I know that she is really likes to tease and troll people, not that I don't understand her.

My day in school went as usual. I avoided some "lucky" situation by using my reflex. I haven't talk with Nanami the whole day or rather she is avoiding me and I don't blame her. From her perspective I was trying to kill a person and I wasn't willing to explain anything.

But maybe it's better that way. Being near me would be dangerous for her since events of season 3 of prisma Illya will start soon and even before there is fight with Gilgamesh.

The day after was also uneventful. Besides a little competition between Illya and Chloe nothing has happend. It would be nice to have more such days but I know better than anyone that it's just wishful thinking.

The day after while I was returning home I had a bad feeling coming from Luvia's villa. That can mean a lot of things actually but it's probably Bazett.

I instinctively lick my lips.

Let's see how much fun our fight will be.

Bazett Fraga McRemitz is a Mage's association first-combat specialist. Ahe was able to defeat archer and lancer without any trouble.

Knowing that I of course changed my clothes, got my mask and went to the battlefield.

Outside Luvia's house looked normal as if nothing has happened but once I went through the front gate the image of villa changed completely. Once a beautiful villa was now in ruins.

Illya and Chloe: "!!?"

Both Illya and Chloe just walked outside of our house to see me open the gate. Naturally they were able to see the ruins.

Chloe: "What is happening Archer?"

Shirou: "And why do you think that I know something?"

Chloe: "Because you often know things that you should not have any information about."

Shirou: "True enough but I'm not a fan of explaining things so go ask Rin or Luvia after we are done with her."

I said as I pointed finger at a young woman.

Bazett: "Reinforcement? If so, you are late."

She launched herself towards me. I was ready to parry her strike so I almost instantly projected Kanshou and Bakuya to stop her attack. Her attacks were heavy. It's no wonder that she were able to retrieve two servant cards.

Seeing this Chloe changed her clothes to battle attire and attacked Bazett.

She threw her twin sword at Bazett and summoned a wall of swords. Bazett effortlessly broke them but Chloe was ready to fire off her arrow.

Chloe: "Bye bye."

Bazett was unfazed by that.

Bazett: "I've already seen this tactic."

She caught flying arrow in her hands but behind the first one was a second arrow which surprised Bazett.

She was able to deflect the second arrow with the one in her hand.

Shirou: "It seems that you were mistaken as you were suprised by the tactic you have 'seen'."

Bazett: "You used my knowledge against myself. It seems that I'm fighting against cunning opponent this time."

Shirou: That you do but enough talking let's get down to business."

With these words I project and threw three pairs of Kanshou and Bakuya at Bazett.

When they were centimetres from ger I used Reinforcement on them to make them longer and stronger, trapping Bazett in the process.

However this didn't stop her as she broke them quite easily.

Bazett: "It seems that you still have some tricks up your sleeves and it looks like you use the power of an Archer the same as that girl before but while she uses her power more instinctively tou do it more deliberately. By that I can conclude that one of you have an Archer card."

I let go of my weapons which suprise Bazett once again.

Bazett: "Giving up already?"

Shirou: "No, but you gave me the chance to say something that I always wanted to say."

I projected a shield and a spear. A shield was a round one. It ad tree parts. A gold rim then red circle and lastly once again gold center.A spear was a standard one. Nothing was exceptional about it.

These weapons didn't have any special abilities or powerful attack the same way Excalibur or Gae Bolg had but that's why they were the best against Bazett.

Bazett has a skill that allows her to negate any noble phantasm directed at her and kill her opponent. That which comes later cuts first Fragarach.

I slammed my spear in the ground.

Shirou: "You want the servant cards? Molon labe."

With these words I readied myself for in comic attacks.


(A/N This is the end of this chapter, hope that you are enjoying it.

I decided to let YOU guys decide the fate of our protagonist Shirou. Should it be a harem or just one girl. I started writing with only Rin as a lover but Nanami and Truck-chan started to grow on me and now Bazett but no Luvia, sorry Luvia fans.

Vote here:



I already have ending of this fanfic in my head and it will be epic if I can say so myself. There will be a two new servant class and new antagonist but not of character so fasten your seatbelts.

The second think I want your opinion is my next novel. I wont write two ar the same time but I would at least ready myself for it. Earlier I said that it would be Highschool DxD fanfic but I had some other ideas and can't decide from which one should I start with so I'll write short synopsis for each one of them

Being parent in Highschool DxD(title in progress) - Some guy died, got his powers and was reborn in Highschool DxD 500 years before canon. Story starts when our protagonist is married to Serafall and has two children with her. I would try to make most focus on them and not protagonist. The children will be first year in Kuoh academy.

Nurarihyon in Rosario to vampire - Once again some guy died, got to be reborn as son of Nurarihyon but is not quarter or even half human. He is full fledged youkai so he will not have easy way to get Moka.

Himura Kenshin in History strongest disciple - Kenshin died in the battle againstShishio Makoto and had a chance to be reborn. He wished to be reborn in peaceful times but to have his wish fulfilled the God a condition. Kenshin needed to train Hiten Mitsurugi style once again. For the first 16 years everything was alright but once his friend Kenichi Shirahama started training in Ryozanpaku his peaceful days ended.

Being tourist in pokemon - The protagonist of this story is a big pokemon fan but it's not his only hobby. He also likes to travel around the world. While he was a Japan he was killed by a truck. He then was sent to pokemon world with his poke bank and all his pokemon inside. His goal is not to become a champion or be the best like no one ever was but to travel around this new world to see what is to be seen.

You can vote for these. There was one more idea but I gave up on it because it was to difficult for me write.

If someone wants to take this idea and turn it into novel be my guest.

The story goes like this - the protagonist is not reincarnated this time he is a normal guy in not so normal world. This world is combination of all famous detective and mystery manga(Detective Conan, Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro, The Kindaichi case files and more)there is and he is always tangled up in some cases and it's not even the worst part, he always is the first suspect too. At first he tries to avoid the mysteries like a plague but they always find him in the end so he had a brilliant idea to finally commit a murder and be sent to jail just to find more mysteries there.

That's enough from me, peace out.