
Reincarnated As An Undead In My Novel.

'Thanatos' is one of the most popular Authors in the world, but he has a dark past. ... A novel he considers to be his biggest flop. One day, a reader brings this novel to his notice and tries to make him complete it, with threats. He refuses, but soon finds himself in the very world he created and abandoned many years ago. Now reincarnated as a mere Undead, Thanatos is stuck in this world as nothing more than an NPC and must navigate his way in this failed novel of his. Not just that... but he somehow has to see the story to the very end.

Tehn · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

The Unveiling

Thanatos, under the cover of Charlotte's cloaking spell, made his way through the dungeon with silent, measured steps. 

His bones clicked together rhythmically, creating a steady, almost melodic counterpoint to the pounding of his bony heart. 

"Stay quiet, stay hidden," he reminded himself, "and then strike with a vengeance."

As Thanatos tiptoed through the corridor, a thought flickered through his mind like a malevolent spark. 

'Find the prey,' he thought, 'lead it to Charlotte's trap, and then—' He cut himself off, focusing on the goal. 

Charlotte would be setting up the trap, just as they'd planned. 

He could almost feel her magic seeping through the dungeon's cold stone, luring the creature into a false sense of security.

A boar appeared in the corner of Thanatos' eye, trotting along with a huffing snort. 

For a moment, Thanatos' hand twitched on the hilt of his spear, but he resisted the urge to pounce. 

'Not this time,' he thought, receding into the shadows. 

'Boars won't do. I need something more challenging, a different race. Something that will make this new move of mine count.'

Thanatos' search for a worthy opponent seemed fruitless. 

But then, he spotted a sinuous snake-like creature. It hissed menacingly, its forked tongue flickering. 

Thanatos held his breath, his skeletal frame poised for action.

Ah yes, you're right, I got it mixed up. Let's give it another shot:

"When I first saw you, I was not powerful enough to take you on. But now, with my new move and Charlotte's trap, we're ready." 

He smiled, the expression baring his teeth in a grotesque grimace. 'Yes,' he thought. 'I'm ready.'

With a slow, measured step, Thanatos moved towards the serpentine creature. 

The cloaking spell shimmered as he made contact with the monster, making him suddenly visible. 

The creature reared back in shock, its red eyes flashing with rage.

And with a vicious hiss, it lunged.

Thanatos smiled. "Finally," he thought, turning and sprinting down the corridor. 

"Let's go for a little chase, shall we?" He cackled, the sound dry and eerie in the dungeon's still air.

Tthe monster slithered after him, and its tongue flickering with rage, Thanatos grinned and tapped into the magicules that hummed around him. 

His bony fingers shimmered with power as he channelled the magicules into his leg bones, imbuing them with new speed and agility. 

"Let's see how you like a little dash," he chuckled, lengthening his stride and outpacing the monster. "Not bad for an undead, eh?"

Thanatos continued to run, dodging around corners, the serpentine creature hissing and snapping at his heels. 

Despite his newfound speed and agility, the monster kept pace, its reptilian form sleek and relentless. 

"Come on, come on!" Thanatos taunted. "Almost there, almost there!" He grinned as the dungeon curved and widened ahead, the outline of Charlotte's slender form barely visible in the shadows. "Gotcha," he whispered.

Charlotte channeled her mana into the runes she had been sketching on the dungeon floor. 

Her magic, while effective, had yet to be tested on a larger target. 

But she felt confident in the new, enhanced version of her spell. She would need all the power she could muster to fully trap this monster.

With a determined expression, she finished tracing the final runes and infused them with her power. "Let's see how you like this," she whispered.

As the serpent lunged after Thanatos, he leapt into the air with an agile spin, avoiding its deadly bite. 

In that same moment, Charlotte released her spell. A shimmering, sticky web of magic erupted from the runes she had etched onto the floor, enveloping the snake's slithering form. 

The creature writhed and hissed, but the glue held fast, it had been strengthened by the runes Charlotte cast.

Thanatos, his attention still fixed on the struggling snake, kicked his legs upwards in a fluid, effortless motion. 

The magicules that he had concentrated into his feet thrummed with power, propelling him backwards in midair. 

He twisted, his skeletal form rotating with a deadly elegance, and aimed himself directly at the immobilized creature.

"Time to test my new technique," he growled, his sword eyes in the gloom.

Thanatos, his eyes focused and determined, twisted his skeletal fingers in the air, weaving the magicules into a tightly coiled ball of energy around his fist. 

The sphere crackled and hummed with power, its fierce light illuminating the serpent's scaly hide. 

With a single, sharp motion, he thrust his hand forward, the sphere exploding in a blinding flash of light and energy. 

The force of the blow sent the monster crashing to the floor, its body going limp and lifeless.

Thanatos flexed his bony fingers, examining the damage he'd inflicted on the monster with grim satisfaction.

Thanatos flipped through the air, his skeletal limbs spinning with a fluid, almost graceful precision. 

He landed lightly on his feet, his bony knees flexing and absorbing the impact of his landing. 

'Finally,' he thought, the satisfaction thrumming through his form. "I've found a way to fight that suits me. No more relying on stone spears alone.

Thanatos lowered his gaze to his bony fist, studying the damage inflicted by his new technique. 

The magic had been potent, and yet his fist, the focal point for the energy, was now severely damaged. 

He flexed his hand, the fingers clicking and popping as he clenched them into a bony fist. 

'So much power,' he mused, his thoughts laced with a mix of fascination and concern. "But at what cost?"

The faintest of smiles flickered across Thanatos' deathly visage as he concentrated his magicules into his damaged fist. 

Slowly but surely, the pieces of bone began to knit together, reforming into a solid, functional hand. 

He flexed his fingers, testing their range of motion, and grinned. 

'A minor setback, nothing more.' He felt the magicules humming within him, ready to be tapped and unleashed once again. 

'All I have to do is refine this technique, and nothing will stand in our way.'

Thanatos rubbed his chin thoughtfully, contemplating the flaws in his newly discovered technique. 

'It's not perfect,' he mused, flexing his healed hand. 

'My body is still too fragile to withstand such a powerful use of magicules, and it takes time to move the energy from one part of my body to another. But it will have to do for now.'

He stared down at his hands, the magicules dancing along his fingertips like sparks of light.

Alright, let's dial it back to something simpler:

He clenched his fist, testing his newly healed limb, the bones clicking in satisfying response.

Yes, this technique would serve him well, in time. But for now, there was work to be done.

Enjoy the chapter.

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