
Reincarnated as an Octopus?

Towers started appearing around the world. Monsters too appeared like ghosts and started killing and eating the living. Prior to this, Jas and his group of friends were in the train, chatting. It then all began. Just like how fleeting a ripple can be, his life ended too. but ... is that The End?

Blanconom · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 : I’m a ?

With its razor-sharp claws, the monster ripped Jas apart and bit through his flesh, eating Jas as he screamed with blood spurting out of his mouth.

Seeing how Jas was torn apart shocked Eso and Resqes, their mouths agape without a single sound. They couldn't move because of the fear inflicted on them. After getting its first taste of human meat, the monster couldn't resist itself and rushed towards the prey in front.

At this moment, Johan ran while screaming with anger and sorrow, he kicked the rat monster, in an attempt to get revenge for Jas, but alas, it was all for naught. It was almost impossible for guns to work against a monster, much less an unarmed civilian.

Johan stomach was blown apart by a single strike. The monster had dodged his flying kick and counterattacked along with a kick. Now meters apart from Jas, Johan used his arms and crawled towards him despite the aggravating wounds on his body. His efforts paid off, he was now next to Jas.

[I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise Jas, but at least now, I'll be coming with you, please wait for me, as you've always did] Johan was angry at himself, angry that he couldn't protect Jas, that he wasn't next to him when the monster was there, that he allowed Jas to let go of his hand. With a final dying breath

"I…ha-…" running out of energy to finish his sentence, darkness loomed over Johan as he fell into eternal slumber, all while caressing the bloodied body of Jas.

'Tturinkk' ((Do…n't w..orry, y..ou will …get t…o see h…im a..gain.))

Eso and Resqes once again witness another one of their best friends get caught by the monster, helplessness, and shock strike their minds for the second time, unable to face reality. In a matter of seconds, the police started dragging the two girls into the shelter. They struggled against the officers and tried to reach out their hands towards their friends. Their friends ' bodies were now completely crushed by the stampede of monsters. A final scream before the shelter was closed off.

"NOOOOOOOOO" accompanied by the intense sobbing from inside the shelter.


As Jas was ripped apart and thrown away by the monster, he also witnessed what Johan had done, he wanted to stop him, but he could not speak. As Immense pain started to attack his nerves, consciousness fading away, he could see Johan getting nearer to him. With every blink, Johan was nearer to him and finally, he was next to Johan. He too wanted to caress Johan but no matter how hard he tried, he could no longer move his body and with that, his vision slowly disappeared.

In the vast darkness, Jas heard a voice, although fleeting and foreign, he felt an odd familiarity with it.

((I final-ly .. found you.. you.'re… sa..fe..now…)).

Hearing this, Jas was no longer scared, he felt relaxed, as if in tranquillity. He felt comfortable even though he was encased in darkness, as though he was sleeping.

What felt like an eternity was in fact a matter of seconds. Jas felt a surge of overwhelming sensation as he ' woke ' from his slumber. He opened his eyes but what he saw was still the same, darkness. He tried to open it again, but the view remained the same.

[ Where am I? Why can't I see? … Who am I !?] Jas asked countless questions inside his mind and tried to figure them out, but nothing came into his mind. Unknown fear started to creep onto him, as he couldn't remember anything, the darkness didn't help either. In that moment.

((you.'re… sa..fe..now…))

[I'm safe? … I remember someone saying that to me, but who? Never mind, I should start by figuring out where I am and think about the others later.] The fleeting fear disappeared quickly upon remembering the words Jas had heard, as if it helped clear his mind of his worries.

He then tried to stretch his arms. He could feel a surface surrounding him, almost like he was trapped within a wall. He continued to survey the surface until he touched something weird, something slimy, sticky, and yet it felt like he was being touched at the same time.

[ What's that ??? it feels disgusting too, but why does it feel like I can feel something as well? Could it be that, it belongs to me? A part of me?... Oh! I can control it, it feels like I have more arms! and 8 of them as well! … Is that normal? It feels normal and yet it doesn't]

Jas continued to survey his surroundings, using his 8 limbs to stretch around, as if he naturally had 8 limbs. He discovered that knocking on the wall surrounding him made a small cracking sound, so he decided to use all his energy to break it apart. A hole was formed, and albeit dark, he could see something, a dark greyish ceiling. Seeing that made Jas excitedly gather his 8 limbs and with all his strength, break open the small hole.

[ An egg? I was in an egg! But where am I? There's barely any light so I can't see]