
Reincarnated as an Octopus?

Towers started appearing around the world. Monsters too appeared like ghosts and started killing and eating the living. Prior to this, Jas and his group of friends were in the train, chatting. It then all began. Just like how fleeting a ripple can be, his life ended too. but ... is that The End?

Blanconom · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 : Outram Park Station

"Please mind the platform gap". As the announcement was made, a group of Students walked onto the train.

"What time you reserve ah ?" Jas asked curiously.

"2 o'clock, you never see the chat meh?" Resqes replied.

Jas and his best friends, Eso, Johan, and Resqes were on their way to eat hotpot. As there were too many messages sent in the group chat yesterday, he couldn't see the reserved timing.

The train started moving and just as he was about to convey his thoughts, the ground started trembling. The rumble made everyone struggle to stay still, passengers were screaming while holding on to the poles, some held onto the handhelds, and some even embraced their partners.

After a few seconds, screeching sounds were heard. After a minute a two, the rumbling started to gradually stop, an announcement was made

" Due to the impact of an unknown force, the tracks ahead have been damaged, this train will stop for the time being. Please do not open the cabin doors by force and wait for our train conductors, they will release the doors and guide you shortly."

"W-what happened !?" - Jas asked with a shocked-like voice while hugging Johan.

"I don't know! Let's just wait for the conductor !" - Eso

"Are y'all okay!? Did y'all hurt yourselves?" - Resqes asked while holding onto Eso

"We're fine, what about y'all ?" - Johan replied while holding on to the handheld.

"We're fine too!" Eso replied

Loud screams could be heard in the front cabins of the train.

Hearing the grotesque-like screams, Jad and his friends look in the direction of the scream. Stained red everywhere, a lone human-like entity could be seen ravaging the area as hordes of people started running out and toward Jas and his friends.

[ What the fuck is that ??? It's covered with blood? Isn't that very dangerous? Let's just get away from here first! ] - Jas

While Jas was thinking about all these, Johan had already moved towards the door and forcibly opened the cabin doors. He turns around and signals his friends to run away. Group by group, Jas, Eso, Resqes, and other passengers started moving out of the cabin through the door.

However, what they don't realise is that behind these opened doors awaits unstoppable chaos.

As the crowd started running towards stairs and escalators, Jas and his friends did the same. An announcement, along with danger-sounding buzzers was played on repeat throughout the station.

"Please move to the Bomb shelter immediately. There is a suspected terrorist attack across the island, please move to the Bomb shelter immediately..."

The group went up the staircase and followed the crowd, hoping that the direction was indeed towards the bomb shelter.

Reaching the top of the stairs, the group looked around for the authorities. Holding onto each other's arms in a straight line amidst the crowd, they followed the signs and walked toward the shelter.

Just then, loud explosions were heard. People screamed and ducked as corpses flew across from the explosion, blood was scattered everywhere, immediately stinking up the place with the smell is rust.

The same entities appeared from the smoke. This time round Jas could have a closer look regarding these monsters. Sharp fangs and a long snout, with whiskers l, disgusting claws, and a worm-like tail flailing around.

"Rats!..Giant Rats? ..Monsters! They're monsters!!" the crowd screamed about

These monster rats were coming from all but one direction, the shelter.

"Quick, Run!" Johan howled as he pointed towards the safe zone.

The group let go of each other's arms and ran as if their lives depended on it, indeed it did. Jas looked around while running, everyone was getting killed, a simple slash, a simple bite from these monsters, and their bodies were ripped apart.

Jas didn't think much of it, all he thought of was to survive, to run, with all his might and survive.

"Ppa-.. Ppa-..Ppa..Ppa-Ppa..."

Finally, the police force came. With firearms spraying towards the monsters, the police tried to stop these monsters from attacking. The monsters didn't dodge, they took all of the bullets head-on. The results were pitiful, the monsters were unscathed.

All the bullets did was stop the rats for the duration. Once new ammunition was needed, the monsters began running toward civilians, as if they were infected with rabies.

Jas and his group are almost reaching the shelter just a few hundred more meters.

[ Yes! We can do this, just run. Hmm? What's that? No..NO! ]

At the corner of his eyes, Jas witnesses the monster closing in on Eso. With all the energy spent on running, Eso doesn't see the imminent danger approaching.

Jas held onto Eso's arms and pulled her towards the left as hard as he could. Shocked by what happened, Eso turns around and sees Jas in front of her, and what lurks behind him is imminent death.

With its razor-sharp claws, the monster ripped Jas apart and bit through his flesh, eating Jas as he screamed with blood spurting out of his mouth.

Hi! I hope that you will enjoy reading this story! I have lots of ideas and I hope it's interesting enough!

This is my first time writing a novel so please do forgive me if the writing is not good.

Blanconomcreators' thoughts