
Determination and Kinjutsu.

'Now that I am going to the academy I shouldn't just learn about ninjutsu, taijutsu, and shurikenjutsu. I will have to know the history of Konoha, the system that shinobi operate in and it couldn't hurt if I knew all the laws of this place.' Gin started thinking while walking in the direction of the library. 'Maybe I should do some research about the Inuzuka Clan as well since in the few memories from my past life there isn't much about my clan.'

Gin continued walking in deep thought, but it didn't take long for him and Kamimaru to smell the scent of the little Hyuuga girl that was following them since the academy. He started pondering about Hinata's fate and how obvious it was that she needed someone to give her strength.

The silver-haired boy stopped walking and turned around with the little wolf inside his hoodie. He looked at an alleyway that was a few meters behind him and spotted the little girl hiding in the shadow of a building.

"Hey, Hinata-chan is there something you want to talk about?" Gin asked after releasing a deep sigh.

The Hyuuga Heiress pushed her back against the wall trying to hide her presence and decided not to make a single sound not to give away her position.

"Hinata-chan, you do know that I am an Inuzuka right?" Gin asked pointing a finger to his nose. "It's not like I can't smell you in the alleyway and it's not like I don't know that you have been following me since the academy."

"I-I'm s-sorry Gin-kun!" Hinata said after leaving her hiding spot looking at the ground with an expression filled with shame.

"I don't mind you following me Hinata-chan, but if you have something to tell me, it would be best to say it now." Gin declared while looking at the little girl that just kept her gaze on the ground. "You know Hinata-chan, you shouldn't keep looking at the ground like this. When other people see you doing this, they think that you are easy to bully and that won't fight back."

"I-I'm s-sorry..." Hinata started to apologize again before being interrupted.

"You don't need to apologize about that either, the only reason I am telling you this is that I care about you." Gin explained himself keeping an eye on the girl in front of him.

'Gin-kun said that he cares about me!!! I can't believe it!!' Hinata started thinking to herself while her cheeks began to turn redder and redder until her whole face was as red as a tomato.

Looking at the Hyuuga in front of him Gin couldn't stop himself from frowning, he was trying to help the girl gain a little more confidence in herself, but it seemed that all she could think about was her feelings for him. After thinking for a bit, Gin decided to give her a bigger push, and since he couldn't stop her from having feelings for him, his best plan of action was to help her channel this 'love' in a better direction.

"Hinata-chan do you want to know what is the kind of girl that I like?" Gin asked her with a grin on his face.

The little Hyuuga girl almost jumped on the spot when she heard the words that came out of the mouth of the boy she likes. Hinata thinking that she couldn't trust her words right now chose to nod slowly still keeping her head down and refusing to gaze at Gin's face.

"You see, I don't mind too much if my mate is weak or doesn't have much confidence." Gin started talking slowly but continued to pay attention to Hinata's face seeing that a small happy smile formed on her lips. "What I dislike is if the girl can't recognize her weakness and is incapable of working hard enough to better herself." Gin stopped a bit seeing the terrified look on the Heiress's face. "You are beautiful Hinata-chan, but if you want me to like you the way you like me, you shouldn't focus so much on how weak or shy you are, and more on how can you become stronger and more confident."

Gin finished what he had to say and started walking again in the direction of the library with Kamimaru leaving a dazed Hinata behind that kept looking at the floor with a crying face.

"It's okay to me if you aren't able to become strong and confident Hinata-chan. What matters to me is if you are willing to give your all or not." Gin said to the girl while walking away without turning back.

'It's okay if I am weak and shy? It is just not okay if I don't try to get better? Even if I failed, he could still like me if I gave my all?' Hinata asked herself before raising her head and gazing at the back of the boy she liked showing all the determination she could muster on her face.

Gin entered the library and walked straight to the history section, he picked up some scrolls about Konoha's past and started comparing the information he found with what he could remember from his previous life. His memories seemed to be accurate for the most part with only a few discrepancies that he could see here and there.

After a few hours of reading about the village, Gin decided to check the scrolls about the Inuzuka Clan's past. Once again most of the information was already known to him, but there was a paragraph in a manuscript about a war that happened years before the establishment of Konohagakure that stood out to the boy.

'The Inuzuka Commander then adopted the features of his ninken as his own...after transforming half his body...half dog and half human...slaughtering the entire enemy platoon...' Gin continued to read with a massive frown on his face. 'I never heard about any technique on the Inuzuka that made you part dog and part human. Maybe it is a reference to the bloodline mode, but the description says that it wasn't just claws and fangs there was also fur, ears and eyes and a bunch of other stuff that changed.'

Gin stayed there for a few more hours before deciding to walk home while the sun was still out. During the whole way to his house, he kept thinking about what he read in that scroll. 'I know that there is a technique that fuses an Inuzuka with their ninken, but in this case, they become a giant canine and not a half breed. Maybe I should ask Kaachan about this.'

"What do you think about this Kamimaru?" Gin asked his partner.

"I don't know, Kuromaru-Ojisan told me of a lot of techniques that we ninken can use with our humans, but he never said anything about this." The little wolf answered.

Gin got home, took his bath as always and sat at the dinner table with his mother and his sister while their ninken ate on the floor near them. He was ready to ask the Inuzuka Clan Head about what he read earlier today and was only trying to gather a bit of courage.

"Kaachan there is something I would like to ask you about." Gin declared while bringing a slice of meat to his mouth.

"What is it Pup?" Tsume asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, earlier today I went to the library after my class was cut short and when I was reading scrolls that talked about the past of the Inuzuka Clan I found something about a Jutsu." Gin started explaining cautiously while looking at Tsume's face. "There was this scroll that talked about an Inuzuka Commander during a war describing how he became a hybrid between human and dog and slaughtered a whole enemy platoon." The boy finished looking for a reaction in his mother's expression. "And I wanted to know if this Jutsu exists because neither Kamimaru nor I have ever heard about it."

"I see, and why do you want to know about it?" Tsume asked.

"I don't particularly have a reason...I just wanted to know about it." Gin answered with a frown.

"Well it's not like this is a secret or anything, we just don't talk about because no one else can use this Jutsu anymore." Tsume stopped, looked at Gin's face that showed he wanted to know more about it and raised her hand so she wouldn't be interrupted. "This was a Kinjutsu called 'Ninpou: Kemono no Kizuna,' it used a complicated seal that was placed in both the Inuzuka and his ninken making it so they could both share their power with one another. The problem is that for this kinjutsu to work you need a Fuinjutsu Master that also has the Inuzuka Bloodline to place the seal on both the human and the canine and the last Inuzuka that Mastered Fuinjutsu died a long time ago."

"But why is it a kinjutsu Kaa-san?" Asked Hana that seemed to be paying as much attention as her brother to the conversation.

"Because when the jutsu was activated the instincts of both the human and their ninken were amplified to the maximum together with their bloodlust. Most of the Clan Members that used this jutsu lost themselves in madness, and only a few were able to learn how to control their inner beast." Tsume explained.

After hearing all of that Gin lost himself from the conversation and started arranging the information in his mind. 'Maybe I should try to become a seals master. It's not like there is anything they can teach me in the academy and I should make use of the years where I don't have to take missions to earn money.' The silver-haired boy raised his head and looked at the ceiling before finishing his thoughts with a smile. 'It seems I'll be reading a lot of books in the next few years.'

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