
Reincarnated as an elf in Mushoku Tensei

Not knowing the consequences, Arthur was isekaid to the world of Mushoku Tensei after filling out a Mushoku Tensei CYOA. The cover picture was made by JUY' on Pinterest.

OP_NovelAddict · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Saying Goodbye

Six months have passed and I'm finally getting ready to go to Roa city. A lot has happened some of that being emotional. First, Rudy and Sylphy got some starter lessons in magic. They've continued to use magic to increase their mana pool, but they're still learning how to do most elementary magic.

Roxy and I continued to practice magic together, and I taught her a new spell I had made. It's a water spell which fuses water and fire magic to create a geyser. I also practiced disturb magic with Roxy on all of the different magic she had.

Apparently, disturb magic works by injecting foreign mana into a forming spell which makes it lose its shape, therefore disbanding it. It was good practice, and while I practiced it Roxy also tried using it. She tried for a while to use it but it just would not work for her, so she decided to give it a rest and come back to it when she learned more.

Besides the magic side of things, I asked my parents if I could go into the city. They seemed very hesitant at first, they knew I was very strong and mature for my age but I was still their child. So to convince them, I said that I would ask Paul for some help getting to the city. They finally agreed that I could go as long as Paul would help me.

So, I asked Paul if there was anyway he could help me if I were to go to the city. Which he responded with what I expected, which was that there was a tutor job open in the city paying 2 silver a month. They would also send someone to pick me up if I were to accept the job.

Thinking about it, this is probably the only option I can take. I could just leave by myself against my parents wishes, but I don't want to hurt them. Besides, getting a tutoring job could get me some easy starting capital for business. Especially at my age 2 silvers is a lot.

From what I remember from the wiki I read, each coin has a value 10x more than the coin below it. So, if a copper coin has the buying value of a dollar, the Asura large copper coin would be $10, silver coin would be $100, and the gold coin would be $1,000.

Doing some quick math, $200 dollars every month as a five year old is a steal! Plus, it's not like I have to be a tutor there forever, I just need enough money to start my own money making business. The added benefit is that I won't have to pay for housing.

After taking a few moments to think that over, I accept Paul's help. He tells me that he will send a letter saying that he has someone for the job and that they will be here to pick me up within a couple weeks.

Fast forwarding another week, Roxy decided it was finally time to go out and travel the world now that I'm also leaving. We promised each other to send letters every once in a while to keep in touch. It was a little sad, but we understand we will see each other again.

However, when Sylphy and Rudy discovered I was leaving... they were upset to say the least. Sylphy was upset, thinking I was leaving her, but after a quick talk and reassuring her that I would visit she calmed down.

Rudy was definitely the worst out of the three. I don't know if it was because I've just always been around her so she became attached, or something else, but she shut herself in her room and would not talk to me.

I gave her another week to cool down, but she never did. Now that the carriage for me to go has gotten here, I need to see what's wrong.

I tell my carriage taxi that I would be out in one moment, I didn't see Ghislaine so she must've not come. I go to Rudy's room and knock on the door, "Rudy, I'm about to leave for the City of Roa... I know you're mad at me but can we talk?"

I stand there for a few moments before I hear a little pitter-patter from Rudy walking towards the door. She opens the door with red eyes, probably from crying. I ask, "Can I come in?"

When she nods at me I go in and sit on the bed. I pat the bed indicating for her to sit next to me, which she does. I take a deep breath and ask, "Rudy, please tell me why you're mad at me. I know I didn't tell you I was leaving and I'm sorry about that, but I will still visit every once in a while. Plus, I can even buy you knew toys with the money I'm getting."

She shakes her head a couple times at me before going on a rant, "No! I don't care about any of that!" She continues with a crazy look in her eyes, "I'm mad because I won't be able to see you're face, or you're shirtless chest, or you're abs, or peek when you are in the bath-" I quickly cover her mouth with my hand.

What. The. Fuck.

What the fuck is this girl saying. When I said I wanted to cultivate a relationship I didn't mean this early! I whisper to her, "What are you saying right now! You're five years old!"

She moves my hand from her mouth sand says, "So? You're the same age as me, it's fine. Now when are we going to wrestle in bed like mommy and daddy."

I start to sweat, "Are you being serious right now? How do you even know this?!"

She replies, "I don't know Arthur, there's just something about your body..."

As she trails off staring at me I finally realize something. It's the innate Greyrat family pervertedness that's finally showing. I didn't know that it started this early, but maybe this is good. She already loves me, or at least loves something about me to the point where she doesn't want me to leave.

I could already have one out of the three girls I need for that mission to be completed. But it's too soon now, and I'm sure with time her affection will grow even more. I say to her, "No we aren't going to wrestle like your mom and dad. But if you promise to not be mad anymore, I'll give you a special present when you turn 15, deal?"

With a glint in her eye Rudy nods her head and says, "Fine, deal."

After giving her a hug I went outside and said goodbye to everyone else. Once that is done I hop into the carriage and tell the guy I'm ready to go.


Author's note:

I need a readers opinion on this. I personally feel like the story is moving a bit slow. I have a lot of ideas for this story based on what I've read from the novel and wiki's, and I wanted to know if you guys are getting a bit bored reading at this pace?

I've debated on slowing down the updates and making the chapters longer instead of the daily updates with shorter chapters. This way I have more time to solidify and put down my ideas in writing.

As an amateur writer I'm still trying to find my flow, so let me know what you guys think.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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