
Reincarnated As An Anomaly

"What is life like after being reincarnated into another world for me? No memories of the past, naur do I know where I came from or how I came to be dead. I simply was reincarnated into a world I was not mean't to be in, some may refer to me as an Anomaly. Some may believe that life as a reincarnated is like a ray of sunshine but that only lasts for a brief moment before it fades away. Not everyone is blessed with great fortune or extraordinary abilities from the start. Some people may be born into difficult circumstances and have to struggle to make ends meet. I had no magical power when I was born, in a world where it was common, so I was granted a special skill called Negation. This ability is what has kept me alive, as it can cancel out any magical attack. I have encountered people who were close to me, only to witness their eventual demise right before my eyes. I have endured the loss of so many people that it has caused me to become emotionally disconnected. What is the purpose of forming relationships if the person is destined to die anyway? The road I go is too dangerous for any weak person both physically and mentally to ally with. That is the harsh reality of Reincarnating for me. But I still do not lose hope. No matter how many times I question myself, I will prevail. There must be a reason to why I was sent here and I must find out. Doesn't matter how many times I fall or how many circumstances I've endured pain like no other. Atleast during those times I had peacefull times aswell with both friends and family, so watch out world. I, Tomo Yutura, am determined to survive until the end."

MajinLN · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Chapter 9 Part I

Before I had the chance to act, the goblin on the left lunged towards me at an extraordinary velocity. I quickly summoned my sword from my Dimensional Storage and our blades collided, producing a slight ripple in the air.


The goblin's immense power was astounding as it kept up its relentless and brutal strikes, nearly slicing me with every blow. Its agility and speed were remarkable, leaving me no time to catch my breath.

The goblin continued its relentless attack, its strikes becoming more frenzied and powerful. I felt my energy draining away, and I was sure I was about to succumb to its relentless onslaught. 

Despite my best efforts to parry its katana strikes, it was clear that my opponent had the advantage. Suddenly, the goblin spun around and attacked me with a swift thrust of its katana. I raised my iron sword to attempt to defend against the attack, but the sheer brute force that was exerted was too much and it broke through my sword, sending me flying to the other side of the room.

As I slammed into the wall, a searing pain surged through me. "Impossible!" I gasped in agony.

The pain seemed to be everywhere. I could feel it radiating from my head to my toes. I knew I had to get up if I wanted to keep going, but it felt like all the strength in my body had been drained from me. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to my feet, and I could feel every muscle in my body scream in agony. I stumbled forward, barely able to keep going. I had to make it, no matter what. I had to keep going.

I couldn't allow myself to be defeated, so I forced myself to rise. My gaze met the menacing eyes of the goblin, and I felt every nerve in my body start to buzz. My thoughts and emotions became chaotic as I tried to regain my composure. I exclaimed, "It's that feeling again!" A rush of adrenaline surged through me as I prepared for the challenge ahead. All extraneous thoughts vanished, leaving me focused on a single goal - to defeat my opponent.

I had to rely on the only tool that allowed me to progress this far, my own intellect.

I conjured three iron swords from my Dimensional Storage and used all my might to hurl them at the goblin. The creature was fooled by the diversion and I dashed towards it, materializing an axe in my hand and aiming for its head. The goblin's capabilities were undeniable and it had just managed to block my attack at the last moment. In anticipation of its counterattack, I quickly exchanged my axe for my iron sword since the axe was too cumbersome for me to move around efficiently.

My attacks became more sophisticated and graceful, each one of my strikes being executed with accuracy and speed. The goblin's expression changed to one of surprise as they wondered how my fighting style had changed so quickly. Despite my onslaught of attacks, it successfully blocked each one.


While I was now the agressor, the goblin obviously believed I would continue battling with my iron blade in order to match its quickness  I suddenly switched to an axe and pretended to make an attack, but in reality I struck the ground beneath us, causing the bone fragments to fly up in the air, distracting and temporarily blinding the goblin to my advantage.

I only needed a few seconds and used all my strength to land a single, lethal blow. My goal was to cut its head in half. However, the goblin avoided the strike, but not entirely, and I managed to slice off its right arm.


The goblin screamed in agony as its right arm was ripped from its shoulder. Blood rushed out like water. It had used its right hand to wield the katana expertly, but without the full limb, the goblin's abilities would be greatly reduced.

(Fun Fact! Tomo utilizes Dimensional Storage in an inventive and unconventional manner. As it is the only Skill he has access to, he takes full advantage of it, employing it for defensive, offensive, and tactical purposes. He swaps between weapons, stores items, and even moves rocks with it. Tomo is exceptionally skilled and adept in deploying his abilities, talents and strategies, truly a genius. Just think of how formidable he would be if he had mana!)