
Reincarnated As An Anomaly

"What is life like after being reincarnated into another world for me? No memories of the past, naur do I know where I came from or how I came to be dead. I simply was reincarnated into a world I was not mean't to be in, some may refer to me as an Anomaly. Some may believe that life as a reincarnated is like a ray of sunshine but that only lasts for a brief moment before it fades away. Not everyone is blessed with great fortune or extraordinary abilities from the start. Some people may be born into difficult circumstances and have to struggle to make ends meet. I had no magical power when I was born, in a world where it was common, so I was granted a special skill called Negation. This ability is what has kept me alive, as it can cancel out any magical attack. I have encountered people who were close to me, only to witness their eventual demise right before my eyes. I have endured the loss of so many people that it has caused me to become emotionally disconnected. What is the purpose of forming relationships if the person is destined to die anyway? The road I go is too dangerous for any weak person both physically and mentally to ally with. That is the harsh reality of Reincarnating for me. But I still do not lose hope. No matter how many times I question myself, I will prevail. There must be a reason to why I was sent here and I must find out. Doesn't matter how many times I fall or how many circumstances I've endured pain like no other. Atleast during those times I had peacefull times aswell with both friends and family, so watch out world. I, Tomo Yutura, am determined to survive until the end."

MajinLN · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Chapter 8 Part II

 When I first encountered the Goblin, I came up with the most inventive solution - I utilized Dimensional Storage to store a large rock and then used it to crush the Goblin. Although it was straightforward, it was also incredibly fatal. The thought that I am still alive today is what drives me.

I anticipate utilizing the same approach again, this time employing a boulder from this cave which appeared to be highly hardened.

Fortunately, there was a large boulder directly next to where I was concealed, so I quickly put it into my Dimensional Storage without the Goblins noticing. Now it was only the matter of crushing them all. 

I quickly spawned the boulder above their heads, and it immediately plummeted. They had no time to respond before the Goblin's were destroyed. I was pleased with my successful plan and couldn't help but think, "I'm so clever!".

"I was surprised to find that I had reached a new level as soon as they died," I said to myself. "That was certainly an effortless way to advance."


I whispered, "Are there more of them coming?" I quickly stored the boulder back into my Dimensional Storage and a group of ten goblins arrived after, probably because of the loud impact sound the boulder made when crashing into the ground. The goblins saw their subordinates on the ground, lifeless, and started growling. They were angry that their friends had died.

After eliminating the first batch of goblins, I intend to use the same strategy for the current group. I felt a chill run down my spine as I saw the goblins gathered together, but it wasn't out of fear. I felt a sense of exhilaration that I couldn't contain, almost as though something or someone inside of me was trying to break free. It was a similar feeling to when I killed my first goblin. However, I had an inexplicable thoery that this was somehow connected to my past life.

I let out a devious smirk as I thought of a brilliant scheme. I shall call it 'Cheat Boulder!' – an ingenious plan to exploit the boulder so I can move up the levels quickly.

I was ready to deploy my surprise attack as soon as I knew that the Goblins weren't prepared. I sent a massive boulder down, smashing them all. I then heard the sound of more of them coming, so I planned to use the same Cheat tatic again.

[Gaining Title 'Cheater']

[This title suggests that you are more prone to make you're own unconventional ways to accomplish tasks, as well as find any potential shortcuts that could make the process easier.]

I couldn't help but chuckle as I said, "Well isn't that ironic."