
Reincarnated As An Anomaly

"What is life like after being reincarnated into another world for me? No memories of the past, naur do I know where I came from or how I came to be dead. I simply was reincarnated into a world I was not mean't to be in, some may refer to me as an Anomaly. Some may believe that life as a reincarnated is like a ray of sunshine but that only lasts for a brief moment before it fades away. Not everyone is blessed with great fortune or extraordinary abilities from the start. Some people may be born into difficult circumstances and have to struggle to make ends meet. I had no magical power when I was born, in a world where it was common, so I was granted a special skill called Negation. This ability is what has kept me alive, as it can cancel out any magical attack. I have encountered people who were close to me, only to witness their eventual demise right before my eyes. I have endured the loss of so many people that it has caused me to become emotionally disconnected. What is the purpose of forming relationships if the person is destined to die anyway? The road I go is too dangerous for any weak person both physically and mentally to ally with. That is the harsh reality of Reincarnating for me. But I still do not lose hope. No matter how many times I question myself, I will prevail. There must be a reason to why I was sent here and I must find out. Doesn't matter how many times I fall or how many circumstances I've endured pain like no other. Atleast during those times I had peacefull times aswell with both friends and family, so watch out world. I, Tomo Yutura, am determined to survive until the end."

MajinLN · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Chapter 4: The Thieves

"Wake up!" I was startled by a faint, deep male voice echoing in my head, though my body ignored it as I remained in a deep sleep.

"Wake up kid, you're in the way!"

Once more, I heard his voice—this time, he was obviously irritated and shouting. I wondered why he was intruding upon my slumber, and muttered, half-asleep, "Can't you just let me be?"

"SMACK!" I was abruptly jolted awake after a harsh slap to my face. "What was that for?!" I shouted angrily.I glanced over to find three figures in front of me. My vision was still blurred from being awoken so suddenly.

  I trained my gaze on the figures in front of me until I was able to make out their details. A young woman in her early twenties, with purple hair and eyes to match, stood out from the others due to her striking "physical features."

The two individuals had very different appearances; one had a disheveled black hairdo while the other had a meticulously groomed style. The latter was wearing a well-put-together outfit, which made a stark contrast to the other's unkempt look. It was an odd pairing, yet each had their own distinct fashion sense.

Although I was feeling serious, I couldn't help but find the irony of the situation amusing. I couldn't help but chuckle as I thought about how they would have made a formidable team of ninjas if they had access to swords. I was confident that they would have been able to ward off any villains quickly and efficiently.


While I was amused, they didn't seem to find it quite as funny. They just stared at me, looking unimpressed. I couldn't help but giggle at their expense and shake my head at their ridiculousness.

"The woman appeared to be irritated by my clear provocation, however she quickly regained her composure since I was just a youngster. "What are you up to out here in this woodland, sweetheart?" she asked in a beguiling and pleasant tone.

I remained quiet while watching the unfamiliar individuals in front of me.

"The kid lacks manners! Should we give him a lesson?" The man with the disheveled hair was popping his knuckles as he spoke. His gruff voice made it clear he was the one who had just struck me.

The one with neatly combed hair asked, "You hit him in the face, what did you anticipate his reaction to be?" His tone was gentle and calming.

I had no idea what the motives of these individuals were, but here I was, in the middle of nowhere with them. This was an extremely risky scenario, since no one would be able to come to my aid if something happened. The only option I could think of was to protect myself.

I moved quickly and hid behind the person with disheveled hair. I picked up a jagged rock and pointed it at his throat. "It might not seem like much, but I swear I will kill him if you make a move," I warned sternly.

"Dam you, Get off of me!" He said in response.

The man with the neatly combed hair expressed surprise as he declared, "This kid is serious!" The woman was taken aback that someone of my age could be so callous and replied, "There's no need to be so aggressive, we mean you no ill will."

"And how exactly do I know you're not lying?" I questioned.

Before the discussion progressed any further, the man I was taking hostage suddenly became enraged and threw me onto the ground. "He's strong," I muttered as I tried to recover from the unexpected attack.

When I lifted my head, I was astonished to see a giant orb of Mana heading my way. Fortunately, thanks to my ability to negate it, when it had gotten with my vicinity it dissipated and vanished in the breeze.

"Huh? What just happened, what happened to Mana Orb spell? It just disappeared!", said the woman in curiousity.

It was her who had used the mysterious magic, evidently she was a highly skilled mage to be able to generate such a powerful orb of mana without any incantations. If I had not had my negation skill, I probably would have sustained significant physical damage.

I had grown accustomed to the simple Fire Spells after living in Elkwood for the entirety of my nine years, that I had completely forgotten there was more to magic than just that.

An unknown speaker suddenly emerged and announced, "I think that's enough? Does everyone agree?" The individuals before me quickly bowed their heads and responded in unison, "Yes, Boss!"

(Fun Fact! There consists hundreds of thousands, if not millions of spells ranging from different categories. Example: Elemental Magic, Sorcery and even Necromancy! and there's lots more.)

(Another Fun Fact! Connection - Connection is simply related to the relationship between a God and a specific individual/s. The relationship between the individual and the God may determine how talented and skilled at magic and mana the person can or will be. Many people, towns and villages will only use a specific type of magic due to there natural connection or ancestory. Though there is some forms of Magic that escapes this rule.)