
The Heavenly Monkeys Vs The Dark Tigers - Part 1

In the arena, the grigard leader lifted the slab since they were of lower-ranking when compared to Heavenly Monkeys and the light that flashed was red.

This meant that individual members of the Grigards had to attack the combined defending team of heavenly monkeys.

The leader of grigards entered the arena.

He wanted his lower-ranking members to go and attack so that he would have an idea and a rough estimate about the levels of the heavenly monkeys. He could even spot their weaknesses.

But all the members were a bit nervous. Instead of helping the leader to spot mistakes, they would end up making mistakes and might make him lose and give motivation to the Heavenly Monkeys.

Due to this reason, he thought it was best for him to go first.

"Let the match, begin!", Reosan announced.

He spotted the weakest among them with the help of his skill [Weakness detection].

It was an Lv.63 monkey.