
Reincarnated as a Villainess with Absolute Death Flags

I was died in a strange accident and reincarnated as Renneshia, the villainess from a dating game in my previous life. Sadly she was someone who was fated to die in whatever the heroine did even when she got a bad ending. Usually, in such a plot, the villainess might be turned into the heroine. But I don't want to think that I'm the main character. The best way to avoid the possible death flag is to run away from every character in the game. To hell with the romance! But will I be able to avoid my fate to meet with the other characters?

NAW2692 · Fantaisie
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149 Chs

Chapter 59

"How could you call this as a child?!" Pendragon asks with a surprised tone while unable to move his gaze from what Shia calls a child in front of him.

"I'm finally able to meet you again! Do you miss me?" Shia asked with a happy tone as she get closer to the child in front of her the child also ran in her direction.

'Hey, hey, hey! This is really crazy! This is the child that she always said!' Renneshia also feels surprised by the absurd scene that happen in front of her.

"It won't attack us, right?" Someone muttered with fear in his voice.

Renneshia is able to understand their feelings because she also has similar feelings to them. Because it was something that to big to be called as a child.

Right, it was a four-meter-tall white dragon running in Shia's direction. Renneshia could feel that Shia was feeling glad and really happy to meet the dragon again. But when the dragon gets closer, to Shia's body, a sudden blinding light comes from the dragon.

"Mama, I miss you so much!" Suddenly a little child around two years old with white hair that shines in a rainbow colour when the sunlight touches it.

Shia hugs the child tightly.

"I also miss you! I'm sorry that I could not meet you earlier. Do you behave yourself and not trouble them?" Shia asked while caressing the dragon child's soft hair.

"I am a good child so I always follow what you told me to do, Mama!" The dragon child proudly said.

"As expected from my Albina. You are really smart!" Shia happily praises.

From what I could feel and see, Shia was always alone except when she needed to do her work as the leader. It was some kind of tradition in her race as she needs to protect her soul purity. That's why they limit her from interacting with other people and cause her to be lacking in common sense because of it.

Her loneliness end when she found the dragon egg. The parents of the dragon egg have died and their bodies disappeared as it was merged with nature. When she touched the egg, her magic power seeped into the egg and the dragon child, which later she call Albina was born.

Maybe because Shia was being separated from her parent after she was born, she feel emphatic about Albina who lose both parents and decided to adopt and raise the dragon child. At first, everyone in her race opposed her decision. But they give up because of their leader's decision was being supported by the Goddess.

The Goddess's reason was the dragon child will grow and help her in the future and it was her fate that no one would be able to change it.

Renneshia looks at Shia's memory and feels some sentences from the Goddess are bugging her.

'Some fate couldn't be changed' and 'You will meet the person that destiny had prepared for you except when you died before you met them'.

'What a disturbing sentence! But that also means that some fate could be changed.' Renneshia tries to erase the anxiety in her heart by putting it in the opposite meaning.

"You never told us that you want to meet a dragon. And isn't the dragon race is the strongest creature in this world? Why do you worry as if this dragon was a weak child?" Pendragon said what he was thinking to Shia who made him misunderstand about the situation.

"Because you never ask about her," Shia answers flatly.

"You are really driving me nuts!" He shook his head and said.

"Who are they? Why he is so rude to you, Mama?" Albina said.

"Although he could cook delicious food, but he was always angry and speak in a rude manner. Please don't learn from him because you are a good child." Shia said with a small voice.

"At least I still have more common sense than you." Pendragon feel angry and said in a mocking tone.

"Well, how about we stop your quarrel because it was not good for the child's education." Kadaklan said while having a wry smile on his face.

Renneshia could understand about how other people feel about Shia's overprotective behaviour. Although the dragon's current appearance is really fit for the cute and looks weak category, it is still able to kill a few adults when being attacked.

The dragon had the appearance of two years old child or little girl. Her long white hair was shining in a rainbow colour when the sunlight fell on it. Her eyes look like a beautiful gem with a vertical pupil like a cat or snake. There are also small dragon wings on her back and a dragon tail that currently wagging as Shia caresses her head.

Renneshia thought that the dragon was cute and she remind her of her cute niece. But it was the past that she couldn't even visit anymore. It makes her feel sad.

Her surrounding get darker and she knows that it was the time for her to wake up.


She open her eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. It was their current room in Red Dawn restaurant. Although it was an old room, it give a cozy atmosphere and make her feel peaceful.

"Good morning, Renne." Her mother, Katarina greets her as she is dressing herself for her work.

"Good morning, Mom." Renneshia greet her back as she use the water that her mother prepared to wash her face and tidy herself before she dressed herself like a boy again.

After she finished her disguise, she do her daily routine and started to exercise and do some training. A smooth and trained movement that mesmerize the people who saw it. When she finished her daily training, she could hear someone clapping their hands.

Clap, clap.

"That was a good movement! I never thought that you move as if you are dancing." The first person who open her mouth was the owner, Caron.

But there was another person who also watch it and applauded at what he saw.

"That was a good movement. Where did you learn that kind of movement? Or did you make it yourself? I really wish that you will apply for the apprenticeship as an adventurer. I will promise you for the best treatment." The dandy adventurer guild worker that come last night said and praise him (her).

"Hello, um...Sir. We have not opened the restaurant. So, could you come back when we were open later?" Ludger (Renneshia) said as he tell him to come when the restaurant is open.

"Hahaha, right, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Hudson Ventus the ex-adventurer that currently working in the guild in this city. I come at this time today because someone keeps pestering me to introduce you to him because he accidentally hears about the monsters that you sell before. He is not a bad person but..." The adventurer guild worker, Hudson seems to have a hard time trying to introduce the person beside him.

"Oh! So you are the person who hunts those monsters and kills them in good condition! Nice to meet you, just call me Favian. I am working in the alchemy guild and I want to ask you a few things about those monsters. Do you find anything about it when you kill them?" A new person with a dark circle and pale face that remind Ludger (Renneshia) of a zombie in some movie in his past life.

"Um, nice to meet you, my name is Ludger Ignis. Can you please let me know about the details? I won't be able to understand if you only say it like that." Ludger (Renneshia) introduced himself and asked with a serious face.

"Ah, that's right! I forget to explain it to you. Have you heard or learned about the monster's ecology?" Favian asked with a curious face.

Ludger (Renneshia) didn't say anything and only nodded his head.

"Hahaha, as expected! I am right! You must know about it so you could kill those monsters with that kind of clean wound. But looking at how young you are, you must be a real genius! Hey, would you like to see the alchemy guild?" Favian suddenly becomes excited.

"Hey, you must not do that! I have asked him first. You need to wait until it was your turn. If I know you will do this, I should have not brought you here." Hudson grumbled and sighed.

"He will have a better future if he joins our alchemy guild. A person who has this kind of intelligence should become an alchemist rather than a rough adventurer. It will be better for his bright future." Favian said while glaring at Hudson who was stronger than him.

"What do you mean by rough adventurer? Can you see his wonderful talents in martial arts? How could you force him to sit all day looking at those smelly potions!" Hudson angrily said.

"Hah..., could both of you stop your quarrel? I won't take any apprenticeship in these two years. So both of you need to stop dissing each other because I will listen to the negative points that you are paying for my future consideration." Ludger (Renneshia) sighed and said.

Both of them quickly stop their quarrel but they still glaring at each other. But then Hudson realized something and turn his face to look at Ludger.

"Didn't you say that we need to wait for one year, yesterday?" Hudson asked with a serious face.

"I changed my mind because my mother also hope that I will delay my apprenticeship for one more year. That's it! Let's continue with your explanation." Ludger (Renneshia) answers simply and turn his head to Favian.

"Oh, right! I almost forget! Have you found out that those monsters are moving or acting differently from how it was described in the books?" Favian asks with a serious face.

<to be continue>

Thank you for reading and supports. I hope you enjoy the story and have a good day.

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