
Reincarnated as a Tutorial Villain

After Dying, Karan Find Himself in a body a familiar world. A world which he Played in a video game and a game in which he call himself a Pro Gamer. But in this familiar world he is a body of a character who any child of the age while playing can defeat. He is in a body of Maldrid Serpente, a character introduced in a game only to show the players, playing the game how to control your Game Character and his attack skills. The only clue he has in order to survive in the world which is chaotic is only to become strong and stay close to the main storyline. However, he soon finds out unlike in a game the life of the characters going around him is not according to the game plot but is based on a decision which a real life person takes.

DictatorChiku2851 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs


Next day, I woke up and the older nurse who was taking care of me fed me and changed my lower cloth.

It was very irritating and embarrassing that I peed myself. After all, if you have an adult mind in a child's body what will you feel.

As for my this life father Gerhard, he hasn't visited me even once but I think I can't exactly blame him for this after all, he just lost his wife.

I also heard from nurses that today will be my mother Evelyn cremation and many of the nobles are coming.

My father also had ordered the nurses that I should be present at the cremation of my mother as it is necessary for a child to be present at mother's cremation and many nobles will also be seeing me.

The nurses in the room are arranging warm clothes for me. They are very carefully dressing me and preparing me for taking outside.


In a cemetery ground, there are about a 100 people present all belonging to noble families and outside of the ground there is a large crowd all of them commoners who came to pay respect to Lady Evelyn.

Suddenly, at the ground five nurses came in which one of them was holding a baby.

The nobles seeing the baby started to feel pity for him knowing that child losing his mother at his day of birth.

After some time, there four people came all holding a coffin on their shoulders in which one of them is baron Gerhard.

They carefully bury the coffin in the ground. After then, Gerhard completes some necessary rituals for his wife.

After, completing all the rituals he comes and stands near his child.

The nobles all come and place rose on the Evelyn's grave. Then they offer condolences to Gerhard. Gerhard politely respond to all the condolences.

A burly man comes near Gerhard. Gerhard seeing the person slightly bends his neck in a form of paying respect to the man.

" It's sad to hear about your wife Gerhard. Are you doing well after whatever has happened?" The burly says to Gerhard while putting a hand on his shoulder and a voice full of concern..

"I am doing well Duke Redgrave. Thanks for your concern." says Gerhard politely replying to Duke Redgrave.

"Duke Redgrave, he seems familiar. I think I have seen him somewhere but I just got reincarnated in this world but then also it looks like I have seen him many times in my previous life." Thinks Madelyn seeing the face of Redgrave.

At that time Bavelyn Redgrave the duke sees Madelyn looking over him.

" So he is your son, what is his name?" asks Bavelyn looking over the child.

" His name is Madelyn" answers Gerhard.

" Madelyn, a great name. I hope Madelyn will be the great successor of the Serpente family. When Madelyn grows you should send him to my house, he will be great friend to Russell" says Bavelyn

" Yes, Duke Redgrave he will become good friend with your child and will also support your house in the future." says Gerhard at that time.

Then, the duke eyes becomes serious and turns his attention towards gerhard.

" I know that this is not the right time to say it but be aware of the demonic beasts they have increased quite a lot. Their attacks are increasing. Last week they have attack at my domain and there were hundreds of them. I was near at that time so we have killed them all with minimum casualties but it can be hard for you as you are also protecting the border against another kingdom and also protecting the people might be hard for you. So I advice you should also place some soldiers near the forests." says Bavelyn with serious face.

Gerhard place his hand on his chins thining about the things which Bavelyn told him.

" Thank you, Duke Bavelyn for giving me such information and advice. I will surely see to it."

After that Duke Bavelyn Redgrave leaves giving his condolences again. Gerhard at that time orders nurses to feed Madelyn and have him sleep.

But at that time, Madelyn thoughts were going somewhere else. He realized that he was reincarnated in a game and not some peaceful game but a game which is full of brutality, blood, gore and violence.

In his previous life, this game was called "Heaven and Hell". At that time time he loved to play the game as the story of the game was exciting and not to tell some of the killing scenes also excite him at that time. There was also a fact about a game that in this game the hero of the game was overpowered as he have many powerful magic and his sword skills were also strong that only he can with his one swing of blade can destroy the mountain.

But the fact was not that he was reincarnated in his favorite make him excited but it game him remorse.

He was reincarnated as a tutorial villain in this game. A type of character introduced in every game just to show off the main character skills and in the end the person learns everything about his game character and then, the tutorial villain story ends never to appear again in the game.

In all these powerful person he has been reincarnated as someone worse not even worth mentioning and meant to die not even being known by any single person.