
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantaisie
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107 Chs

two old faces pt 2

as I watched with abundant curiosity two things became clear to me, Julie and the mentalist knew each other, at least to some degree, and the crashing noise was enough to draw out the princess, who immediately froze at the situation.

"the hell was that?!"(Andrea) yelled in question as she forced herself to her feet, practically glaring down Julie, her dragon nature kicking in no doubt.

"I should ask you the same thing!"(Julie) yelled back in response, confirming that some of my programming still remained, albeit only minor, still gave a chance that more could return.

"just what the hell is going on here?!"(slutty elven princess) was finally able to exclaim as she somewhat managed to unfreeze.

"these two made eye contact and had a most unexpected experience, as if both of their minds were battling amongst each other to grab at something."(mentalist) said, being a hundred percent correct, I had never left a sealer when they were alive, there was bound to be a struggle between my new and old one.

especially after I took special care to program the mind of one.

"well make sure you do it more quietly next time!"(slutty elven princess) yelled, more acting a role than genuine, she was up to something in there, an act that the mentalist did not seem to like at all.

"your highness, the lord is here, he travelled here to see us personally, mind your manners."(mentalist) sneered, the princess immediately going meek with an actual meep, I didn't think the sound was real but holy hell it was, and it was hilariously adorable.

"the.....lord?...."(Julie) half whispered as the two began arguing back and forth, leaving me to wander my attention as I was genuinely distracted in thought, I mean I had the pull of an entire kingdom, and all I did was give TWO people powers.

how in the hell did I manage that?

a question I actually wanted an answer to, but sadly, it seemed life had other plans.

distracting plans.

"APPROACHING WAR PARTY!"(elf guard) interrupted, causing me to instantly force control through mere instinct alone, Andrea's dragon wings exploding from my back, except black in color, their one flap rocketing me to the skies where I quickly got a clear picture of what was going on.

they were being invaded alright, and by other elves to boot, which meant I had absolutely no stake in this and held no obligation or reason to get involved, so I stayed clear in the skies, observing, studying, listening.

the more I could learn about successful or unsuccessful invasions the better security I could add to my realm for its entire prevention.

and here I was thinking today wasn't going to be productive in answering any questions!

"we have to help!"(Andrea) yelled, her voice echoing within.

something that just made me roll my eyes and sigh before answering.

"no, no we don't. all my servants know that I don't fight for them, they fight for themselves, I expect the same from total strangers, I'm no hero and I don't babysit."(Granuarr) I informed as I began summoning my spies through the usual channels, their shadowy bodies dropping into various key points of the city and surrounding architecture, important targets.

with them there I could learn all I wished from the commanding members of the force.

or at least that's what I thought, before that entire plan was royally screwed by an unwelcomed intruder in the skies beside me.

"I was sent here with a message from God."(angel) said suddenly from above me, my eyes moving towards and then focusing on them, their winged form slowly descending with controlled flaps, their tight white robe accentuating the female body underneath.

a thought shooting through my mind as I just shook my head side to side.

just what the hell is going on today? did God overbook fuck my day or something on his calendar?!

I thought as I began replying to the angel.

"out with it then."(Granularr) I said coldly, uncaring, as most of my focus remained on the combat below, my mind still unwilling to give up on completing ONE thing I wanted to actually accomplish today.

though that was soon carelessly thrown out the window by something so far left field, so goddamn random, that for a moment, an actual true moment, I was speechless, until I wasn't.

"God would like for you to impregnate me so that a child of light and dark will be born into the world."(angel) said in the most genuine tone I had ever heard from one of the winged assholes.

"go fuck yourself."(Granularr) I told her as I regained my voice and tossed her a newly materialized black dildo, something she accepted with a curious look.

"tell God I don't have time for his shit, nor do I even remotely want any part of it!"(Granularr) I barked in frustration, my words drawing forth emotion from the winged being for the first time since she interrupted my observation.

that emotion being anger, that anger driving her to dash me, her arms shoving me down faster than my wings could correct, my body smashing wing first into the city below, the building beneath me crumbling to rubble and dust as a shockwave rippled through the kingdom, the dust clouds slowly settling as her form appeared above me, hands aglow in light, taking the shape of two swords, one in each hand.

"you will follow this decree and you will respect the creator."(angel) said, her eyes a focused wrath while her voice was hazy and dead in comparison.

"kiss my ass!"(Granularr) I spat as I stood and brushed rubble off of me, my legs tensing as I did so, since Andrea's wings were fucked and half torn off I had no choice but to dash, the movement blasting me forwards as soon as I was dust free, my fist directly impacting the angel's stomach, knocking her body backwards, colliding into and through several buildings, each collapsing soon after she went through.

the destruction carried on for quite a distance, a very clear path being carved in a straight line for almost a mile, seems I had put more strength into that than I should have.

"DARKNESS!"(angel) roared as the air around sounded forced aside, her winged form barreling at me with great speeds, swords ready, eyes full of murderous lust.

that bastard said he would fix the angels, not fuck them up more!

I thought as I dodged left, my coat tearing on the right as her blade caught part of it, a small thin cut dripping in tiny red droplets forming on my ribcage going from its front to its back.

I yelped in surprise as I fell to the ground, landing with a boom and a cracking of stone, more dust flinging itself into the air, obscuring my view as I heard sounds of agonized screams and metal slashing through air cleanly.

the dust and the screams would settle and vanish at roughly the same time, revealing to me a figure cloaked in blood, the angel.

"they were in my way."(angel) said coldly as she discarded her robes, her nude form stunning me in place as it exuded a lethal amount of lust, my knees nearly buckling as my mind bent under the pressure, only being forced to heal after I stabbed my leg with a dagger of shadow, my vision slowly clearing as I panted, free from her effects.

"you have more willpower than the mortal men I tried this on."(angel) mused as she studied my body, her eyes locking on my crotch.

"seems I had the desired effect after all."(angel) laughed, something that gave ME the creeps.

after that it seemed she no longer had time for talk as she abandoned speech rather quickly, instead opting for action as she dashed towards me, swords ready and then vanishing, my eyes searching for them wildly before locking onto her, her arms on my chest as warm liquid ran down my front and back.

I shouldn't have been focused on those blades!

I thought as I weakly fell to my knees, feeling drained of all my strength, my eyes barely having enough energy to remain open.

"you should have listened to me when I arrived, I would have held no need for this."(angel) said as my vision faded to the void.