
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantaisie
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107 Chs

meeting x2

"I am aware of your new race, I am also aware of your workings with God, but you may not be aware of is the fact that your exact opposite has been born, light. God didn't see a necessity in it until now as cosmic could act as a counter to darkness through his stars, but now, that you have actively drained him, maybe even outclassed him, he sees the need for an opposite to you, to bring balance to the universe. as you have grown quite powerful."(time) began, taking a moment to breathe and piece together their next words.

"my deal to you is this, remain as you are, follow your orders, all I need from you is minor cooperation in being a pillar. that's it, show up in our realm, interact with the rest, check out the city, maybe even follow a minor orders of mine every once in a while. but do not under any circumstance whatsoever establish your realm there, the ones to do so, cosmic, fire, earth, and water, each of them were drained by you, each weakened, it's because their realm was established, keep yours unestablished, like I am doing, like gravity is doing, like light will be doing, it is also why there are so few time mages, so few dark mages, in essence there are only a thousand dark mages while there are hundreds of thousands of fire mages, water mages, earth mages, and cosmic mages, by keeping your realm secure you keep your power and the power of your mages secure, "(time) spoke, basically saying play some ball but don't jump into the deep end.

what surprised me more than her saying don't jump right in was how she knew exactly how little mages I had, I mean ninety percent of my world was unused for crying out loud, how the hell did she know?

and how the hell did she know about the previous pillar in my realm?

I guess to figure those out I need to play along, I mean, she isn't cosmic, and she hasn't asked me to do anything drastic or loyalty changing, she hasn't even asked me to commit, in fact, she told me not to fully commit.

I might even be able to learn from this, piece together more than I would ever be able to on the outside through spies alone.

"I can do that, I might even help you out from time to time free of charge, thank you for the information and the advice, I hope you have a successful leadership of the pillars, I'd like to see where it goes."(Granularr) I told her, earning me a gracious grin in return.

"I appreciate your time and your understanding, I will leave you alone now as you have a new race to run and mages to oversee, alongside a girl to protect."(time) said as our forms vanished, the whole room resorting back to the semi empty guild hall with Julie just having finished smiling at my earlier words.

"alright worm, time to work!"(Julie) bellowed at the cowering boy, yanking him up by the collar of his chest plate and dragging him through the front door, as if time hadn't stopped and I hadn't just talked to a magical being that knows everything about me.


light pillar pov...

I had just finished my realm when God approached me, his face serious, more serious then when he informed me about my brother, the one I was born to oppose.

"I have a mission for you, a very important mission."(God) spoke, circling me for a moment, studying my shiny new armor.

"what is it?"(light) I inquired, beginning to spin so that I could keep looking him in the eyes.

"I need you to meet with darkness, with Granularr, but be careful, this is just a social call, as you are now he would slaughter you where you stood without thought and without much effort."(God) ordered, placing much emphasis on the social part of his message.

"he has more power at his disposal then even you do, his direct opposite, as darkness has many forms and meanings, so make sure you just speak with him, as long as you show no hostility things will remain civil, make no threats, and make no assumptions."(God) declared, leaving as soon as he was finished.

with the words clear and my goal set up within my mind I waved my hand and opened a portal to the physical world, stepping through and into a busy street, directly across from a young girl absolutely brimming with ominous energy, energy that shook my very core and resolve.

"I am here to speak to darkness, I am light, I am just here for conversation, there is much I do not know and I require someone to inform me of as much as possible, I was told darkness had lived a thousand years, I figured him a good start to catch up with."(light) I told the girl, who had apparently been dragging behind her a scared looking boy in armor.

"one sec."(girl) said, drawing my focus away from the boy as shadows began circling her body, changing it, and within seconds no longer was there a girl before me but a very tall muscled man with a crown of black, wearing clothes you might mistake as a commoners, gray tunic, black leather pants with same colored armor padding on the shins, if it wasn't for the energy I would think of him as nothing more than a man who found an odd crown.

"I am Granularr, the name darkness holds no meaning to me, you're here to talk, very well, right this way."(Granularr) spoke to me, snapping his fingers soon after, a portal appearing next to us, a portal he tossed the boy into, closing it behind him.

"that boy pissed off Julie, don't worry he's fine, just stuck in a sort of suspended animation, he won't even remember this happening."(Granularr) said, calming my immediate worries, soon pointing over towards a smaller wood building with unclear windows.

I nodded and followed, claiming a seat that had been placed outside as soon as we reached the place, the man inside friendly towards Granularr, an overjoyed smile on his face.

"I forgave a debt he owed to me ten years ago, left him all the money he collected with the simple order of open your bakery and follow your dream, all I wanted was free desserts from time to time in return."(Granularr) spoke, his voice reminiscent, his actions almost....kind?

"alrighty then, you appeared directly before me wishing to speak, what is it you would like to discuss?"(Granularr) asked directly, seemingly no longer wishing to waste time.

"I'd like to know why I was born."(light) I told him honestly, everything he has just done contrasts everything I was told about him from birth, which was a mere day and a half ago.

"because they're scared of me, scared of what I can do when someone pisses me off, they need someone to fight me, to prove to them that the monster lurking just behind them will always be caught and that they will be protected. a feeling my followers ignore, my followers want the power to secure their own safety themselves, sure I condone evil, but that's apart of me, darkness has many forms."(Granularr) began, slightly losing himself in an emotional ramble, accidentally answering more questions than I asked.

"but you forgave that man's debt, you told him to follow his dream, and all you asked for was baked goods, this cannot be a lone thing, you can't be that evil."(light) I tried to reason to myself aloud, my words catching his attention.

"those in power wish to stay in power, those who can challenge that are naturally feared by those in power."(Granularr) said, his words seemingly unrelated to what I was trying to figure out.

"I don't understand."(light) I spoke honestly.

"makes sense, you were born pretty much yesterday, don't worry, all you have to know is that on the sides of right and wrong you and I will clash, but I don't have to be your enemy."(Granularr) told me, standing up from his chair as he did, his body vanishing into the same shadows that made it appear in the first place.

"good luck."(girl) wished me, waving as she left, vanishing into the nearby bustling crowd of dirty people, their clothes torn and tattered, covered in mud.