
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantaisie
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107 Chs

fun's over, lets show them pain

with my declaration complete, I spit in the face of the thing and kicked his body aside like week old trash, grumbling as I strolled from the damaged throne room and through my open and awaiting portal that connected directly to my realm.

"they're ready my lord."(Ope) greeted in her usual all business tone the moment she saw me.

"good, listen and listen well you useless fucks, we're not the good guys here, we're the people getting revenge on the assholes who stole our home, so fuck your morals, your values, you shove them so far down to where you can't even hear them anymore, you hit them hard, you hit them fast, and you DON'T show mercy!"(Granularr) I spoke motivationally to the now massive army that stood before me, my soldiers roaring their war cry in unison as the pillars awkwardly stood at its frontlines staring at me in apprehension.

"for DARKNESS!"(Granularr) I bellowed as I tore open a MASSIVE portal that sent my troops all careening down upon the top of the temple, their armored bodies smashing through the roof easily as echoes of screams and combat began to make their way through the dimensional barrier.

"are you sure about this?"(cosmic) asked, his expression conflicted.

"*sigh*.....I really fucking hate you, YES I'm sure about this! GO!"(Granularr) I commanded as I grabbed him by the collar and threw him down into the chaos below.

the other pillars not needing me to do them the same as on their own they joined the fray, their combat skills hopeless but enough to deal with mortals, which meant that I was now able to go after my target distraction free.

"let's show the goddess of war REAL power."(Granularr) I promised my shadows as I dove through the portal.


goddess of war pov...


the noise erupted from my chambers like a volcano as debris showered me.

"my lady!-" one of the temple maidens began only to freeze mid warning as her eyes were affixed in horror on the hole in the wall, on the man standing in front of the hole in the wall.

"you've overstayed your welcome."(pillar of darkness) said coldly as he cracked his knuckles and released the full force of his aura, the dominating and oppressive swirling storm of black that it was.

"you don't scare me monster!"(goddess of war) I replied to him as I released my own aura, its energy paling in comparison, but it was enough to keep me from being forced to my knees.

"monster? I like that, I really like that. here, let me show you monster."(pillar of darkness) said as his eyes flicked to all black and his voice became the sheer definition of demonic.

not even a moment later he would vanish from sight right as I felt an intense blow to my stomach, the pain not even able to hit my brain before I found myself floating in midair at least a mile above my temple, the pillar of darkness awaiting just in front of me with sick goo like wings tipped in bone and blade flapping from his back.

"your father is the God of Darkness, sorry, let me rephrase, your father is a manipulator of shadow, tell me, where are the other gods located? make my life easy and your death becomes quick and painless."(pillar of darkness) bargained as tentacles of the same bone and blade tipped goo emerged from where his wings were, as shadows swirled around him densely, clearly visible even in this dim moonlit night sky.

I wasn't able to lie, I was terrified.

none of my training, none of my experiences, not even the words of my father were able to prepare me for what I was now facing.

he really was a monster.


void mother pov...

"he's embracing his other powers, it won't be long now."(God) observed as we hovered above the two beings of immense power floating before one another.

"he still needs to prove his worth to me, the plan is null until that day happens, you know that."(void mother) I reminded the old entity as I turned my attention to the pillar below, to the power he leant to the demons.

"he has a firm grasp on darkness itself, but there's so much more he has yet to tap into, if we are to use him and the others in the crucible of creation, he NEEDS to be ready, they all do."(void mother) I added, still not sure on whether or not this being was able to deliver on his promise or not.

"for now let them have their fun, in time the other elements will intervene with their pillars, they will be torn from the world, same as darkness, once they are all strong enough, then and only then will I fulfill my promise to you in the crucible of creation."(God) spoke sternly before vanishing.