So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
"Just give me the word if you want some privacy, Petra"
"Heh, really leaving me to contend with the bitch myself, Ikarus?"
Both of us stare deep into the closed door leading downstairs and pause because what comes next is big. The fabled prophet, the women responsible for Petra's blindness and Mute's muteness. Even though I'm happy Petra can crack a joke right now, I'm not sure I can.
Both Aesa and Nyx wait outside and for like the first time ever, I feel out of place and rather not know more about Petra's past. The woman behind that door is someone I never thought I'd meet.
"No, it's just that… I know sometimes I can be a little much with stuff like this"
"Heh, try to leave right now Ikarus and I'll put you on a leash. Please… please stay"
"*Sigh*, no wonder why people think we're weird if you say shit like that. I'll stay"
I know what's she's doing, using humour to cope the uncomfortableness of meeting this woman. I'll walk with her through the depths of hell if she wants… which we've already done once before. Silly me…
Holding hands, we eventually pluck up the courage to open the door and step inside…
(Temporary Perspective Change)
"*Huff huff huff*… bah! We've finally ripped off father's hide! Bahahaha!"
Standing bloodied over a huge corpse, I stand strong with my bold in my grasp fully witnessing what we've achieved. I may be the youngest out of my siblings, but today is the day we finally stand victorious!
Titanomachy, the battle to end all tyranny and after ten long gruelling years, we finally stand free over the corpses of many a titan in a battle that will be sung for the ages! Father Cronos himself took every ounce of strength to bring down and if it wasn't for all of us pulling are weight together, he would've consumed us all.
Many brave and fearless allies lost their lives, including the cyclops who forged my legendary bolt and plenty others. Only a few of our allies still live, yet, all but two of the titans are no more. The two left remaining switched allegiances and left the battlefield long ago, they were of no threat to us.
(Poseidon) "We finally stand free! If it wasn't for you, brother Zeus, we'd have all been consumed again"
(Hera) "I can't believe we did it, Zeusy! No longer will we have to suffer under father's thumb!"
(Hades) "Bah… too much death and blood for a lifetime. Need a break in someplace dark and quiet"
Most of my siblings stand by my side, just as bloody and victorious as me… but two don't.
(Demeter) "She still hasn't awoken yet, Zeus. I can try supporting her even more but nothing seems to be getting through"
(Zeus) "Bah, well try harder! There has to be a way of waking her!"
The only way we could defeat father was from inside his stomach itself, my siblings having to return to the place they were once swallowed. Hestia herself has spent the longest amount of time inside that hell, being the first to enter and last to leave on both occasions. Her mind must have broken down and I can only hope Demeter's magic is enough to fix her.
Cronos's stomach is not as simple as you may expect, containing a labyrinth of differing worlds that would drive even the strongest of souls mad trying to navigate them. A hunger for worlds so to speak, passageways to other dimensions that constantly consume the soul.
Demeter continues to kneel over and apply magic to Hestia but nothing seems to be making our sister waken. In addition to this, a creeping hand on my shoulder makes me jump out of my beard.
"Bah! What is the matter with you, Nyx?! You primes didn't think to lend aid to our plight?"
Appearing from a shadow, the Goddess of the night shows her ugly face right in the shadow of our dead father and gives all of us a fright… apart from Hades. He's always had a weird friendly relationship with her.
"With the paranoia you hold Zeus, we have no plans to ever assist another tyrannical leader in the making. I'm here for one reason only and that's Hestia"
My problem with these primordial beings is the power they wield, refusing to do anything with it and leaving us lesser Gods to fend for ourselves. Nyx in particular, the rumours is she wants children. Not just a few, an army of children to do her evil bidding. I refuse to believe there's anything innocent about what she desires… she'll probably use them to take control over the world or something.
Heck, I have no idea why she'd want to lend aid to Hestia in the first place.
"Bah, then do whatever you can to save her!"
Almost gliding instead of walking, I just know she's flaunting her power over us all. She's a devil and yet none of the other Gods can see through her intentions yet. I promise someday all of you will see her for who she really is!
"As the first eaten, she bares the full weight of what has happened and decided long ago this is the path she will take. It would be best for all of you to forget her"
(Demeter) "No… I refuse to accept such a horrible fate"
"Bah! What madness is this, Nyx!? You come here to tell us this is hopeless!?"
It does not matter what she says, we will save her at all costs! The work and effort we put into bringing this tyrannical fuck down… this primordial bitch is here to gloat, I knew it!
"As she is now, Hestia is gone but not forgotten. There is a way you can bring a small part of her back… that isn't recommended"
"Bah, well stop wasting time, blackened woman! Speak your tongue and get to the point!"
"It involves a ritual that will require the nymphs that nursed you, Zeus. I've already been warned by Chaos this is a terrible idea and that the consequences will be dire"
My titan mother Rhea, one day grew resentful of Cronos and stopped me from being consumed by using a replacement and sent me away while I was young. If it weren't for those ash tree nymphs, that tyranny may have never been surpassed. All my siblings know I'm the strongest of us by far… they should know that by now. I did most of the work.
Why Nyx even cares about Hestia is beyond me, probably down to something stupid like that old mortal cliché, opposites attract. Hestia is made from peace and warmth while Nyx is mystery and darkness. Maybe there's some friendship there but titans know I couldn't care in the slightest!
"Bah, too many pressing issues, think Zeus think! Okay… first, we'll drag the titan corpses to Tartarus and throw away the key. I've got a special idea for Atlas himself when he awakens…"
The idea of having the weight of the world on your shoulders sounds appealing as a punishment, best leave that for later though. The entire world is in peril so the faster we get to work, the better. The titans will never be seen or heard from again, this I can guarantee. If they ever revive, it will be for nothing.
"Next, we'll split up the realms and decide who rules over what. Seeing that none of you would have escaped his stomach the first time without my helping, it's only fair I decide who gets what, right?"
None bat an eyelid to my wisdom meaning my judgment is clear. Hades may have provided more combat efficiency that fight, but Poseidon has always been my favourite brother. We'll see how things line up… the fact Hades still has colour in his beard pisses me off more than you can imagine.
"Lastly, we'll bring her to the witches, the nymphs or specifically the Meliae. They must know more…"
"Bah, is there no one who can fix the state she's in!?! And where is Nyx, she should be here by now!"
Inside the remains of a giant ash tree, the Meliae tend to Hestia's lifeless body but are of course still unable to wake her. Hestia's body has already started to decay, rotting from in and out. It won't be long before she completely fades from existence… bah! Happy thoughts Zeus, we still have a chance!
"Patience Zeus… we're keeping her condition stable but we may need more power. Shall we make a call to our sisters, the dryads to see if they can help?"
"Bah, don't make me laugh. Those idiots couldn't lead a fish to water"
Only know of two dryads, both of which are moronic. One only cares for trees and the other goblins. Don't ask.
Finally, Nyx arrives appearing from the shadows again and it takes all of my willpower to not grab her my that flimsy neck.
Instead of doing anything, she just stands there with a filled sack and stares at poor Hestia!
"Bah… for the love of the titans, Nyx! I beg of you, find it in your cold unforgiving heart to spare an innocent soul. She doesn't deserve this!"
"That isn't the problem, Zeus. Getting the ingredients took too long… it's going to take everything I've got"
I care little about the words she speaks, only wanting a result. If she can't be saved, then we'll grieve and deal with it. Every second she continues to draw breath, I must do all I can to save her.
Thankfully, the Goddess gets her finger out of her ass and kneels down alongside Hestia, dropping that sack full of goodies in the process.
"Marrow from a giant's flock, saliva from a prophet, fangs from a warm-blooded snake, tail from an unhatched lizard, blood from an unwed virgin. That's unfortunately just the start as she'll need someone to share the burden. I may be able to withstand some of the force"
A wave of black aura floods the room, leading to the items only to swirl around them. Then, next to nothing can be seen as that aura grows into a fog as dark as a shadow.
"I must warn you for one last time Zeus, things will never be the same after this. Borrowing this power from the forgotten ones, it will cause a chain of events that cannot be stopped. If I do this… both of us will never be the same. You will regret this decision someday"
"Bah… is there no other way?"
Already knowing this sort of ritual cannot be good, just the dark nature of the aura screams power that originates from Chaos and or places even we don't ask on. Putting my trust in this Goddess really is proving difficult if this is who she got it from. If there were any other way, I'd have done it.
"Unfortunately not, Chaos itself described it in a vision. This sort of curse can only be done once and may set this world on a path of destruction. The decision is yours alone"
I may pause bit my resolve is settled. This must be done… I can worry on the consequences later on.
"Bah… then let's do it. Do we at least have a name for this accursed magic?"
"Chaos referred to it as something called dragon descendant…"
Days, weeks pass before we have an answer. In that time, the titans were locked away in a place none shall find and war nearly broke out when the ungrateful bastard Hades learnt of what realm I had gifted him. Bastard knew he was getting the short end of the stick and someday I will smash his ugly face in! One of us has to deal with the dead and he is by far the most useless, I mean suitable for it.
Even Poseidon himself seemed unsure about the whole arrangement but quickly got onboard when I told him of the untapped riches the oceans hold. Especially when the mortals start to flock to this world, he can do what he wants with those that travels the seas.
Rebuilding the mortal world will take forever but once that is done, we'll create a world just for us Gods. The idea of a heavenly mountain sounds appealing… maybe called Olympia? Getting to far ahead for now, Hestia awaits.
(Nymph) "The ritual has been a success… although. You may not see it that way"
"Bah, why do you say that!?"
"The one known as Nyx has lost a large part of her memory and remains under sedation until she calms down. The one known as Hestia… is seeing the past and present"
Bemused, the Nymph may be concerned with this but I fail to see a problem. That's until I slowly enter the blackened room, filled with residue from Chaos itself. The aura is as thick as ever.
Right in the centre of the room, two gigantic winged lizards remain, one fast asleep and the other with eyes that burns brighter than the strongest of stars. That yellow glow is new to me but I do know one thing for certain, Hestia is awake…
"Sister Hestia! The oldest of us sibling and once again, you breathe!"
<This… never should've happened, Zeus. You now walk…>
"…A path that can only end in defeat. You've done something unforgivable"
An expression as dead as a corpse continues to plague her face even as she switches back into her heavenly flesh. I fail to see the problem; this is the least the devilish Nyx could do considering their lack of involvement in the battle.
"Bah, what is this madness you speak? Us Gods have to stick together, it's all we have in this world ripe for creation"
"Those words will be long lost to you soon enough. For every happy ending, some amount of personal sacrifice must be made. All these visions filling my head… the path ahead can only end in defeat…"