Elizabeth Einzfield. A girl born with a silver spoon but wanted nothing to do with wealth. Her curves and ample chest made men fall for her. But she was just a teenager that just wanted to be normal and hang out with others in the 21st century. After being killed by an unknown fire, Elizabeth is transported to a new world. One that uses Elements and Powers to determine the ranks. Only the strongest will survive, they do not care for your appearance. However, Elizabeth was not just some girl you could mess around.
I sighed and shook my head while allowing my blade to vanish back into thin air. After draining so much of my Elemental bars, all I could do now was sit beside a dying monster washed up on the Coast of Teuton.
"What is it? To spare your life? I don't mind that so long as you promise me not to create another Hurricane..."
"My request is something along the lines of that, but it's a bit more complicated. I want to continue living as your pet, similar to a Familiar."
Once the creature blurted that wish out, I was wide awake as if I had been given a shot of Jägerbomb dusted with cocaine. Excuse me... What?!
"I think that blow to your head must've changed your wiring because how could you request such an absurd thing?!"
"So that's a no?"
This is the scary monster in the game; God of War. So the terrifying creature of the unknown ocean's depths requested me to be its master like some stray dog?!
"It's not that I don't want you to be, but I must ask you why. I've only met you barely a Chime ago, and we were enemies just a few Tocks ago... It doesn't make sense to me for you to request such a thing," I replied, realizing that I might have hurt the creature's feelings.
"Well, I have been alone for the past few centuries and am seeking new adventures. Now that I'm free to go, I should be going out and about to see the world beyond Okeanus. However, I heard it's more fun going as a group than alone, so I need to be at a party."
"So I ask of you that I may join your group."
The creature has got a solid point to make. Adventures are nothing if you are traveling alone. Some people like to be alone when seeking new threats, but solitude is not a strength. For me, a journey should be memories you make along the way with the people you meet and gather.
I sighed before agreeing. The next problem was how would I make this giant thing my part-member or pet? Vania, any ideas?
"Notice. The creature's body is too far gone to be of any use in relative combat as of now. However, I encourage you to use Avarice to consume your body and gain its power..."
If I had stood in front of Vania in the physical world, I would've glared at the small girl while pinching her cheeks. But, unfortunately, the sea serpent is trying to become anything but sushi, so making me use Avarice isn't a good option now. Come on; we should have something else to help...
"Notice. Use Avarice to consume the Beast so that you can summon it from your palms. Consuming the whole Beast's body would fill up your Elemental Bar enough to summon the Beast back into this world without losing control. Although, the Beast won't be as powerful-"
Before Vania could finish the last sentence, I quickly sprang up and summoned back my blade.
"Notice. Use Avarice on the body of Jörmungandr?" asked Vania as a pop-out came into my interface.
I nodded with a bright smile on my face as the monster was confused out of its mind. But, to be frank, anyone would be terrified to see a grinning girl with an oversized sword ready to hack his head off.
"Hey! At least tell me what you will do with that giant blade of yours..." yelped the poor thing.
"I am using my powers to devour your hurt body, and then I am going to summon you back into this realm with your recovered body and, hopefully, the strength that you possess before having that hole in your head," I explained, making a horizontal slash onto the creature's head.
A loud shriek echoed on the beach of the misty morning as the body turned to dust and converged into my blade.
"Lizzie! Are you alright?" yelled Bryan, finally catching up to me with the rest of the gang.
The Slayer placed his hands on my shoulders and gently shook me as if he was trying to see if I was alright by movements.
"I'm fine, but I have decided to keep the Jörmungandr as a pet within my arsenal. I have exhausted quite a bit on trying to defeat the thing, so we better get a move on before Fabian Brookes gets another pinpoint to our location. Is Sir Velvet alright?" I asked as the team surrounded me.
"I'm fine, but I can't say the same for you... So let's all get back to my hideout next to the entrance of the next tunnel that connects to the Briton Domain," said Sir Velvet, running past me.