Elizabeth Einzfield. A girl born with a silver spoon but wanted nothing to do with wealth. Her curves and ample chest made men fall for her. But she was just a teenager that just wanted to be normal and hang out with others in the 21st century. After being killed by an unknown fire, Elizabeth is transported to a new world. One that uses Elements and Powers to determine the ranks. Only the strongest will survive, they do not care for your appearance. However, Elizabeth was not just some girl you could mess around.
Not a very smart lad now... Is he? I smiled to myself as I began my revenge to hack the poor boy. Within a few minutes, I could gain access to the devices he used and the gadgets around the boy at the current time.
I located several 'cameras,' basically Crystals that use 'Eyes' to capture the surroundings and send the data to my side. I activated all five of them and saved the last one on the hacker's terminal. Finally, a microphone popped out as if to say to establish a conversation with the little brat.
I shook my head and typed in a few codes into the terminal. Then, I watched in glee as the boy started freaking out when all the devices around him began to act crazy. From the flickering of lights to the sudden sparks of his computer, the hacker knew that his safety was compromised.
Who knew that this realm would have so many devices like my previous life? But this whole thing was fun! But it would seem that a Cloud of his creation is powering this child's whole house because when I activated every gadget, even the doors started swinging by themselves.
It was as if the whole place was being possessed. When the kid started curling up into a ball, I decided to give a proper greeting.
"So how was my grand finale to the little game you started? By the way, I've got visuals on you right now, so I am enjoying the panic attack you are having right now," I taunted, activating the microphone.
The kid unraveled himself from his ball position and quickly tried to find the source of my voice. Finally, the hacker promptly swore at me, figuring out it was coming from his main computer. I laughed as I sent the guy his background checks and where he lived.
"Are you trying to blackmail me?!" screamed the kid, angrily shaking his fist at me.
"Not really. I just wanted to know why you decided to hack into our Cloud," I asked, smirking at his pain.
"I did it because Vinny told me to and that if I were successful, I would be one step closer to finding my elder brother. If you must know, I am a Time Mage from the Victorian Era of London. But it looks like I failed, so I better change locations."
The child vanished from the cameras' sight as if he was a ghost. I shrugged and commanded the terminal to showcase the map of the Five Domains once more and reveal what was in the storm.
"Are you sure it was alright to let that kid go? It sounds like he isn't done trying to get into the archives yet," asked Tomoe, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, but I see no point chasing after a new enemy when we've got this monster of the seas to deal with here. If I do a few more tweaking here and there, I should be able to determine this creature's true origin," I explained, typing into the keyboard.
The storm morphed into a giant sea serpent with scales of blue and green schemes. Orange frills adorned its neck. But I thought it would have been a coiled up creature, with its head being the 'Eye of the storm.' Instead, it reminded me of an ouroboros symbol, with the head eating the tail.
"The World Serpent of Norse Mythos, Jörmungandr. It guards the Midgard Sea that surrounds the planet in Norse Mythology. It is said that if it releases its tail, a series of events will occur that would lead to the downfalls and wars of great figures," I explained, watching the sleeping monster.
"So what would be your game plan against that thing? I don't think waking it up would be an excellent idea..." asked Z, peering at the screen.
"Judging from the Elemental Energy and Aura levels coming from this thing, I doubt this monster is as powerful as I've read before. It could be a Familiar from another Mage since its stats look quite weak, especially its defense levels. One spell should send it down for the count."
"You seem pretty confident about defeating this thing... Have you got a spell strong enough to do the job?"
Tomoe waited silently for my answer while the little Valkyrie continued flying about to see the monster and the blinking lights of the Five Domains. Meanwhile, I was busy finding the best combinations of spells in my interface with Vania's guidance.
"It's a new spell in my arsenal, but I'm confident it will work against that monster. If you would excuse me, I'd like to return to my room to continue my research on my spells and powers before heading out for the Mission tomorrow. The main group will be leaving at dawn."