
Reincarnated as a Haunted House

(UPDATE: Due to exams I have paused the story for sometime. As soon as the exams are over, I will resume it at the first chance I get) Finn Darkling of the Nightmare, formerly known as Vansh, the owner of a renowned haunted house, unexpectedly meets his demise as he falls asleep one final time within his beloved establishment. To his astonishment, he awakens in an entirely new existence—a sentient haunted house located on an isolated island, shrouded by a dense forest and surrounded by a tranquil lake. Soon he learns that the place where he reincarnated is called the Serpent Forest, one of the 12 unruly lands, and the territory of Orochi, the colossal 8-headed serpent. Consequently, no other humanoid race dares to step foot into the Serpent Forest. As a stationary house, Finn finds himself unable to move physically. However, he possesses the unique ability to manifest as an apparition, allowing him to roam within the confines of the island. Loneliness became his constant companion until the arrival of winter when the lake froze over and a curious girl appeared at his doorstep. Soon, more individuals unexpectedly stumble upon his doorstep, and Finn finds himself drawn further into this intricate fantasy world. A world teeming with monsters and beings beyond his wildest imagination. ----------Navigating Through the Story---------- Chapter 1-22: Serpent Forest Arc Chapter 23: Characters Recap and Power Glossary till now Chapter 24 - ongoing : Road to Ixar Arc ----------How to Support the Story?------------- 1. Review the work 2. Add it to your library 3. Donate Powerstones

DreamMerchantH · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Unbeatable Enemy

A few minutes had passed since the mysterious creature broke the 5-inch ice sheet near the island, from beneath the water. And whatever the creature was, it made an entire horde of water salamandars flee in fear without even making its entrance. Meanwhile, all the pixies and Finn were looking at the pieces of ice floating on the lake's water, as they were anticipating the beast to appear. Their heart was pounding rapidly, and none of them were uttering a single word. Even the gentle breeze had stopped, and the sharp hissing sound of the water salamandars was nowhere to be heard.

When a few more minutes passed, and still there was no sign of the mysterious creature, Butterbell said as he still held his sword in attacking stance and looked at the broken part of the frozen lake, "Hey ghost! Can't you go into the lake and check what was that creature?"

"I can't. I can move in a certain area around the house, and it doesn't include the area beneath the house," clarified Finn as he also looked at the broken part of the lake with a sword in his hands.

Moonlight chimed in, her eyes fixed on the broken part of the lake, "Maybe it's not coming out of the lake. Maybe it's a fish monster after all."

"Then shall we go back and resume preparing food?" suggested Creambell as he tightly held his staff while looking at the same location where everyone else was looking.

Hearing that, and finding no sign of the mysterious monster, Moonlight relaxed out. "Yeah, let's go," she said as she turned around and walked toward the main door.

Watching her, everyone else also calmed down. They lowered their weapons and walked behind the pixie queen.

However, just as they had taken a few steps ahead, they heard a tremendous splash, and the noise originated from the spot where the ice had broken. They all quickly turned around and saw an enormous creature standing near the island. It was a pitch-black wyvern, its wings spanning several meters, and its webbed feet equipped with massive talons. The creature's tail was thick and substantial, with a gigantic, hammer-like appendage at the tip. Additionally, it boasted a pair of large horns on its head. However, there was still something undeniably peculiar about this creature. Its eyes were rolled up, reminiscent of a lifeless body, and there was a massive chunk of flesh missing from its shoulder, exposing the bones beneath. Despite this gruesome injury, the monster stood resolute on the ground, making neither sound nor movement.

"Is that a wyvern?" Butterbell said with growing concern, his eyes locked onto the creature.

"Seems like it," Creambell replied, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and unease.

"Don't wyverns live in the mountains?" asked Moonlight.

"Seems like this is a different breed," Butterbell observed, his eyes still fixed on the wyvern. He continued, "Look at the webbed feet and the fin on its back. Maybe it's a rare aquatic breed of wyvern about which we have never learned."

Meanwhile, Finn used appraisal on the creature, and in an instant, he got all the details about the creature on his transparent screen. It wrote,

"Wyvern of the Depth

Threat Level – A

Description – These are an exceptionally rare breed of wyverns, known to prefer the depths of bodies of water as their habitat. They possess the unique ability to use their wings both for swimming underwater and for flying in the air. In contrast to the typical mountain wyverns, which have spiked tails, this breed features a hammer-like appendage at the tip of their tail, which they use like a mace to crush various objects or adversaries. However, their most formidable abilities include Ice Breath, where they expel a freezing bolt capable of encasing anything it touches into ice, and Water Prison, which they use to trap prey or opponents, in a bubble of water, gradually causing suffocation as the trapped individuals drown.

Length X Width X Height – 35 feet X 7 feet X 15 feet

Weight – 10,000 Kg"

After learning all about the creature, Finn gulped, fear evident in his eyes as he looked at it. In a low voice, he whispered, "You should run."

All the pixies looked at Finn in surprise as Moonlight said, "I don't think we can run very far after a monster like that pursues us. I think we have a better chance if we fight that thing together."

Meanwhile, the wyvern's eyes rolled back into their normal position, and it let out a vigorous roar, spreading its wings to their fullest extent. The sheer force of its roar instantly captured everyone's attention.

In the next instant, the wyvern charged at them, and as usual, Finn leaped in front with his sword in hand. He thrust it deep into the wyvern's chest. Simultaneously, Creambell hurled fireballs at the creature, and Moonlight attacked it with ice shards. However, to their astonishment, none of these attacks seemed to affect the wyvern.

Despite Finn's sword penetrating deeply into the wyvern's flesh, not a single drop of blood emerged. Moreover, its skin had an eerie, lifeless purple hue, as if it had been dead for quite some time.

Despite the wyvern showing signs of injury, it continued to launch relentless attacks against Finn. Its tawny claws slashed through the air, its razor-sharp teeth snapped menacingly, and its mace-like tail swung dangerously. Each blow was deadly, and some had already landed on Finn's sword, causing it to crack and splinter.

After battling the wyvern for some time, Finn came to the realization that merely trying to pierce the creature's body with his sword wasn't enough to slow it down. He needed to use his other abilities to gain an advantage.

First, he used poison claws on the wyvern, but it only left scars on its body rather than actually slowing it down. Then, he used drill spike ability, launching a barrage of high-speed rotating spikes at the creature. These spikes drilled into the wyvern's body, increasing its injuries, but still, the monster didn't stop.

Finn then used sonic blast against the wyvern in hopes of stunning it for a moment. However, this attack also proved ineffective against the monster. Left with limited options, Finn resorted to sticky threads and deadly slime, primarily meant for trapping opponents. Unfortunately, neither the sticky threads nor the slime could halt the giant monster's advance, nor could they slow it down or inflict poison.

As the battle grew increasingly desperate, Finn found himself losing one sword after another, and with each loss, his health points dwindled. Meanwhile, Butterbell, who had not directly participated in the fight, spotted some rat-like creatures scurrying towards the rear of the house. Intrigued, he decided to investigate. As he reached the back of the house, the rat-like creatures dispersed into the forest in different directions, leaving Butterbell somewhat exasperated.

Thinking it was a dead-end pursuit, he turned to rejoin the others. However, before he could leave, he noticed another unconscious rat-like creature near the house wall, its distinctive gills catching his eye. He knelt down for a closer examination, and a growing sense of familiarity washed over him as he studied the creature from different angles, a hint of recognition beginning to dawn.

"I think I've seen this creature somewhere before," Butterbell murmured, his brow furrowing as he tried to recall the memory. Suddenly, it clicked, and his eyes widened in alarm.

"Wait a minute! It's a Puppeteer Rat. Maybe it's controlling that wyvern!" he exclaimed in shock and concern.

Just as Butterbell unraveled the mystery, the wyvern's body went limp and crashed to the ground, lifeless. However, at that very moment, the Puppeteer Rat stirred from its slumber and launched a ferocious attack, leaping at Butterbell with bared teeth.

In a reflex action, Butterbell swiftly brought his hand between himself and the rat, allowing the rat to bite into his hand. In response, Butterbell thrashed his hand forcefully against the ground, ultimately killing the rat in the process.

Meanwhile, Finn and the others were left in astonishment, wondering how the wyvern had suddenly become lifeless and where Butterbell had disappeared. Their questions were soon answered when they spotted Butterbell emerging from the back of the house, holding the lifeless body of the Puppeteer Rat and wearing a triumphant grin on his face.