
Reincarnated as a Haunted House

(UPDATE: Due to exams I have paused the story for sometime. As soon as the exams are over, I will resume it at the first chance I get) Finn Darkling of the Nightmare, formerly known as Vansh, the owner of a renowned haunted house, unexpectedly meets his demise as he falls asleep one final time within his beloved establishment. To his astonishment, he awakens in an entirely new existence—a sentient haunted house located on an isolated island, shrouded by a dense forest and surrounded by a tranquil lake. Soon he learns that the place where he reincarnated is called the Serpent Forest, one of the 12 unruly lands, and the territory of Orochi, the colossal 8-headed serpent. Consequently, no other humanoid race dares to step foot into the Serpent Forest. As a stationary house, Finn finds himself unable to move physically. However, he possesses the unique ability to manifest as an apparition, allowing him to roam within the confines of the island. Loneliness became his constant companion until the arrival of winter when the lake froze over and a curious girl appeared at his doorstep. Soon, more individuals unexpectedly stumble upon his doorstep, and Finn finds himself drawn further into this intricate fantasy world. A world teeming with monsters and beings beyond his wildest imagination. ----------Navigating Through the Story---------- Chapter 1-22: Serpent Forest Arc Chapter 23: Characters Recap and Power Glossary till now Chapter 24 - ongoing : Road to Ixar Arc ----------How to Support the Story?------------- 1. Review the work 2. Add it to your library 3. Donate Powerstones

DreamMerchantH · Fantaisie
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42 Chs


As Orochi slowly approached Finn, all the creatures around them bent their knees and lowered their heads in deference. Meanwhile, Finn couldn't help but think, "She wasn't lying when she said people call her the most beautiful."

Orochi's stride, her aura, and her appearance were truly something to behold. Every aspect of her exuded both dominance and beauty.

Finn was so mesmerized by her presence that he didn't notice when she stopped right in front of him and looked down at him. "Who are you?" she inquired, her voice tinged with pride.

"Finn, I'm the one who freed you from that confinement, remember?" Finn replied, a broad smile on his face.

"So, is this your true form?" she asked, her curiosity evident.

"No," Finn responded, teleporting himself near the remnants of the house. "This is my true form," he declared loudly, spreading his arms to showcase the burnt structure.

Orochi observed him as he gestured towards the charred remains with a smile, then instantly teleported back in front of her.

"And what about you? Is this your true form?" asked Finn.

Orochi met Finn's gaze and replied, "No, you saw my true form at the bottom of the lake."

"I prefer this form of yours," Finn said with a smile. "The other one was quite terrifying," he added.

Orochi looked at Finn with a serious expression. She wanted to convey something to him, but her pride made it difficult for her to speak. Observing her struggle, Finn gently inquired, "Is there something you'd like to say?"

Clearing her throat, Orochi replied, "Yes," her voice tinged with a mix of hesitation and pride.

Finn, wearing a playful smile, teased, "I didn't expect the mighty ruler of the Serpent Forest to be a shy person."

Orochi bristled at the suggestion. "I am not a shy person," she retorted angrily, her voice raised.

"Alright, alright, you're not shy," Finn conceded, trying to soothe her.

Orochi gradually calmed herself, taking a deep breath. Just as she was about to speak, she noticed Finn's eager gaze and the anticipation in his smile, which annoyed her slightly. "Stop looking at me like that," she warned, her expression tinged with annoyance.

"Alright," said Finn and turned sideways to look at the broken ice floating on the lake.

Now that Finn wasn't looking at her, Orochi's face flushed with a blush as she said, "Thank you for freeing me."

"You're welcome," Finn responded, still looking towards the lake with a warm smile.

Orochi hesitated before adding, "And I'm sorry for what happened to the house."

Hearing her apology, the smile faded from Finn's face. He sighed and said, "At least you arrived in time to save it. I would've perished if you hadn't come when you did."

"Normally, all the creatures that inhabit the Serpent Forest serve me," Orochi explained.

"I can see that," Finn replied, his gaze shifting to the obedient creatures on the island.

"However, after I was imprisoned, it seems they began to act independently," Orochi added.

"Thank goodness you're back now," Finn said with a faint smile.

In the meantime, Moonlight regained consciousness. As she awoke, she was startled to discover the Flamehowler and numerous other Water Salamanders sitting perfectly still, calm and silent. With disbelief in her eyes, she scanned her surroundings and noticed a woman dressed in red engaged in conversation with Finn. Fear gripped her, and she cautiously stood up, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the motionless creatures around her.

Moonlight then slowly approached Finn and Orochi from behind. When she was close enough, she greeted, "Hey, Finn."

Finn and Orochi turned to face Moonlight. "Moonlight, you're awake!" Finn exclaimed, his excitement and happiness evident.

Before Finn could introduce Moonlight to Orochi, Orochi made a comment, "You must be the new Pixie Queen."

Both Moonlight and Finn were taken aback by the fact that Orochi already knew about Moonlight's identity. Curiosity got the better of Moonlight, and she asked, "How did you know?"

Orochi, maintaining a calm demeanor without a hint of a smile, replied casually, "Your skin and hair color, the antennae on your head, and the presence of two other pixies here. I believe it's winter, which is why your color has changed to white."

Moonlight was pleasantly surprised and smiled. She then inquired, "And you are?"

However, Finn decided to intervene and said, "Allow me to introduce her. This is Orochi, the ruler of the Serpent Forest."

Moonlight's reaction was dramatic. "WHAT!" she exclaimed loudly, her eyes widening in disbelief. She scrutinized Orochi carefully, and her human form didn't quite convince her. "Wasn't Orochi an 8-headed giant snake?" Moonlight asked, still in disbelief.

Orochi maintained her stoic demeanor as she responded, "That's my true form. Would you like to see it?"

Moonlight quickly responded, "No, no, I prefer you in this form," with a hesitant chuckle. She then added with a warm smile, "I had heard stories that you kill anyone who enters your territory, but I guess the stories were wrong."

Orochi maintained her stoic expression as she clarified, "Normally, I would have dealt with any trespasser differently, but Finn freed me, so I'll let it go."

Curious, Moonlight furrowed her brows and inquired, "Freed you?"

However, before they could continue the conversation, Creambell shouted, "Can someone get me out of here?"

Moonlight's attention swiftly shifted to Creambell and Butterbell, who lay unconscious inside a sticky thread dome that Finn had created. She hurried towards them, but Orochi intervened, saying, "Allow me," and then signaled to the Flamehowler.

In response, the Flamehowler approached Creambell and Butterbell, using its claws to break the dome that covered them. Butterbell remained unconscious, but Creambell was wide awake, filled with both fear and surprise as he watched the Flamehowler, which had recently posed a threat to them, now helping them get out of the dome.

Creambell cautiously emerged from the broken thread dome, his gaze fixed on the Flamehowler. He then turned to face Moonlight, who was a mix of concern and joy at seeing him safe. Creambell immediately knelt before her, bowing his head and spoke, "Forgive me, my queen. I failed to protect you."

Moonlight replied with politeness and a smile, "There's no need to ask for forgiveness. You did everything you could."

Meanwhile, Orochi observed the pixies, and Finn directed his gaze at Orochi. He had been wanting to use his appraisal skill on Orochi for some time, but when he used it, the transparent screen displayed the message, "Information not available."

"Of course," Finn thought with disappointment.

As Orochi glanced in the direction of the pixies, she noticed the dead bodies of some water salamanders. Out of curiosity, she asked, "Did you kill those salamanders?"

Finn replied with hesitation, "Yes, although they attacked us first," he clarified.

"I'm not passing judgment or anything," Orochi began, and after a brief pause, she continued with a hint of emotion in her tone, "I've always seen this island as a clean and beautiful place."

Finn, curious about her feelings, asked, "Do you have some memories here?"

"Beautiful ones," Orochi replied, her voice tinged with a mixture of emotions, "and horrible ones."

"You can always share, you know. It often feels better when you do," Finn offered.

Orochi, however, turned around with her usual stoic expression and fixed her gaze on Finn. "You freed me, but that doesn't mean you get to get closer to me," she declared, pride evident in her voice.

Finn persisted with a warm smile, "You see, you're the ruler of this place, and I'm stuck here. So, why don't we start with friendship?" He extended his hand for a handshake. "There's nothing to lose in friendship. On the contrary, whenever you feel like hanging out with someone, you just need to let me know," he added.

Orochi glanced at Finn's face, then at his extended hand, and back at his face, her expression one of disbelief. However, Finn stood there with a persistent smile, offering his hand in friendship. Finally, she relented, giving in to Finn's warm demeanor. "Fine," she conceded, "but only because I'm indebted to you."

Orochi extended her hand to shake Finn's ethereal hand, which was never going to happen. Yet, something utterly unexpected happened when Orochi's hand touched Finn's. They were instantly transported to a different space, shrouded in complete darkness. Strangely, despite the absence of light, Finn and Orochi could see each other as clearly as in broad daylight. What's more, Finn's hand was solid and tangible, in contrast to his usual ethereal form when outside this space.

Suddenly, Manual's voice rang out, saying, "Congratulations! You've satisfied all the criteria of a contract."

Two strange things happened at that moment. Firstly, Orochi could hear Manual along with Finn. Secondly, the Contract stat that Finn had noticed in his status bar, something he had never been able to decipher, was suddenly triggered.

Both Finn and Orochi were surprised by the unexpected turn of events.