
Reincarnated as a golem captain

legion_928 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

The knights

I saw on the ground was a pile of armor next to the lake and a little further away was a black hair man taking a swim. I see he has a slim but well built figure with water going down and covering his body. He has been in battle because he did have a couple of scars on his body but they were somewhat noticeable. He then took his hand and push back some his hair to get it out of his eyes it was long but not to long. He looks like a actor that you see on TV. That move just make him look more hotter. If I had a flesh body my face would have blushed and my heart would have started race. It was like I was back in school during gym class. I hard time keeping my cool especially when my classmates were charging. Seeing this man is messing with me trying to look away or I'll be a pervert. A thought came into mind that I should appraise him for information.

Name: Felix Hendrix

Race: human

Level: 25/40

Class: magic knight

Hp: 117/117





Speed: 93

Skill points:55

Skills:Sword mastery lv3, sheild mastery lv2, light magic lv3, fire magic lv3, rally lv2, champion lv1, battle instinct lv2, goddess of light protection, status effect resistance lv3, regeneration lv2, shadow resistance lv2, fire resistance lv2, wind resistance lv2 water resistance lv1

Titles: knight captain, champion, hero candidate, Beast killer, Fiend killer, Guardian

Kevin: hero candidate?

[Appraisal: this individual has been recognized as a potential hero. Apon the current hero's death one of the many candidates will be selected to represent His or hers race. Benefits of skill slightly increase all stats on leveling up.]

K:(what about the hero)?

[Archive: their is a single individual for every race excluding monsters sometimes who is given the title as hero. There must always be a hero in every generation.]

Then a branch snapped the knight Felix look at the direction were it came from thinking it was made by me I hid. I peeked out and saw a orc looking at Felix. I was just about to create a weapon but five arrow shapes of light appeared and shot towards the orc. The orc fell to the ground and the light arrows disappeared. That one thing made me realize why he was relaxed he knew that most of the monsters in this forest weren't a challenge for him. I hear someone running towards his direction. A young looking knight came running towards him.

Young knight: captain Felix!

Felix: yes what's wrong?

YK: the scouts reported back that the bandit camp its destroyed. I have the report that explains what they saw.

F: let me see.

This Felix guy gets out of the lake just wearing his underwear and my mind ventures off again after seeing his body and his. Shaking my head to stop thinking of something else. I can also tell that young knight was acting strange. I try to listen what he's saying.

F:so they think that some monster busted down the gate and the bandits tried to fight it and lost but no monster body. If there is a monster here that strong we have to deal with it before it gets out of the forest. I'll notify the rest of the knights that this mission is now to find and kill this monster. Past this to Miranda and my brother Helix and his party

Yk: y-yes sir and can you put on some clothes before you do that.

F: oh right sorry I guess I was enjoying my free time.

Kevin: (damn it. well this might be a problem.)

I rushed back to tell Louie and Adam and told them what i heard.

Louie: we might want to head back then and tell the others.

Adam: i can tail them if you want?

K: I have seen three outcomes. The first is the knights automatically assumes  we are the enemies and attack. The second they won't come to area where the temple is at. The third is the one we want they have to follow us and see that we are helping the former slaves. So Adam head back and tell Dan to stop the train and have him, Nick, Emily and Ava get ready to talk to these people. Also don't tell Rex anything about this.

A: got it but why not Rex.

K: because he will get the knights to follow him without realizing it. Louie we have to lure the knights to the temple without them noticing us. Afterwards we will meet up with Rex while we are at it.

Louie and Adam nods there heads.

[Felix's pov]

We finally got to the Remnant forest our informant said we should find a bandit camp nearby i decided to send out Amber's team to scout out the area. The knights started setting up a camp sight I felt how hot it was starting to get then I remembered there is a lake nearby. I  decided to take a dip in the lake. While I was enjoying the water but I sense two sets of eyes on me. I could tell one of them was good at hiding and I couldn't figure out where he was. I tried to lower my guard enough to draw both of them out. Then one of them took the bait but it was an orc stepping on a branch. I cast one of my light spells. I thought I could figure out where the last one by scaring him out but no luck. Then I hear someone running towards my direction it was Scott. He joined my company almost a year ago. I could tell he acts strange around me whenever its just the two of us or whenever I get to close he pretty much runs away. Sometimes I like teasing him but I don't know why he acts like that. Plus I'm always busy with work so I don't have time find out why he avoids me. I decided to get out of the water to find out what's wrong and see what the hidden person would do. His face was turning red as i read the report that Liza wrote. If the bandits are gone then who was the guy watching me. I gave out my order to Scott and he left. I sense the person watching also left I guess we should prepare for a ambush. Before I go back to the camp I put on my armor on and looked around the area to find the place where the person was watching me from. after finding it the tracks is going to the Southeast I guess we have to check that direction. I need to tell Helix and his adventuring party to scout head. I returned to the camp site i quickly found a man with black hair that almost covers his right eye and in light silver armor it's Helix he is my younger brother we are twins but he likes having longer hair so people can tell the difference between us. Sometimes our older brother complains about cutting it but I don't get involved with that. Spotting me he walk towards me with a man that has short black hair and in heavy armor that was also silver it was our childhood friend Garrus who was a son of a merchant who been friends with our late father and is Helix's second in command.

Helix: so our mission has changed. I was going over it with Garrus.

Felix: and what did you come up with?

Garrus: we know that there are powerful monsters in this forest but we are not that deep enough for those to make an appearance. Since the camp was set on fire it is likely a elder litch or a creature that can use fire.

H: yeah. There is also a chance that its a monster from deeper in the forest moving out of its habit.

F: what could it be if that's what happened?

G: hard to say i need to see the damage of the camp to at least guess what it is. I hope it's not a fire Emperor/Empress.

F: There is something I need you two to know. I went to the lake nearby and while I was there someone was watching me. I couldn't find them but I did find their trail some time after they left. The footprints look like someone in armor maybe a bandit or a passing adventurer hard to say.

H: so you want us to look up ahead and maybe find whoever made the footprints.

F: yes but whoever it was has a high level stealth skill but I think you should be fine.

H: don't worry we will be fine.

F: hey I should worry what my little brother does after all I still remember when you called me-

H: aaahh! Stop bringing that up.

G: Haha! You two never change. Anyway let's meet up with the others and head out.

H: right.

Helix and Garrus are leaving to get the other three members of their team. I'm going to get the knights ready to move out.