
Reincarnated as a Dark Elf

College student Luxie has always been known to be the kindest beauty in the school, but who would have thought she's a sinister person who would get revenge on all her enemies and make sure they're dead. However, LuXie strangely woke up in a new body in a forest full of dark elves? Image doesn't belong to me, credit goes to the creator.

OnikunStudios · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


After that LuXie got to work. She immediately started to dig the ground with her bare hands. She decided to start right then and there since she scouted and saw that there was no monster near the area up to 2 kilometers after exploring some of the forests.

Even though LuXie's new body was small and not as strong as before, she was determined. LuXie dug day and night trying to make a small hole and make a room for her to fit in, she would take breaks to climb a nearby tree to assess if any monsters were nearby though. Her plan was to remove the dirt from time to time to make space.

However LuXie wasn't done yet, she dug a much bigger cave and made sure not to increase the size of the hole she could fit through so that it would be easier for her to hide the hole.

20 days passed but LuXie still hasn't stopped digging. She would occasionally hunt for smaller monsters and fruits to eat, before heading to the river to fetch some water and drink to take back to her cave. After 40 days of digging LuXie had made her cave up to 3 meters in height and 30 meters in length in addition to carving out her light areas in which she placed luminous bugs in leaves to serve as a source of light.

"Now I need some red soil," LuXie said to herself as she left her cave and covered her small entrance with some leaves, and left.

LuXie dashed through the forest sneakily making sure not to alert any of the monsters since she clearly knows she's not strong enough to beat them, after searching for a long time LuXie finally spotted a small mountain of red soil which was known to be waterproof and smiled with joy, but her joy soon faded when she saw the monsters that came out.

Three huge ants up to 4 meters tall and 6 meters in length came out of the nest as it looked like they were communicating.

"They're about to go hunting huh."

"This is a good chance for me."

One ant turned in LuXie's direction as it detected prey.

"Fuck I forgot some ants can detect their prey with the vibration transmitted through the ground," LuXie grunted as she had no choice but to fight these ants for the red soil and pray that there wasn't more of them.

Luxie dashed towards the ants as she reinforced her hand with dark mana which formed a handspike glove as she stood in a fighting stance.

"CREEEE!!" the ant screeched as it dashed towards LuXie.

LuXie leaped above the incoming ant that was about to snap her and smoothly landed on top of it. She immediately clenched her two fists and started to beat the ant with all her might.

The ant screeched in pain as LuXie didn't stop hurting it and its family flew into a rage and charged at LuXie with their big claws.

LuXie jumped off the ant she was on and landed on the ground as she sprinted to the red soil. However, the ants didn't make things easy for LuXie and they were surprisingly fast and caught up to her immediately.

"Shit," LuXie cursed as she tried dodging one ant's claw attack. Unfortunately, she was unsuccessful and the ant's claw stabbed into her belly as she started bleeding.

LuXie held her bleeding belly but she didn't waver.

"Dark slicer," LuXie said as her right hand was covered in a layer of black fog.

"Arghhhh!!" LuXie yelled as she dashed towards the ants that were running towards her. She immediately slid on the ground and used her dark slicer to slice the belly of the ant. The ant screeched in pain before it fell down dead.

The other ants were enraged due to their comrade dying so they charged at LuXie in rage.

LuXie thought quickly about how to react, but the ant's movement was faster than her thoughts. In a flash, an ant has stabbed its claws into LuXie's leg.

'Did they become faster?' LuXie thought as she was in pure shock about the increase in speed of the ants.

'This is bad, if I don't do something I will die.'

'I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!!'

Without noticing LuXie conjured up 6 water spikes from thin air that immediately stabbed the ants before turning into water again.

The ants screeched due to the unbearable pain before their death.

"Hah, hah, hah," LuXie gasped for breath as she slumped on the ground clenching her broken leg. However, this didn't stop her. LuXie crawled to the ant's body and started devouring piece by piece in a fast motion and would use her Dark slicer to cut the exoskeleton of the ant before continuing.

Once she was done eating all the bodies of the ants, LuXie burped in satisfaction before patting her tummy. LuXie then looked at her leg which was fully healed after she was done eating.

"So eating monsters increases my regeneration ability huh," LuXie thought as she got up and started to pick the sand with her homemade pot and runned back and forth with it until she got enough red soil for her cave.

Once LuXie had finally gotten her red soil, she formed some water out of thin air again and molded it with the soil, to make it soft and squishy. She then took her mixture and applied it to every corner of her cave.

"This would make it waterproof," LuXie said in satisfaction as she continued to apply the red soil on the walls.

Finally, her underground home was done. She had an indoor bathroom, which was just carved out and reinforced and dried with clay to make it sturdy. Now she had a water skill she would manipulate water to help her bath and dispose of it after. She had also carved out her dining room and her living room to feel much more comfortable and even carved out a tv made of stone even though it had no use.

"Hah, all my survival lessons have paid off," LuXie chuckled as she wiped the sweat off her face as she was finally done carving her kitchen which was like a small mini kitchen with a sink and a kitchen cabinet where all the foodstuff could be placed.

LuXie placed the seeds she had been collecting in the spaces provided so that she can occasionally eat them from time to time.


One day as LuXie was exploring the forest her body froze as she heard some force calling out to her.

"LuXie," the voice silently whispered

LuXie heard the same voice that she first heard during the fight with the worm call out to her which caused her to use her senses to look for where this voice came from.

"Strange. I can't sense anything at all," LuXue said with a confused expression.

"LuXieeee!!" The childish voice called out to her but with a much fiercer tone.

All of a sudden long dark vines protruded from the ground as they grabbed LuXie's leg.

"Shit," LuXie cursed as she used her water spikes to attack the dark vines covered in a layer of black mana, but it caused no damage.

LuXie then used her dark slicer to slash the vines with all her might but she did no damage to the vines at all.

The vines had covered LuXie's entire body, but it didn't strangle her too much.

LuXie felt her vision get blurry as she saw a small eyeball with wings looking at her before she passed out


Once LuXie woke up, she struggled to get up because of the immense pain her body was feeling. Also, the mana in this place was too dense for her to even stand up.

LuXie looked around to see that she was in an enormous cave with lots of dark energy surrounding the place.

"I need to leave here as soon as possible, this place screams danger."

LuXie forced herself to get up and walk through the cave. As LuXie walked, she could see the same vines that captured her crawl on the walls of the cave, but it didn't seem to want to attack her.

After a while of walking, LuXie reached a strange part of the cave to see a huge dark marble floating there with a thin layer of darkness surrounding it.

"This is absolutely beautiful." LuXie laughed in amusement as she got closer to the dark ball floating in the middle of the cave.

LuXie touched the dark marble, which first gave her a cool and refreshing feeling, but a moment later black lines and symbols appeared on her hand that connected to her eye, which shocked LuXie.

"You've finally found me," LuXie heard the strange childish voice again as she turned to the dark marble before.

The dark marble burst open as a wave of dark energy that was around the room then surrounded LuXie, which caused her to be extremely nervous.

She couldn't ignore the terrible pain she felt throughout her entire body.

"Argghhhh," LuXie screamed as she clenched her body, which was covered in a layer of dark mana until she was in a ball. The dark mana passed through every blood vein and mana veins in her body. LuXie would hear her bones cracking from time to time, which caused her to scream more.

"I shouldn't have touched that fucking baaaallllll!!" LuXie yelled in a rage since touching the ball had led her here.

"So this is when I die huh, well it was a terrible life though," LuXie thought as she couldn't stand the pain anymore and passed out.

Once the dark mana was done reforming LuXie's body, the rest entered through her breath and reformed her breathing. After that, the dark mana slowly faded as it teleported her away from the cave which collapsed into many pieces.


"Ughh," LuXie grunted as she woke up back at the forest which caused her to doubt whether what happened was real or not.

"Hello LuXie," LuXie heard the strange voice again which caused her to be alert as she formed a layer of dark mana around her fist.

"Hey, hold it's just me," A strange-looking eyeball with dark red eyes and black wings at its back looks at LuXie and blinks.

LuXie looked at the eyeball which was the size of a football staring at her.

'Okay, I'm done with this fantasy bullshit I need to think of a way to commit suicide and reincarnate into a better world,' LuXie thought to herself as she sighed in disappointment.

"No, no, LuXie doesn't think of that," the voice ringed in her head as she looked at the eyeball flapping its wings desperately.

"You can hear my thoughts?" LuXie asked as she looked at the strange eyeball, quite surprised.

"Yes, yes we're connected," the voice sounded happy as it answered.


"Well goodbye," LuXie turned around as she dashed towards her home.

LuXie first noticed her speed and flexibility had increased which slightly shocked her.

"It probably has something to do with that dark mana."

LuXie turned her head back to see if the strange eyeball was still following her and sighed in relief when she saw nothing behind her.

"I know all about you LuXie," a childish voice claimed, which caused her to stop running and look to her left to see the flying eyeball, which made her make an ugly expression.

"What the hell do you want?" LuXie asked the strange eyeball.

"I just want us to be friends," the strange eyeball answered.

"Well, I don't have friends, I have puppets."

"That makes us the same, so similar people make things easier for them to understand each other," the eyeball said happily.

"Hah, well I don't want to be involved with you. You're basically oozing bad luck," LuXie grunted as she squeezed her face.

"Ohh common please let me be with you. This is the least you can do for me after I gave you a new life," the strange eyeball pleaded.

"You say what?" LuXie gasped in shock.

"Yes, who else did you think summoned you here?"

"Well God, I guess," LuXie answered.

"Well, he's not the only one who can, hmph," The eyeball grumbled as it flapped its wings furiously.

"So what are the benefits if I keep you next to me?" LuXie asked the strange eyeball.

"Well, there's a lot, I can teach you magic," it replied.

"Magic, like the ones in tv shows and anime, I've got a grasp of it but it's good to have an experienced person teach me," LuXie muttered to herself as she smiled lightly.

"So what else?" LuXie asked the strange eyeball.

"Well that's all," the strange eyeball answered bluntly.


"That's all"

"…." A sudden silence filled the area as LuXie frowned again.

"You're saying that's the only benefit I get from you," LuXie said with a not so impressed look.

"I'm sorry I'm just a newborn who was in a semi-sleep state but I watched you."

"But to be sincere I just hatched from my egg when you found me, so I know nothing about this world," the strange eyeball said as tears welled up in his eyes.

"You're completely useless, you know that!"

"It's not my fault," the eyeball cried.

"Then why didn't you monitor someone from this world, instead of me?" LuXie asked, confused.

"Well, humans here are idiots." The eyeball answered.

"Is that your only excuse?" LuXie raised an eyebrow looking at the strange eyeball.

"But your world is so much more interesting than this world," the eyeball whined.

"Arggh!!" LuXie grunted.

"Let's get to my home first and talk, it's not safe out here."


Once they had reached LuXie's home, LuXie immediately sat on the chair as she crossed her leg and stared at the eyeball still flying.

"Aren't you tired of flapping your wings?" LuXie asked the strange eyeball, a little concerned.

"Nope I don't think so," the strange eyeball answered.

"Well, whatever," LuXie shrugged.

"So do you have a name?" LuXie asked the strange eyeball.

"Nope," the eyeball answered.

"Okay then, from now on you'll be called eyebat," LuXie said with a smug look as she nodded her head pleased with the new she gave the strange eyeball.

"Back there, what did you mean you know a lot about me. And why did you choose to save me or reincarnate me? Why did you choose me and what's your purpose?" LuXie asked the strange eyeball all the questions that had been bugging her, leaving her mind confused.

Eye bat looked at her and its sighing voice could be heard in LuXie's head.

"In my sleep-like state, I was asked to choose one human I would like to establish a connection with. I searched and searched for a long time throughout the two worlds until I found you. A soul covered in pure darkness. And I have never seen anything like you before so I chose you. I watched you since you were born and the times you struggled with life as a kid. Your abusive parents would beat you and your little sister every day since they didn't love you both at all. Even to the point, your little sister died.

That's when you started to hate humanity. Everyone who knew of you and your sister's suffering ignored you both and didn't even lend out a helping hand. You complained to some of them and they called you ungrateful. What's more, when your little sister died your parents didn't even bury her well or give her a proper funeral.

You couldn't stand your wicked parents anymore and you killed them, by stabbing both of them to death, just at the age of 7 you were a murderer," Eye bat summarized as it looked at LuXie buy its expression could not be told.

LuXie looked at Eye bat expressionless before she smirked. If this eyeball knew her deepest and darkest secret in such detail it couldn't possibly be lying about knowing a lot about her.

"Pfft, hahahahaha," LuXie laughed as she looked at Eye bat.

"I guess I can believe you. I did kill my parents and every one of those bastards who ignored me and my sister. Bunch as selfish twerps who couldn't help starving children!!" LuXie scoffed as she looked at the eyeball and her expression turned mad.

"Do you know what I felt killing a person for the first time?" LuXie asked Eye bat, which was confused by her question.

"Pure despair and joy. I was first scared

when I stabbed my mum, but as she continued to scream and struggled for her life I could tell what this feeling was 'Pure Joy,' "LuXie said as she had a wide grin on her face.

The Eye bat shivered because of LuXie's expression but it continued to listen to her.

"After my mum died in her pool of blood I became bored. I wanted to experience that feeling again so I went after my dad and all those who ignored me. That time was the best moment of my life," LuXie smiled as her face was red and drooled remembering the past.

"Hehe, that's what I loved about you. And when you killed them you hid any evidence, you were already very smart as a kid," Eye bat laughed happily.

'She was truly scary as a kid. She burnt down her entire town and pretended to be the last survivor,' Eye bat thought to itself as it looked at LuXie.

"Hah, watching your entire life was like watching an antagonist drama series," Eye bat laughed.

"Seriously?!" LuXie looked at the eyeball raising an eyebrow.

"It's a pity that you died," Eye bat said solemnly.

"It's such a pity but I got to experience a new feeling," LuXie chuckled as she looked at Eye bat.

"And what might that be?" Eye bat asked innocently.

"The despair I felt during my death. Hahaha. I was in my own pool of blood dying such a warm and painful feeling at the same time, hhhaaaaaa," LuXie sighed.

'She's definitely an interesting human,' the Eye bat thought as it watched LuXie who was fantasizing about her days back on earth.

"Well, I made sure to still preserve your beauty in this body," Eye bat mumbled.

"I guess that's why I still look the same," LuXie smiled as she snapped out of her fantasies.

"But why couldn't you let me keep my sexy body?" LuXie then glared at Eye bat as a dark aura was surrounding the room causing Eye bat to shudder.

"Well, you can't blame me since I didn't awaken early. I could reconstruct your full older body, I could only make a kid version of yourself as a race assigned with a darkness element," Eye bat stared nervously as it could see that LuXie looked really angry but she soon calmed down.

"So a dark elf huh. I like your way of thinking."