
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantaisie
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358 Chs

Chapter 264

Vorbuk did not waste time on his way to her room with Chase as he worried about her safety. He worried about how she would take the way things went down during that long night. Would she resent him for the things he had done to come this far? Would she resent the child, Chase, as well for the things he had rudely spoken? A great number of things were weighing on his chest.

Loosening the shirt collar around his neck was a small gesture to relax his tension. His eyes were unable to hide the worry from the princess as she stared at him where he sat.

"It seems as though you do not wish for Chase to hear what you wish to speak about with me. You do not approve of him overhearing?" Princess Isis was not asking. She only stated things as she saw them displayed before her.

Vorbuk felt his chest tighten at her words, "He is still young even if he has lived longer then us."

"What do you mean?" Princess Isis asked.

"He is already trying to be sent to the battlefield. War has not even begun yet." Vorbuk hesitated before adding on, "No perhaps it started long ago."

"He is not aware of the cost that going to war takes from someone." The Princess could not imagine that Chase, who had been entrapped in the dungeon for so long, would be aware of the burden.

No. Things are not that simple with Chase. Vorbuk understood that more then her. However he was thankful for her caring personality when he spoke to her.

Leaning back with a deep sigh Vorbuk could only ask the question that bothered him the most, "How could I send him to such a place when I am responsible for taking him in as my own child?"

"The Grand Duke Heket came to the palace all the way from Drethia." Princess Isis stated.

"I know." Vorbuk thought the princess was changing the subject.

"No, you do not." She paused before adding more to her point. "There is a crazy god out there aiming at war. If nothing is done to protect ourselves everyone is bound to die."

"Princess?" Vorbuk noticed her voice starting to raise as she nagged at him.

"Your Majesty," The princess said as she leaned in closer towards him, "the only thing you can do for him is make sure he survives. War is going to happen no matter what choices you make. That was his intent from the start. It doesn't matter if you keep Chase away from the battlefield. He just needs you to be there for him to make sure he's not fighting alone."

Silence filled the room until the princess spoke up once more, this time with pure intent to push the conversation forward, "How are things with Duke Heket?"

"I can not understand what his intentions are for coming all this way. At first one might mistakenly believe he simply came here peacefully." Vorbuk muttered his answer as he tried to understand the matter of Grand Duke Heket. There was no reason for the duke to attend and meet King Vorbuk unless he held a purpose behind it. They were not on friendly terms with Drethia Kingdom and they had no prior interactions.

Princess Isis stood up from her seat and paced around the room deep in thought over the matter, "Do you think he wants to rebel against his king? Do you trust him?"

"No," That was not a question for him to ponder over. His response to reject the idea came out almost before the princess could finish her own words to ask. "I will never trust that man."

"But you are willing to work with him?" Princess Isis understood that it would be hard on Vorbuk in the future. No matter how much Duke Heket was an enemy to them in the end they would still be spending more time around each other. It was like dangling raw meat in front of a beast. His life would be at risk every time the duke was around.

"Do you think I want to work with that man?" Vorbuk's voice deepened as he stood up and walked over to the princess. "I would never be foolish enough to let my guard down around him. He is power hungry and willing to throw anyone under the bus to save himself."

Bus? Princess Isis felt like she had heard something strange. Unable to understand what he was saying she could only hold onto the fact that she felt slightly reassured.

Princess Isis sighed and turned away from him. Folding her arms in front of her chest, "You should be more careful. The nobles will surely be uneasy about this if they knew you told me such things."

"What?" Vorbuk flinched at the sudden line she was drawing between them again.

"I am the daughter of the previous king. I am no different then the daughter of an enemy to those under you." She clarified her words.

He looked down as his voice came out soft enough that she was forced to listen deeply to him so that she could hear every word he uttered, "You know it is a great thing that you care about Chase enough to listen to my complaints and worries."

"What are you-?" She tried to question him however he did not stop.

"You will make a great mother for him in the future." Vorbuk stepped forward causing the princess to back up. Her back pressing flat against the bed's canopy. Everything down to the princess's room decor had been carefully selected for her room after Vorbuk had taken the room.

She would not be aware of how careful he was in making her room comfortable. From the beginning he had never seen her as a captive in the palace when he took the throne. It was a task that normally servants would take care of so rumors about it had been kept silent. However with her back pressed against the canopy his eyes could not even blink. Taking in the beautiful sight in front of him. The colors were soft and highlighted the princess's beauty as if he was staring at a gentle winter faerie even if she was a werewolf.

"Your Majesty-" Princess Isis was silenced by a soft touch against her lips. His thumb gently traced against her lips as she could feel the warmth of his palm against her face. Instinctively her voice froze in her throat, unable to finish her words.

"Are you really going to keep pushing me away?" Vorbuk asked her deeply as he leaned in.

The princess's hand grasped behind her against the canopy cloth. Her lips stolen by the man in front of her it was impossible to pull away. No, she did not want to pull away from him. A slight shiver rushed throughout her body as she felt drunk. His free hand held onto her waist so that she could not tumble as she felt all strength leaving her body. The sudden jolt of emotion in her had caused her body to weaken however she tried her best to not let it be obvious. She would not loose out to Vorbuk and allow her embarrassment to worsen.

"Hah.." The princess gasped for breath as their lips parted ways. Not a single word could come to mind even as she saw Vorbuk turning away from her to face the door. ".. Huh?"

"If you want to keep running away from me... I will wait for you" He spoke without looking at her, "But I will need your help in the future, Isis. I will be announcing to the nobles about you being the future queen. Things will be impossible for me to remain in the palace. I need you to be in a position to help Chase while I am away at war."

Princess Isis froze in silence as she watched Vorbuk leave her room. He did not hesitate to vacate the room the moment his words were spoken.