
School Begins

I walk over to my bed and take all of my cloths off. 'I am going to have to do laundry later'


I wake up the next morning, not forgetting to tell the others where I was, and go to work. When I arrived, I was supprized at what awaited me. Kline was a bit upset. Only a little. See, I completely forgot about Katy and apparently she went to Klines house and tried to beat the crap out of him for his 'immoral wrongdoings' and once he finally managed to straighten things out, I disappeared and she did it again under the assumption that he was in some shady stuff, lied before, and now he was the reason I was missing. I apologized profusely for what happened and explained myself, while he just let it off with a sigh, and a kindly request to not let it happen again. I find it hard to believe that specific series of evens will happen again, but I agree anyways for his piece of mind.

Sometimes I think of Kline more like a dad. He seems to be a very calm nonviolent person, but is terror inducing when he gets knocked over the edge. He is also able to put up with all of the crap I put him through, which for only having been around for a week is a LOT. I like Kline and am glad he is willing to put up with my problems.

Other than that nothing out of the ordinary happened. Thanks to healing magic Kline wasn't put out of commission so things carried on as usual. Some of the more regular customers were worried especially if they work for the guild or heard about my disappearance but I quickly sorted things out so it was all fine.

I did ask Kline about some rudimentary hygiene issues like showers, washing clothes, brushing my teeth etc, which has been weighing more heavily on my mind now that I am almost completely convinced this isn't some really long, realistic, coma induced, dream. He was at first confused as to why I asked, until I told him I have yet to wash my uniform, never washed my clothes, and even couldn't remember the last time I showered or bathed period.

He was initially shocked, but then thought about my situation and quickly told me about a nearby public bathhouse. He even told me I could leave a little early to clean myself up!

I happily took him up on his offer and left a little early to take my long awaited bath. I couldn't wait. I love nice, warm, relaxing baths.

I followed his directions and now find myself outside a bathhouse. It was a massive greyish building not too far from the guild that seemed to be made out of some form of stone. Walking in it seemed there was a place to buy soap which I did and another to pay to get in.

Regular people had to pay, but active members of the guild were permitted free use of the building, which I suppose makes sense. It is often an adventurer would need to wash off blood, Clean themselves up for quests pertaining to certain individuals, or tend to wounds as healing magic wasn't available to everyone, nor was it free. That and the bathhouse was run by the guild.

I unfortunately had to pay to get in and in total it cost me two big copper coins and three small ones. Luckily, Kline had left my pay for the previous week for me in the letter, and from what I gathered it was not too terribly much, but I was in need of more funds.

I took my bar of soap and a stone I was given in return from my payment to enter and walked into the bathrooms.

I immediately run into a problem. Which do I go into? Physically I am a girl, so logically I should enter the girls section of the baths, but mentally I'm completely against the idea. I am not a pervert and I don't want to go peeping. However, since I am a girl and will be naked since I'm taking a bath, the guy's is not even something I'm willing to consider. Regardless of age I am positive I will run into something or someone unpleasant.

As I am looking between the two rooms Attempting to make up my mind, though I had almost landed on a decision, a lady came up to me.

" Dear, are you having trouble finding the right bathroom?"

" No ma'am I'm ..."

" Oh such good manners, here allow me to help you, see I'm going too! Just follow me."

Just like that I was pulled into the women's while attempting to break free of the woman's grip, which wasn't that hard. Unfortunately I was already in the room so no point in going back.

I looked around the room and it was all the same stone with wooden floors and little cubbies in the walls to place your clothes. There was also a stack of buckets in the corner.

" You have to remove your clothes to clean yourself you know. Your lucky your so cute I'm willing to help."

I turned back to look at the lady and I see she is completely naked.

' That's what a mature naked lady looks like.'. I thought in momentary fascination. Though I think I stared too long.

" My starring is rather rude you know, though I do suppose you seem rather clueless for someone your age. Here let me help you again."

I immediately go flush, and She took a step towards me. I took a step back.

She took another step and I sped out of there I wasn't going to continue that exchange. it wouldn't be the first time I was undressed forcefully but I am feeling vulnerable.

There was thick steam that made it tough to see but I keep walking forward until I see a central bath with what seems to be some other women in it. I almost as if on instinct avert my eyes and back away.

There is a massive community bath that contained warm water and a Ring around the rectangular pool for people to wash themselves or I think that's how it worked? I just go to a corner and try to get this over with as quickly as possible. I feel like a massive pervert for entering, but once again I have to deal with it, I still think entering the men's would be far worse.

I didn't want to be seen, and for good reason. I've always dislike being in public much less naked in public. Granted the groups in the baths couldn't really be called a crowd but and It wouldn't exactly be the first time someone saw me naked, but it takes a lot more than that to break the ideas that have been drilled into your head by society for years.

'Regardless, I will keep to myself as best a possible if only for my own piece of mind.'

I make it to the far corner, where I would be best hidden, unperturbed and see a spout with a hole on the top of the knob that matches the bottom tiny gem I was given earlier. I put the gem in the hole and it glows a bit. I turn the knob and cold water comes running out sending a shiver down my spine but I see another immediate issue, I have no way to get myself wet and the spout is too close to the ground to get under it completely.

' Probably what the buckets are for.'

Unusual issues call for even weirder solutions, so I start to funnel the water into my system and once I got what I felt was enough I let it out above me making a big loud splash. This idea was courtesy of Cynthia, and I am greatful.

I quickly started to wash myself as best I could before doing the same thing again to rinse off. I did my best to clean my long hair but it was weird since I've never had to deal with this before. Once I finish, I use my sunfire to dry myself for the most part. I may or may not have burned myself a little but that's merely minor details.

I then retreat back toward whence I came but I ran into another issue. The ladies who were originally in the bath were out of it for some reason.

I tried my best to stick to the shadows, but someone caught sight of me.

" Hana, this little girl you looking for, she wouldn't happen to have little cat ears right?"

' Cat ears! Why are they looking for me?'

I panicked and tried to fade deeper into the mist, and remember I have Mimicry to blend in with the walls. I still tried to keep myself as small and as discrete as possible and slowly move away.

[Skill: Stealth Received]

It didn't matter she still grabbed my arm.

" She does, have you found her Talfa?"

I start to panic and try to pull away but fail. I start breathing faster, however the running water was silencing most of my spontaneous panic attack.

I look up at the lady, Talfa. Our eyes meet and she could see the fear in mine. She looked like a doberman a little, she had the ears at least. She had a chocolate like complexion, deep dark brown eyes, and two almost identical scars that lined the bottom inside of both, currently upright ears, could be seen.

" You owe me for this punk." She whispered into my ear before turning back.

" Yah, that little kitten? I think I saw her leave a little while ago."

" Talfaaaaa, why do you always do this, it's not funny." The lady groaned

" I find it hilarious!" Talfa said giving a laugh.

As this exchange was going on I stealthily moved for the exit.

"Why do you want to find that child anyways." asked Talfa

" Because, she was rather rude. I guess she was also cute, so that makes up for it."

" And how does that work."

" It just does."

" I will never understand you."

" Dang it, I probably won't see her again, too I'm leaving in two days."

" Well sucks to be you then."

" Are you sure you don't want to come with Talfa?"

" Nope, I got myself a job for a little while at least and I Intend on keeping it. The travel is fun but gets annoying after a while, You can always come back to visit if you'll miss me that much."

" I suppose your right."

" The kid might even still be here too."

" Then I have to come back! Don't worry Talfa I I'll definitely come back to visit."

I successfully made it to the exit and quickly equiped my spare school uniform, the one I had worn the least over these past few days, and left.

I escaped the cursed baths, which I was rather disappointed with because I was hoping it would be relaxing. In hindsight, the reaction I gave to all of it was rather uncalled for and utterly dramatic, but in the moment it was scary. Especially when they were looking for me in the end, I felt like a game character that was sneakily moving through the enemy base, and was found. I will admit I overreacted a little, but it's not important so let's forget it ever happened.

As I was exiting the building I saw a lady, that seemed to be a maid carrying way more clothes than one would need to shower into the building, so I followed her right back in.

The lady spoke to the same person I spoke to to get into the bath and she was given a crystal similar to the one I was given and left.

I walk up to the desk, completely not minding my own business, and asked about where the lady was going.

I was told that there was an array set up that allowed people to wash there cloths quickly and that the lady had paid to use it.

" Can I use it too!" I asked. I was always a clean person in my last life and the current condition of my clothes bugged me to no end. Especially my underwear which I only had one pair of and hadn't changed in over a week.

"I suppose, but it will cost you."

"It's fine, actually, how much does it cost?"

" It will cost you two large copper per set of clothing, but it doesn't look like you have anything but what you have on?"

" I know, but I have a few sets that need to be cleaned and I have them on me."

" Where?"

" That's for me to know. I'm giving you money right?"

" Your rather shrewd for a child but I suppose you do have a point. How many outfits do you plan on washing?"

" Three."

" That will be six large copper."

" That's really expensive"

" I don't set the prices, you'll have to talk to my boss about that."

" Whatever, It's fine for now I suppose"

I handed her six large copper coins out of my pocket. In return she gave me three more crystals of a different shape and directed me toward my destination. I arrived and I saw there were boxes that seemed to be made out of metal. I looked closer and just like the spout in the bathroom it too had a place for the crystal and it had a latch at the top.

" This is literally just a washing machine. but why do you have to pay for this many crystals when all of my stuff and more could fit in one load?" I muttered to myself

I put my cloths into the machine, all except the skirt and undershirt of my uniform and ran it.

The machine lit up some rather faint colors of yellow, green and blue that continued to become more defined before they froze.

I looked for the issue but only found the jem I had placed in the top of the machine had dulled.

I placed my hand on the gem and pushed some Mana into it and the colors continued to become more vibrant until the process finished.

From this I deduced the reason for the extra gems was for extra power needed.

Anyways, the clothes came out perfectly clean, sparkling clean. I swear it was actually sparkling.

I switched my clothes, put the freshly clean clothes on and placed what was left to be cleaned in the machine.

With all that finished I walked back up to the counter and asked for a refund for the two crystals. I was at first declined but some lady behind me was willing group pay half price for them and some money is better than no money so I accepted.

I ran back to the Guild and looked to see if I could find my class. School started in about fifteen minutes and I didn't want to be late. Bad first impressions are never something you want to start with.

I move to the large castle behind the guild, as it, with it's many rooms, was turned into the school itself, and Quickly move down the hallways. I find My class and walk inside.

Though the teacher was currently absent, there was a collection of deceptively diligent students awaiting instructions.

I walk into the room and am immediately bombarded by the other five of our infamous eight. Tanya was crying as she tackle hugged me denying me further entrance to the room, with Lyric on the verge of waterworks closing in behind her swiftly. Gram, Julien, and Eric followed with less zeal, but relieved expressions. Seems they all concerned about me. It made me feel happy.

" Where were you" Tanya was the first to voice her concerns

" In the basement of a locked bunker in the middle of the forest."

What? I'm not going to lie to them.

" You were kidnapped!"

" How'd you know! It was a pretty nice nap too, thanks for asking."

" What?"

" I took a pretty long kidnap, and found myself in the basement. Guess it was more of a catnap though. I was Catnapped."

" You do know what kidnapping is right?" asked Gram

" Yes, Kid - napping. when a kid takes a nap, obviously"

" No, that's not ..." Julien tried to start, but paused and muttered something no one really payed any attention to.

" Oh, you sweet, poor child" Eric put his hand on my shoulder and I stare innocently into his eyes.

I just shrug my shoulders and walk off with a slight smile. That my friend is deflecting at its finest.

I walk over to a seat. My personal favorite being the far back corner, farthest from the door and the others followed in suit. The teacher arrived not long after.

" Greeting class, I am Kyoka Himeko, but you all can call me Mrs. Himeko. I will be your teacher for magic, and core studies."

This was the start to my School career. Again.