
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Chapter 5

~~~Chapter 5:Goblin king?

Kenzuo didn't pay attention on the stares of the auntie,he just walked straight without even turning his head to left and right.

He was thankful to arrived on the convenience store without getting encountered any ghost or some crazy shotacon auntie,he look at the store and then felt a little familiar with it but he just shrugged it off and enter.

He picked up some snacks and then go to the counter,while walking Kenzuo didn't pay attention to the counter girl or boy.

He put the snacks on the counter table,and then look up.


"What's the matter?why are you suddenly shouting?is there anything wrong?"

The counter girl asked in worried tone,but there's a smile on her face.

"It seems that the fate,want to meet us already!"

The counter girl thought as she look at Kenzuo who back off with a smile, Kenzuo who's looking at her smile gulp a saliva as he slowly walk infront of the counter.

When he's already infront of the counter he just lowered his head,and thought.

"So that's why i felt a little familiar when i was looking at the sign,the shotacon onee-chan in the morning was actually working here."

"So kid,do you want t-"

Before she can even finished, Kenzuo hurriedly took the money while his hand was shaking.

"Here's the money."

Kenzuo said as he put the money on the counter,and then took the white plastic bag on the counter without hesitation he turned his head and walk calmly.

"But sir,eh?"

When Kenzuo heard the voice of the girl,out of his instinct,he run and exited the store.

"What's the matter with that boy?he forgot his change."

The girl said before she put it on her pocket,and when the time he comes again she will just give it to him.

Outside of the store, Kenzuo stopped running and walk calmly.

"Why did i run off?i already pay though."

He asked himself curiously,why did he even run, although that girl wasn't pretty or cute she wasn't that bad either.

"Nah, forget about it, since there's nothing to do.I might go and earn some money!"

Kenzuo thought excitedly,while he's thinking about something.Suddenly a floating man head appeared out of nowhere,the man head was looking at him with surprised and talked.

"You're the kid last time!"

Kenzuo was frozen,he gulp his saliva, before he mustered his courage and walked normally.When he's already infront of the head,he was disgust because of the leaking blood,but he still continue to walk normally and passed the ghost.

"I see,so it was just a fluke that he can see me this morning!"

The floating head man said disappointingly,when Kenzuo heard this he sighed in relief.


When the floating headed man heard this,he smirked as he look at Kenzuo back.After that he secretly followed Kenzuo, Kenzuo look from his back time to time,he felt that someone was tailing him again!

"Kukuku!you can't see me,i am the great ace player in hide and seek even in tailing someone they couldn't even caught my shadow.The greath Kisomi!"

The ghost said with a pride,but he look down sadly.Remebering when he was little kid,he wish that he can go back and play until he was satisfied.

Arriving on Senzu house,

Kenzuo opened the door,and enter with a white plastic bag on his hand.The ghost look at the house,it wasn't that bad it wasn't that good either was his opinion onnthe house,he just passed through the wall and hide in the corner.Silently watching Kenzuo movements,he observe around and he can see 1 picture of a happy family, there's 2 parents and 1 child who is Kenzuo.

Kenzuo put the snacks on the refrigerator,and then took some clothes,and goes to the bathroom to take a bath.

While Kenzuo was taking a bathing,the head on the corner started to float and scan the surrounding.

He decided to asked Kenzuo for Justice,so he pass through the bathroom door and look at Kenzuo.

He look down and shouted: "Is it normal for a kid to have that big?!!!"

Kenzuo was startled by a shout,so he took the shampoo bottle and then look at the floating head unconsciously.He jumped so high,and then hit the floating head.


"Why is it so unfair?he have a big weapon!and how can he even hit me?!!"

The floating head shouted while shredding a tears,he didn't expect that this kid will changed exceed his imagination.A kid who was about 6 years old can hit a ghost,and his jumping too.It wasn't that exaggerated to call him a super kid,moreover his down there was actually that big.Are you kidding me?!

"Isn't that the ghost before?"

Kenzuo asked while recalling what happened just now,he shrugged his shoulder and continue to take a bath.

After taking a bath, Kenzuo wore his clothes and got out of the bathroom.With a smile like a spring breeze was hanging on his face,he happily took his Jacket and said to system.

"Hey aiko,i want to go in dungeon!"

Kenzuo couldn't help but to be excited,his thought was being a rich man in the world.As long as there's monster out there,he will never run out of money.


[Transportating the host in the dungeon will now begin!]

"Again?i think i'll became dizzy again if i arrived there."


[Host will now be transported in dungeon!]

Kenzuo take a deep breath before his body produce a blinding light again,after that he found himself in the familiar forest.

"Hey, system can you make the light disappeared?i don't like that flashy thing."

Kenzuo said as he jumped on the branch of the tree,he squinted his eyes while scanning the surrounding,he was looking for a monster.

[It will be done,host.]

A female voice said, Kenzuo ignored the system and look around.

"Is goblin was really that big?"

Kenzuo said confusedly,he was doubting if that's a goblin or not,since it have a crown on it's head.And in order to find that out,he used his observation to this big monster.

[Goblin king:Level 20

The goblin king have crowns on their head,they have powerful strength but they have weakness and that is being slow because of their height and weight.]

"I see."

Kenzuo said,before he jumped towards the goblin king.

The goblin king turned his head towards Kenzuo,and it's face was just like a goblin but much bigger and larger.


Seeing that Kenzuo was an enemy,it raised it's big wooden club and swing it on Kenzuo little figure.


Kenzuo disappeared on the air before he was even about to hit by a wooden club,the wooden club destroyed the tree in one swing!this strength wasn't joke!

"Weew, that's a nice strength you have there."

Kenzuo said as he stomped his feet on the ground,and flew towards the king with his right hand up in the air.He clenched his fist while he was in air,the goblin king look at him with a sinister smile on it's face, Kenzuo couldn't help but tighten his fist and look at the goblin with a fierce look but calm one.

Kenzuo wanted to fight the goblin king head on!

Chapter ends~~~