
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Chapter 3

~~~Chapter 3:Silver coin per goblins.


There was a sound that like some metal fall on the ground that attract Kenzuo attention, Kenzuo look where the sound came from and can see a piece of silver coin.

Kenzuo picked it up and look at it from side to side,he was confused : "A sliver coin?maybe a dropped money,when i kill the goblin before.So it's just like in game."

His shout before attract some normal goblins around the area,the goblin walk towards Kenzuo and surrounded him.

Kenzuo look at the goblin with a greedy smile, although he didn't know what the currency of a silver coin.But with this ten normal goblins surrounded him,it can make him buy a food for a whole day or more.He didn't need to worry about the food anymore,since this dungeon will provide him the money!

While Kenzuo was immersed on his fantasy,the goblin who was near Kenzuo, decided to attack him with it's wooden club.


Kenzuo was awakened by the goblin movement,he look at the wooden club who was about to hit him.It was slow,so he swiftly dodge it from the left,and kicked the goblin with his left foot.

Bang! Keehh!

The goblin shouted as he flew six meters away,the nine remaining goblin look at each other before they started to run.But how could Kenzuo let them escape,he tun towards them and one by one he kicked all of them to death.

Bang! bang! bang!...


Kenzuo look at many silver coins on the ground,it was shining, Kenzuo face couldn't help but revealed a smile that can melt everyone hearts.

He picked the silver coin one by one,after collecting the silver coins,he put it on his pocket and decided to continue find some monster.When he was about to take a step to find some monster,he suddenly heard a voice that he heard not long ago.


[Congratulations,host just finished a hidden mission:kill eleven goblins that was lurking around.

Rewards:Kage Bunshin no jutsu,11 silver coins.

Time limit:none ]


Congratulations!host you had finished a secret task:Kill 10 with a single punch.

Rewards:earth bullet,10 stats.]

When the female voice stopped,Kenzuo stopped from taking a step too,he didn't expect that he will reaped many rewards,this take him a minute to recover himself from shock.

"I knew that the beautiful system will be this grateful!"

Kenzuo praised the system,and someone replied with a low female voice.Her voice was just like a mosquito: "I'm shy."

"Wait,did i just hear the system?no that mustn't be,since she was program.Maybe it's only my imagination, that's right! it's only in my imagination."

Kenzuo convince himself,that the system wasn't the one who spoke,and he was just imagining somethings.

"Let's continue, hunting some monster!"Kenzuo shouted while raising his fist.

After an hour of hunting,

"Why is it only normal goblin? isn't there something much stronger?"

Kenzuo said while looking at looking at a single coin on his hand,he jump off from the big stone and landed on the ground steadily.

"I think i need to stop hunting monster,for now i will go home with this silver coins."

Kenzuo said before he put the single silver coin on his pocket,he look at the orange sky.He didn't know why this is called dungeon?but aren't this basically a monster forest?or just goblin forest?

"System,i want to go home now."Kenzuo said,before he yawned.


[The host want to return on original world,the transportation will now begin!]

The female voice said,and then Kenzuo body shine brightly.After that,he suddenly disappeared where he's standing at!leaving only a dancing grass because of the wind.

At Senzu house,

There's a cute kid suddenly appeared on the kitchen out of nowhere,he was wearing a white hood with a monster logo in it but it have a little dirt on the M letter of the logo.


"System,what time is it already?"

Kenzuo asked as he removed his white jacket,and put it on the arm of the sofa.

Kenzuo sat down on the sofa,and then put the silver coins on the table, infront of him.

[It's already 7:34 P:M]

A female voice said, although the system have a mechanical voice,but it was still female so it's kinda good to pleasant to Kenzuo ears.

"It was already night!"

Kenzuo said, before he lazily lay down on the couch.Although there's a bed on his room,but he was lazy to go there,so he decided to rest for a while.But there's wasn't even a minute before he fell asleep, Kenzuo really sleep heavily.

4:56 A:M in the morning,

Kenzuo who was sleeping heavily last night,was now sitting on the sofa while holding his stomach.


"I forgot to eat something last night,maybe a sup of ramen will do and a pancake will do."

Kenzuo said before he took his white jacket and wear his sneakers,seeing that everything was set Kenzuo smiled before he rushed out of the door.


Of course he didn't forget to closed the door,even if it was an old house he would still closed it and lock it.

Back to Kenzuo,who was running towards the nearest convenience store.He look at the sign "7 eleven"

Kenzuo speed up when he saw the door of the store,while running towards the 7 eleven he spoke excitedly:"Gotcha."

Arriving on the store, Kenzuo entered and picked up a cup of instant ippudo ramen,and mochifuwa pancake.

After picking what he want,he put it on the counter,this make the girl who was sleeping in the counter to startle,is there a ghost.But when she saw Kenzuo she sighed in relief,and then she do her duty.Scanning the barcode and putting on the plastic.

"That would be 360 yen,si-."

The brown hair girl said,as she handed the plastic bag.But she stopped when she how cute Kenzuo was,she gulp her saliva,she wanted to hug and kiss Kenzuo.

"Thank you,onee-chan!how much is it?"

Kenzuo asked again shamelessly,and a smile was hanging on his face.

The girl in the counter was about to heart explode,when she look at this cute innocent child.She calmed herself down and said with a smile.

"If you kiss this nee chan,he will give you this free."

Kenzuo smiled,basic knowledge:if you're poor then use your charm to live.But this girl was a little too much,but what can he do.

"I see a shotacon girl."

Kenzuo thought before he kissed her on the cheek,and took the plastic bag and run off.

"Aww! he's too cute!360 yen was worth it."

The counter girl said with a smile,but if she know what was Kenzuo thinking before maybe she will change her mind.

Chapter ends~~~