
Chapter 10

After walking out of the company building, Jarx went back inside his car and took out his phone to dial the number of a person that could help him

"Hello, Jarx?"

"Secretary Kim, how are you?"

"I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm also doing good"

"That's good to hear then"


Jarx fiddled with words. He felt really awkward

Secretary Kim is Zesther's Secretary in the company. At this time of the day, that workaholic bastard is definitely still in the company, working as usual

If Jarx wants to meet Zesther, the best person that could help him right now is none other than Secretary Kim

"Sir Jarx, you need my help on something, right?" Secretary Kim said and Jarx can hear her chuckling

"H-how did you know?" He asked, a bit embarrassed

After the divorce, Jarx had a healing phase. In that phase, he almost completely cut off communication with people that has something to do with Zestger

That was including Zesther's Secretary. He rarely meets or talks with them all these years

As such, he was really embarrassed to ask for help when they didn't talk for that long

"Sir Jarx, does someone ever tell you that sometimes, you are an open book that is easy to read? With how much you're stuttering, it's easy to guess that you want to ask for help but is too shy to speak up" Secretary Kim replied and Jarx unconsciously pouted his lips

This is not the first time that someone had ever told that to him and he has a feeling that it also wouldn't be the last time

Fortunately, if Jarx really wanted to hide something, he would be the exact opposite of an open book

"Y-yes... I-I really need your help on something"

"Please speak freely. The Chairman informed everyone in the company that knows you to give you the best treatment"

Jarx was touched by that. He seldom met the Chairman after the divorce but Yves is still looking out for him

He can feel just how much the Chairman loves him with or without his marriage with Zesther

"T-the thank you... i-is it possible that you can arrange me a meeting with Zes— Mr. Nixon?"

Jarx decided that he should fix this part of himself. He should stop calling his ex-husband using his first name. They are not married and related anymore

"Oh, is that so? If it's you, I doubt that Sir Blaire would refuse. I'll inform him right away. Where is the venue or would you come over in the company?"

Jarx gave himself another mental slap. He hasn't thought of the venue yet!

The company is absolutely not going to be the meeting place. If Jarx were to be seen there, that would spell a bigger trouble

"N-no, it's not going to be in the company! It would be in umm..."

Jarx almost hit his head on the steering wheel. Why can't he think of any place to hold the meeting?

"Sir Jarx... you don't have a venue in mind, right?"

"W-well... t-that umm..."

"Sir Jarx is still as spontaneous as before. It's alright, I'll make the reservations. I'll just send the address later"

"T-thank you then, sorry for the trouble"

"Don't mind it"


Nixon Family Manor

The Chairman can be seen in the Manor's garden. He was originally taking a walk but he then received an explosive piece of news

"What?! Are you saying the truth?! Jarx requested a meeting?" Yves questioned his butler

He was even holding Albert on the shoulder and shaking his body causing the equally old man to momentarily feel dizzy

"Yes, sir. It was what my daughter told me" Albert replied while trying to keep himself conscious amidst the furious shaking of his boss

Kim's father is precisely Albert and she informed her father of Jarx's request

As for the reason? Who among the people that are close with Jarx that is also connected to Zezther doesn't like him?

It was not only the Chairman that thinks that those two were perfect for each other!

"Hahahaha! Good! Good! I knew it, there is still a chance for the two of them! Albert, call your daughter. Ask her to make sure that their date venue would be as romantic as possible! Put roses or whatever! I just want the atmosphere to scream romance!" The Chairman ordered happily

His face twinkled as if he was imagining some sort of melodramatic scene inside his head

"Sir, it's not a date. It's a meeting, a meeting"

"Bah! Who cares if it's a meeting? Who said that a meeting can't be turned into a date?"

"Sir, if we do that, don't you think that the two will find out that it was your doing?"

"I said to do it then just do it! If those two reconciled, they would instead thank me for my help!"

The butler can only sigh before making the call


Jarx's home

"Should I go with this one or this one?" Jarx asks while standing in front of a full-body mirror

In his hands were two different sets of business casual jacket

"Jarx, are you preparing for a meeting or a date?" Kenzo asked back while shaking his head

Currently, the two were inside Jarx's bedroom. Kenzo was sitting on the edge of the bed and the other parts of the bed... it was filled with clothes from jackets to pants and even socks

He can't understand why Jarx was paying too much attention to what he would wear. He paid more attention to his clothes for today than when he has fan meetings!

"Kuya!" Jarx said in a scolding tone as if he can't believe that Kenzo spouted such bullshit. "I am going to meet my ex and I 100% wouldn't want to look miserable. I have to show him that I am happy and stable even after we separated. I-I already kind of made a fool out of myself last time we met!"