
The History and Races of The Planet Summer

On the world of SUMMER everything is decided based on strength. Magic strength, for those who possess magic are the most powerful beings of all. On the world of SUMMER every being, every person, of every race is born with magic and those with the most powerful magic "Reign Supreme". in a world where magic is every thing being born without is a death sentence. In the world of SUMMER there are many beings and many different types of races Humanity being the largest and most powerful. Their affinity with magic is the strongest yet their bodies the weakest. The second most powerful race of course are the wise and noble elves the second oldest race with everlasting life. However the undisputed oldest and strongest race is the dragon kin being both strong of body, mind, and magic. Their only downfall is their small population. They cannot reproduce as fast as humans or elves and their offspring take 10 times longer to mature. These are the top three most powerful races. The 4th being orcs. 5th being dwarves, and lastly 6th the goblins. These are the races living on the planet of SUMMER. But there are countless intelligent creatures, monsters, and super beings living above, on, and Inside the planet of SUMMER. This planet and its inhabitants have lived for countless years and have hundreds of countries across its surface. There are only 3 worth mentioning for the rest are conquered and lost daily. The most powerful countries Westeros the country ruled by the humans, Elevenguard the country ruled by the elves, and Cloudcountry the country ruled by the dragonkin. Every country is constantly warring with each other for resources magic or otherwise. Which is why Mages and magic are so important. Not only are they used in war but they are also the ruler of each country. The most powerful mage or being is the ruler of their respective country. If you are powerful enough you can dominate and become the ruler of a country, then there are the nobles, followed by the common people, and last the trash of the planet SUMMER the beings who possess no magic. In a world where magic is everything being born without, is a death sentence for most and a life of misery for the rest. For if you are born magicless you are cast out at birth, if you survive you may enter society as a slave or servant. The Inhabitants of SUMMER are cruel to those without magic. For the ones with power Reign Supreme over all and can decide the fate of anyone as long as you are more powerful than they are.