

In a small village in the outskirts of the country Westeros a child is being born. One of multiple races the first and only of his kind. The mother in the middle of child birth screams. who would have thought it would actually have been this painful to give birth. that is all she can think about. Her husband and village warriors outside slaying monsters endlessly. These monsters are attracted to the ear piercing screams coming from the women. The midwife watching In horror as the child finally makes it's way out. The screams stop and all you can hear is the giggles of a new born babe. The mother of this child is barely hanging on by a thread. The endless stream of monsters has come to an end and finally the father may see his newborn baby. He walks inside the small little home and smiles at his beautiful wife who just went through 3 hours or hell giving birth to their beautiful baby...Boy!!! He exclaims as the midwife who turns around handing him the newborn babe. the man in his twenties is extremely handsome and it's obvious this babe will inherit the looks of his father. The mother and father could not be more proud being extremely confident in their firstborn child. The next few moments were crucial though. The Count of this small land has sent a magic tester to test his child's aptitude for magic as all babies were when they are born. It is done this way so that the family and country do not waste resources on the magicless.If the babe is magicless then he or she will be thrown into the wood to fend for itself if it somehow manages to make it back it may live as a slave or servant living a miserable life. However if the babe has a great aptitude for magic the scale being 0 to 100. bad being 1 to 25, good being 26 to 50, amazing being 51 to 75, and demigod being 76 to 99, and 100 being Godlike you would be trained and given resources depending on your aptitude. Your aptitude for magic cannot change. Ever. The magic Tester made his way towards the babe bringing his device that tested a beings aptitude. the mother and father had no worries on whether or not the babe would have a good magic ability. Normally a babes magic aptitude was an average between the two parents varying up or down only by 10 or so. The average between the two parents well exceeded 20 so they only hoped their baby son had an aptitude higher than that of 30 if this happened they would be given a new home in the city slums so that their baby son could train. The tester brought up his device a look of anticipation on everyones faces...0...that's what read on the little device the read in the magic testers hands. His face immediately showed signs of disgust immediately telling the family to get rid of the useless child. The mother and father were shocked. the mother started crying but immediately stopped realizing that the thing she gave birth to was useless and possessed no worth she handed over the child to her husband. He immediately began the walk towards the woods and upon arrival threw the child into the woods. He also realized that the disgusting thing In his hands was not worthy of being his first son and forgot about him. Therefore never even caring to remember his Magicless son.

The newborn babe. this world is quite weird my mother and father have discarded me. Why is being magicless bad?what's my name?what am I? The babe had so many questions. He was already capable of thought and intelligent thought as well. From what he heard he deduced that he was magicless and that his mother and father no longer cared for him. On the walk to the woods my father said nothing and just threw me into the woods if I hadn't landed on this Bush I might be dead now. Hmmmm.....he had a lot to contemplate and think about. He had limited options and could not stop asking the question why would my parents cast me out? He no longer cared. As he lay there he realized finally he was in jeopardy. He had no means of protection, no means to feed himself, and no way to get either. Suddenly a monster appeared he was absolutely frightened and had no clue what to do in the face of such a beast. The only thing he could see was the dark red eyes of the beast approaching to kill him. **Growl** was all that he heard before he passed out with his last thought wondering if this is his last moment.