
Reign of the Undead: The Rise of the Last Monarchy

[ Kingdom Building in the Zombie Apocalypse ] This story is about my book building base in apocalypse, but much better. The whole 50 chapters have been created, and updates will be slow, but if you request it, I'll update faster. Please tell me your thoughts, I want to improve my story, my writing style, and everything. Also, don't expect too much from the story. You might get disappointed. Once upon a time there was a boy who is living in the peaceful world, however it didn't last long as there is an unknown virus that spread the earth. Making him no choice but to kill people, do anything even if it's the lowest just for to survive and to protect his love ones. And his name is: Souta an ordinary senior high school student who enjoyed playing video games and reading manga. He had no idea that his life would change drastically when a mysterious virus outbreak turned most of the population into flesh-eating zombies. He managed to escape from his school with his childhood friends, but soon realized that the world he knew was gone forever. He decided to use his skills and knowledge to survive in the apocalypse, and to create his own kingdom for himself and his allies. He scavenged for resources, weapons, and vehicles, and fought against zombies, bandits, and other hostile survivors. He also encountered some special infected who had mutated abilities, and some mysterious organizations who had their own agendas. Along the way, he met some interesting people who joined his group, such as a former soldier, a former mercenary, a nurse, a mechanic, and a construction worker etc. He also developed a romantic relationship with guess the number ;) of them. Together, they faced many challenges and dangers, and gradually built their own kingdom in the apocalypse.

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Chapter 21: The Siblings

They agreed to go to the town to see what was really happening. If my claim about the apocalypse was true, they would allow me to take anything I wanted from the farm. We then hopped into a pickup truck and drove toward the town.

After an hour, we successfully got down the mountains, the two of them looking at the main road as I drove off road. Thousands of dead cars have lined up to the road.

The two of them still couldn't believe it, speechless, we continued. We finally arrived near the town. The sight left them bewildered and confused. "What's going on? There's a fire there. Why hasn't anyone come to stop it?" the boy exclaimed, but his sister remained silent.

We forwent the town and opted to explore the nearby houses first. Exiting the car, caution lingered in the air. "Be careful," I warned, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. "Once you've been bitten, it's over." The boy and his sister trembled, fear etched on their faces.

Taking point, I kicked open the door of the nearest house. A chilling sight awaited us as a swarm of zombies poured out. Surrounding us from all sides. There were five of them, each one more grotesque and decayed than the last. I wasted no time in drawing my katana, the steel blade gleaming in the moonlight. I faced the nearest zombie, who lunged at me with a snarl. I sidestepped its attack and slashed its neck, severing its spine. Blood spurted from the wound, but I didn't flinch. I quickly shifted my stance to o gasumi, thrusting my katana forward and impaling the skull of another zombie behind it. I pulled out my sword and swung it in a wide arc, cutting through the torso of a third zombie that was trying to flank me. The zombie fell to the ground, its entrails spilling out.

Amy and Steff were covering me with their guns, firing at the remaining two zombies. They were good shots, hitting them in the head with every bullet. The zombies collapsed, their brains splattered on the pavement. We had survived the encounter, but we knew there would be more. We had to keep moving, or we would be overrun by the undead..

Amid the lifeless bodies, one remained, its limbs severed after I cut it's torso, yet it persistently moved. "See? I told you, this isn't the world you used to know anymore," I explained, cutting it's hands, feet and heart, yet it still moves and tries to bite me, I piercing its head to finally bring an end to its unsettling existence.

Even though I cut the head of the other zombie it still moves its head, but yhe body seems to be lifeless. I said to my thoughts as I look at the zombie's head that I cut earlier.

The reality of the situation sank in, casting a shadow over the siblings' faces. It was a stark reminder that the world beyond those doors was unforgiving, and survival required more than just caution – it demanded a cold acknowledgment of the harsh new reality.

The siblings were forced to confront the harsh reality. Pressure, fear, and cold sweat enveloped them. Overwhelmed, they both vomited, their stomachs churning.

"Amy, take them outside for a while and let them have a fresh air" I instructed, "also, Lily, how about killing a zombie for an experience?" I said teasingly, but to my surprised she agreed. "I'll do it" she said with a serious expression.

The zombie that I cut it's head off, I told her to kill it and she swung her axe, smashing its head. The brain and blood of the zombie scattered around. Damn, she looks like a cold blooded killer. "Alright, let's loot this house now," I declared breaking the silence.

"Steff, join Amy and protect those two, we'll loot this place, this will also be a great experience for the twins" I instructed, Steff agreed. We proceed to loot the house, After a few minutes we took those things we could use.

"Hey Souta, can I take this?" Nana asked, it's a clothes that fit her, "yeah, you can take anything you want, it's not like the owner is still here. Mind as well make a use of it" I said normally

"That's kind cold of you to say with a straight face" Lily said as she gets out the room. I didn't noticed that I'm actually saying those words with straight face, I'm really changing aren't I?

"Welp, that's how it is" I replied smiling to not make things awkward. We left the house since we finished looting it. Outside, The others are waiting.

"How can you be so calm after killing those things? Do you have any humanity left in you? Don't you realize they were once people like us?" The sister asked, her voice trembling with fear and anger.

She couldn't understand how we could slaughter the zombies without hesitation or remorse. She still saw them as human, even though they had lost their minds and souls to the virus. She was naive and foolish, and she didn't know what it took to survive in this hellish world.

Steff and Amy didn't take kindly to her words. They felt insulted and threatened by her accusation. They aimed their pistols at her, their eyes filled with rage and bloodlust. The air became tense, and I could sense a conflict brewing. I had to intervene, or things would get ugly.

"You bitch! How dare you judge us when you have no idea what we've been through!!! You have mo idea what we did just to fcking survive!!" Amy yelled furiously at her, pointing her pistol at her head.

She was outraged by the sister's accusation. She had seen and done things that no one should ever have to experience. She had lost friends and family to the zombies thou it's still uncertain, it is what she thinks and lose hope that they survived. She had also killed countless of them to survive. She had no sympathy for the undead, nor for anyone who defended them. She saw it with her own eyes, how I killed those people to survive, how hard I struggled that's why she can't stand the idea of someone who know nothing saying those words to me.

"Amy, calm down" I said, trying to defuse the situation.

"But Souta! This girl acts like she knows our pain! She doesn't have a clue!" She argued.

"You're right, Amy, she doesn't know our pain, she don't know what happened and what we've been through that's why she said those things. But killing her won't solve anything. It will only make us worse than those zombies. So please, lower your gun and think rationally" I pleaded.

I hoped she would listen to me. I knew she was angry, but I also knew she was a good person. She had saved my life more than once, and I trusted her. I didn't want her to do something she would regret.

My words seemed to reach her. She lowered her gun, muttering "tch!" under her breath. She walked away, still fuming. Steff, who had been watching us silently, also lowered her gun. She gave me a nod, acknowledging my intervention. She was more calm and composed than Amy, but she also had a fierce loyalty to our group. She wouldn't let anyone insult us.

"Here's some piece of advice, Next time, watch your mouth or you'll regret it, trust me" I said. "And to answer your questions, I know you're confused by what's going on, but you'll soon understand why I did what I did" I said with a smile. Then I pulled the trigger of my pistol, firing a shot into the air.

The loud bang echoed through the night, startling the sister. "No way... Souta, I thought..." she stammered, thinking I had killed her. Amy heard the gunshot and ran towards us, worried. "Hey, what happened!?" she shouted, scanning the area for threats.

She saw me holding my pistol, still smoking from the shot. She looked puzzled. "What are you doing, Souta?" she asked. "I'm attracting some attention" I said with a wicked grin. "Alright, get ready before they get here. Steff, give those two some weapons. We'll have to practice killing zombies" I said.