
Regulus Black One-Shots

Some one-shots about Regulus Black.

JamesCarstairs · Livres et littérature
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5 Chs

Encounter with James

Regulus fell to the floor making an oof sound his books everywhere.

"That's what you get, Black," a Gryffindor says, leering over him.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" a voice shouts.

The sixth years scatter as James Potter comes running into the corridor. He pauses when he sees Regulus.

"Regulus Black?" James asks, creeping closer.

Regulus looks up at James and his eyes widen.

"P-Please d-don't hurt m-m-me," Regulus stammers, backing away from James.

"Why would I hurt you?" James asks, taking a step forward.

"Everyone knows what you do to S-Severus. W-Why wouldn't you do that t-to me too?"

James shakes his head fervently.

"I would never! Let me clean up your bloody nose," James says, taking out his wand.

Regulus stands up and dashes out of the corridor, leaving his books behind.

"OI! You forgot your books!" James calls out.

Regulus just runs faster and faster till he reaches the safety of his dorm.