

Just InCommunityForumMoreRegrets and Wishes: One More Chance by jnscrtm Anime » Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken/転生したらスライムだった件 Rated: T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, [Rimuru T., Ciel], Words: 104k+, Favs: 190, Follows: 196, Published: May 20, 2022 Updated: Jun 13, 202221Chapter 15: 13 - Truth in Royal Court


According to the spreading rumours and gossips, there were these two mysterious twin-looking beauties with bluish-silver long straight hair. On the outside, they looked like some delicate girls. They were seen many times by different people happily talking to each other with such captivating smiles that were able to make even girls blush at this sight.

Even though Dwargon is one of the safest countries in the world, it doesn't mean the criminal rate is absolute zero. No matter where it is, there will always be some trashes of society who wish for nothing but the suffering of the others, thinking that it is fun to see.

With such elegant outfits combined with their exquisite faces, one would naturally suppose that they were daughters of some wealthy nobles of the highest-class.

Assuming that daughters of nobles are never trained physically as they usually live a relatively easy life, able to get what they want much more easily, some malicious people—those who were never caught once and had been wanted criminals since a long time—thought that they were easy targets as they were supposed to be unable to do anything beside screaming and crying.

Some more extreme thieves even thought to kill them in dark, loot them, than hide their corpses somewhere in someplace known to no one. Some immoral predators thought they will make a great "partner" on the beds. All in all, the twins appeared to be an easy prey to those with malevolence.

But the reality: they weren't. Many claimed that they had witnessed the twins handing over the already black-and-blue, tied-up thieves and sometimes predators to nearby security post office, with the twins having not a single scratch on their clothes. But, because almost no one knows their real names, they are more famously known as the "Deceptive Twins", since their outer appearance always fools those who try to exploit them.

The sky is dark. It is already night, yet the city is so lively. The street lamps along the alley are shining brightly. A lot of people are passing by the roads, bursting with joy and excitement.

Among the passers-by are the Deceptive Twins themselves: Rimuru and Ciel. No one knows how long have they been spending time, going around the city, walking here and there, seeing this and that, sometimes buying stuff, eating, etc.

Earlier, they went to a flower shop.

It was a fortunate circumstance for the flower shops. A lot of flowers were blooming since the spring season had come for a while. There were so many to choose.

Out of all flowers that they saw, one particular group of flowers caught their eyes. They were cute little flowers with the colour of light blue that was reminiscent of their own hair colour.

Those flowers were popularly known as forget-me-nots, which as the name implied, symbolized a promise that one would always remember the person to whom the flower was given, and would keep him or her in one's thought so long as one kept living on—a symbol of fidelity and faithfulness. That symbolism was in the line with what they wished for and what they genuinely felt towards each other.

They bought a bunch of them together complete with a beautiful vase, symbolizing their promise that each one of them would not ever forget the other and would keep treasuring the other in each one's heart even when they were not together in physical sense. Apart from the flowers, they also bought some seeds to plant later on their future garden.

It was a touching moment between two partners.


Moving a bit to the north, in the centre of Central Capital, standing tall is the luxurious Royal Palace of Dwargon.

One night have passed since a shocking incident that happened at the bar of Night Butterflies.

The most famous blacksmith of Dwargon, Kaijin, was arrested along with his three companions for having done an apparently horrible violence to a minister famous for his cleverness, Minister Vesta. They are currently being detained in a prison within the royal palace.

"Akh...if only I hadn't lost my temper, we would've already been Boss Rimuru and Miss Ciel's village helping the villagers!" Kaijin grumbles while sitting on a wood bench inside the prison.

"Come on, Kaijin-san," says Dord. "It's been a day and a night you've been grumbling like that."

"I have dragged all of you into my personal problem. We might even get punished with a lifetime labour."

"We are going to always follow you, Kaijin-san." Garm stands up. "We never once regret that decision since 'that time'."

"Yeah." Dord also stands up. "If it means we can work together with Kaijin-san, we'll be willing to go anywhere and do anything."

"Hmm, hmm." Even Myrd, the most taciturn of three brothers, stands up too.

"You guys..." Kaijin is touched by his friends' determination. "But we won't be able to fulfil Boss Rimuru and Miss Ciel's request, will we?"

"We don't have a choice but to apologize to them and hope that they will forgive us," says Garm. "But I am sure they will. They are really nice people. They should be able to understand our situation."

"Yeah, you're right. Alright, I guess it's time to sleep."

The four of them takes their respective place and begin to close their eyes.

The time for trial has come. They have been brought in front of the monarch.

Someone enters the court.

"His Majesty Gazel Dwargo will now enter," a robed man announces loudly.

The Champion King of the dwarves closes his eyes and sits deeply upon his throne. He is stocky, dwarf-like in appearance, and his exposed armour-like muscles positively radiates energy. His skin has a colour of deep, dark brown, and his black hair is pulled back on his head.

Two knights are stationed near him, one on each side. They are equally muscular, but they still look flimsy compared to their ruler.

A man kneels in front of the king, checking over something with him. After receiving permission, he stands up and reads the affidavit. "We will now begin the trial! Silence, everyone!"

For the next hour, both sides present their cases.

As the criminal suspects, Kaijin and his friends are not allowed to speak for themselves in the royal court. That right is reserved for those with a rank of earl of higher. Otherwise, one needs the king's explicit permission.

If one does speak out of turn, it apparently proves one's guilt on the spot and earns one a bonus contempt-of-court charge. Whether one is in reality innocent or not, that is the way this place works.

Kaijin and his friends instead have a proxy to speak for them. He has paid them a few visits during their two days in custody, discussing the nature of their case. Their kind-of lawyer, basically. But they know very well that this man cannot be trusted.

"So, there Sir Vesta was," he states, "sitting back at this club and enjoying an alcoholic beverage, when this gang pushed their way into the place and exposed him to dreadful violence! This is such a behaviour that should not ever be forgiven!"

"Is that the truth?"

"It is, my liege!" Vesta exclaims, provoking the king, "I heard it from Kaijin himself, and I also have written the testimony from the owners of the club. There can be no mistaking the course of events that night!"

Kaijin's face turns bright red, then slowly begins draining of colour.

It goes without saying that representatives for the accused aren't allowed to lie in court. Once they are found out, that might result on another hanging. It is impossible to think any would-be lawyer will attempt it, barring extreme circumstances, yet theirs is doing it right in from of them.

"I would like to know where did you get that idea from, Minister Vesta." A mysterious, chilling voice echoes inside the court, leaving everyone confused.

Suddenly, at the side of Kaijin and his friends, the space gets distorted and, in an instant, two figures appear in front of them, floating in the air. They are strikingly similar in appearance with the differences being the colours of their eyes and their outfits.

"Boss Rimuru...Miss Ciel...how did you..." Kaijin mutters.

"How dare you enter the court without His Majesty's permission?!" exclaims a guard. Following his lead, all guards draw their weapons and point their weapons towards the two.

"Stop it, all of you." Gazel stands up and rises his hand, signalling all guards to calm down and put down their weapons. "Let them be."

"But my liege—"

"I say stop it!" He begins to release his [Champion's Haki]. "You have witnessed it yourself, my soldiers, how they can easily teleport into this place without being noticed beforehand. Not even the entire royal knights can take just one of them, let alone both. You will only be annihilated in spot. I would never forgive you if this nation were to be erased from existence."

(A.N. 勇者{Yuusha} and 英雄{Eiyuu} are often confused with each other because they both can be translated into "Hero". For that reason, 勇者 here is translated as "Hero" and 英雄is translated as "Champion". Since Gazel's haki was written as 英雄覇気{Eiyuu Haki}, I use "Champion's Haki" instead)

An intense, awe-inspiring aura begins to fill the entire everyone is affected by this aura. All people present i the court feels a great shiver down to their spines. No one is able to move their body in the slightest bit, or even to utter a single word. No one but only Rimuru and Ciel.

There is one thing that has stuck into everyone's mind.

Their king just said something that indirectly told every single audience that these people, the ones who just rudely interrupted and barged into the court, can not only destroy, but erase their nation from existence if they intend to.

They believe is that no one is superior than their king. But not even the king can destroy buildings with his full power. If these two could erase their nation, it would mean that they are far more superior than their king.

They don't want to believe it. But it is their king himself who said it, so it must be true. The fact that those people don't flinch at all, while their king is still emitting his aura that he will only let out in his serious mode, only proves his words even further.

"Are you perhaps the ones?" asks King Gazel, breaking the silence.

All audiences are surprised with this question. The king himself appears to have expected them to come to the court before long.

They carefully land on the court's floor.

"Ah, so that masked, blonde-haired, emerald-eyed elven woman has told you everything about us, it seems. Then, let us properly introduce ourselves this time." The gold-eye changes his tone into a very serious tone, facing straight at King Gazel. "My name is Rimuru Tempest. You can call me Rimuru."

"And I am Ciel," adds the red-eye. "The partner of Master Rimuru."

"What might be your purpose to come here?"

"Ah, our purpose?" says Rimuru. "We just thought that we need to help our friends who are suffering from injustice."

Rimuru stares at Vesta.

"What injustice?" Vesta spits out. "Are you trying to defend Kaijin and his friends while they clearly have done the cri—"

"What a noisy mouth you have," Rimuru interrupts in spite. "'They clearly have done the crimes'? For me, it is you who are clearly lying. Yes, they did punch you on the face. But your hand was never broken and your head was never bleeding this whole time. Stop those acts. Your lie is clear. Only that injury on your left cheek is real."

"Heh, can you even prove it?! Oh, right! You are perhaps the friends who apparently have helped them make the longswords, so of course you'll desperately try to defend them!" Even in front of these two dangerous beings, Vesta still has the audacity to accuse them on the spot.

"Don't make me laugh, Vesta." Rimuru's expression darkens, enough to make every single person in attendance feels a chill throughout their whole body. He turns his eyes to Ciel. "Ciel, please show them 'that'."

"As you wish."

Ciel pulls out a magic orb from her pocket and lets it float in the air. The orb begins projecting something to the air. A moving picture is slowly formed.

It is not only a smoothly moving picture that the orb is projecting, it also plays a continuous record of sound, showing what had actually happened at the time as clear as a crystal in front of all audiences.

"Well! If it isn't Kaijin! Goodness me, what are you doing in a high-class establishment like this?" Vesta's voice clearly echoes throughout the court as Vesta in the projection opens his mouth.

"Oh, great." It is the sound of a girl. "That's Vesta, the minister."

"I'm surprised!" Vesta's voice continues. "To think that you can finish twenty longswords in just half a day. I can barely believe it that I thought you received help from other people."

"So, what if I did?" retorts Kaijin's voice.

"They must've given you fake swords, toy swords. There is no way that twenty swords can be made in one day. Yes! Even His Majesty is suspicious. They just wanted to manipulate you, to fool you into thinking that those swords are real deal. They are just some filthy tricksters."

"Hey!" Kaijin in the projection stood up with an audible kick at the table. "You think you can say whatever you want about my patrons? You think I'm not gonna mind that You think?!"

Vesta in-projection is startled and steps back. "How...how dare you speak to me like that?! You...!"

"Will you shut up already?!" shouts Kaijin in-projection, launching a punch at Vesta's face.

"W-wha—" Vesta can only gasp looking at what lies right in front of his eyes.

"This is what one calls solid evidence. For some reason, we were so worried about our friends' safety; we sent a crow to spy on all of you in the club that not even the most magic-proficient elf among them could see through my crow's concealment." Rimuru turns his attention at King Gazel. "I know that in the end he still punched a minister in the face, but due all respect, would you please let them four go unpunished?"

"Boss Rimuru...Miss Ciel...you really..."

Kaijin is once again touched by his patrons' kindness. Small water droplets are formed in the corner of his eyes. He secretly swears inside his heart that from this day onwards, he will help their village to grow with all of his power and everything he's got, until the day when he breathes his last breath comes.

"Hmph, very well." King Gazel stands up. "But before that, would you accept my request?"

"What might that be?"

In response, King Gazel walks down the stairs from his throne.

After quite a lot of steps, he steps on the floor then stands in front of Rimuru and Ciel just less than five metres away.

"I, Gazel Dwargo, request one of you to duel me with a sword. Would you accept it?" He puts his right hand on the hilt of the sword hanging on his left waist. "I know you have some swords inside whatever spatial storage that you have."

Rimuru looks a little bit taken aback. This is not like what he has actually expected, but not exactly unpredicted. He has thought of this probability, so he isn't that shocked.

He flashes a confident smile. "Very well. I, Rimuru Tempest, accept your challenge."

Gazel now stands directly in front of Rimuru. He unsheathes his sword and wields it with both hands, pointing it directly to Rimuru.

All people near them instantly step back to give them more space.

"Ciel-s—I mean Ciel, please you step back, too."

"Yes." She takes some steps back just as Rimuru ordered.

Right when Rimuru closes his eyes, complex layers of magic circle begin to form themselves in the air, arranged horizontally in front of Rimuru.

A sword appears from the combination of magic circles. Rimuru lifts both of his hands then grabs the sword—the right hand grabs the hilt and the left grabs the scabbard.

When the magic circles disappear, Rimuru carefully pulls out the sword from its scabbard, producing a very chilling, long schwing sound. The loudest and eeriest happens when the sword is finally drawn completely.

The sword that Rimuru chooses from his [Imaginary Space] storage is a Legendary-class katana, which was created by Ciel just a day ago from a hunk of mutated magisteel. The blade has a shade of sky blue, earning it the name Sword of Caeruleum from Rimuru himself.

He doesn't use his Sword of Tempest because it is far too strong. Moreover, with King Gazel's sword being a Legendary-class weapon, it can easily snap after a few clashes with Sword of Tempest which is considered high-tier even among the Mythical-class weapons.

It is not that Rimuru is worried about breaking someone else's sword. King Gazel's sword is not a personal sword, but a grand heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation since the first king of Dwargon had ruled this nation. It will be quite disrespectful if that sword does break.

"Before that..." Rimuru snaps his finger, and a green-coloured barrier with the radius of five metres is erected. It is a barrier to prevent any contact both from inside to outside and vice versa, preventing anyone within from running away and anyone without from barging in.

Rimuru holds his Sword of Caeruleus with both hands and points it towards King Gazel, giving a signal that he is ready for the duel.

"Let the match begin!" King Gazel exclaims, marking the start of the match.

Rimuru immediately charges towards him and delivers a horizontal slash.

King Gazel blocks the slash with his sword pointing downwards then pushes Rimuru away. He uses this opportunity to releases a quick arching slash downwards.

Rimuru promptly jumps backwards and dodging the slash completely. Having recollected the momentum, Rimuru launches himself towards King Gazel while delivering four consecutive slashes—vertically, horizontally, and twice diagonally.

His speed becomes faster each slash, making it quite hard for King Gazel to keep up. King Gazel even nearly loses his balance when deflecting the fourth slash.

Right after Rimuru delivered the last slash, King Gazel tries to make use of this opportunity to deliver a surprise uppercut slash, just to be easily parried by Rimuru.

They keep exchanging blows for a while. The loud sounds of swords clashing invade the entire court. The pace of the fight slowly increases as it continues.

The audiences are slack-jawed.

Fascinating and beautiful; there's no word besides them that can describe the fight. This is the first time they see their king, the Master of the Sword, fighting someone so seriously, yet the opponent is still able to keep up with him.

Vesta meanwhile is sweating profusely as he watches the fight. He just realized that they, whom he had insulted without knowing who they really are, are people of that level.

Rimuru raises his sword at eye level and points its tip directly at Gazel while also shifting his right leg to the back and bending his left leg. He lowers his stance then rushes to Gazel while sending a thrust

King Gazel is surprised by this display, but still manages to deflect the thrust. Wait, this posture is

Rimuru hasn't finished his attack yet. He launches other four thrusts in a very quick succession, completing the sequence of five thrusts that feels very familiar to him.

This fellow...he just used a secret technique like what the Savant once taught me.

The five thrusts that symbolize the five petals of plum blossom, [Baika: Gokatotsu]!

King Gazel finally understands that he is duelling someone whose swordsmanship skill is at the level of, or even surpassing him. Knowing that he will definitely be defeated no matter how hard he tries, he prepares to launch his last move which is purposefully weaker than the techniques that he has used before.

When he successfully deflects Rimuru's downward slash, he immediately jumps backward quite far away. He holds his sword vertically with both hands and raises it, so its hilt is now at eye level.

King Gazel disappears from sight. Rimuru who realizes this immediately leans his body backwards, dodging a powerful uppercut slash that comes from below out of nowhere.

Another powerful vertical slash comes from above.

It is one of beginner-level moves in Oboro-style swordsmanship, [Oboro: Chiten Gourai].

The first uppercut slash symbolizes a piercing blow from the earth to the heaven, and is intended to throw the opponent off guard. Then, the last strike downwards symbolizes a thunder that strikes the earth from the heaven, and is intended to give the final blow.

Rimuru blocks the last strike using the back of his sword. He holds it with his both hands and strongly pushes King Gazel away.

Rimuru uses [Flash Step] to appear in front of King Gazel. He quickly twists his body, releasing a very powerful diagonal slash upwards. It happens so quickly that King Gazel can barely deflect it. He loses his balance because of how strong that slash is.

But it hasn't ended yet. Rimuru still continues to twist his body. When he has fully turned around 360 degrees, he instantly releases yet another powerful diagonal slash.

However, that slash is deliberately not directed at Gazel, but at his sword.


Rimuru's sword hits King Gazel's sword so hard, creating a very audible sound. King Gazel's sword slips from his grip and gets flung up high into the air.

The technique that Rimuru used was a powerful two-slash technique personally developed by Rimuru and Ciel inside the Mansion of Mastery, which they then named as [Blowing Whirlwind]. This technique is deemed very effective when the opponent is not really in a calm-headed state and has his guard down. That's why it is the best to precede this technique with a [Flash Step] to surprise the opponent even further.

All two slashes are directed to the opponent's sword. The first slash is for making the opponent lose his balance, then the second slash is for making him lose grip over his sword and throw the sword off far away. This technique is never intended to deliver a killing blow. This is used only to make the opponent lose his sword and surrender.

Fortunately, Gazel manages to find his balance again before he falls on the floor and embarrasses himself in front of the audiences. Seconds later, his sword hits the floor some meters away. Fortunately, as the barrier is still erected, there is no need to worry if the sword would land on one of the audiences' head.

Rimuru gracefully sheathes his sword back.

"Ga-ha-ha-ha...I really didn't expect that I would lose my sword in the middle of fighting. This marks my complete defeat. I resign. I'm now convinced that you're not evil beings, looking at how you always tried to disarm me of my sword in each of your slash, instead of trying to inflict a fatal wound."

All audiences are flabbergasted. Their king, the one hailed as the Champion King who has been ruling for three hundred years, is defeated in front of their own eyes.

They don't believe it. No, they just don't want to believe it. But it's the undeniable truth that lies in front of their eyes.

"As expected of Master." Ciel is just puffing her chest with a smile, proud of her master.

Rimuru snaps his fingers for the second time; the barrier gets dissolved. Gazel takes his sword and sheathes it. He starts to step up the stairs then walks to the throne.

"With this," he announces with a tone full of dignity after having sat down, "I shall pass the judgement: Kaijin, Garm, Dord, and Myrd are forgiven for what they have done, and therefore are fully freed from any punishments. That concludes my verdict."

The judge, who is petrified the whole time from seeing the sword fight, finally can regain his mind back. "Ah—the court is now adjourned!" exclaims the judge, marking the end of the trial.

The criminal suspects are now free to go. They walk out of the court with teary eyes and smiles, sometimes also wiping their eyes. Rimuru and Ciel also begins to walk away.

"Rimuru, Ciel."

"Yes, King Gazel?" Hearing their names being called, they stop their steps and turn their heads.

"Would you mind if I invite you for lunch? I'm sure you have many things to talk about."

"Heh, you are very sharp one, King Gazel. As expected of the Champion King of the dwarves," says Rimuru. "Then very well, we will gladly accept your invitation."

"I have another thing to settle first, so please wait for a moment in our reception room."

Gazel orders some of the guards to guide Rimuru and Ciel to the royal palace's reception room.

Right after Rimuru and Ciel along with the guards have stepped out of the court room, King Gazel stands up. The room is now very silent, a far cry from the loud arguing of a moment ago. Nobody in attendance dares move even an inch.

Vesta nervously gulps. The persistent silence of the king puts both him and everyone else on edge.

"Now then, Vesta, is there anything you wish to say?" King Gazel shatters the stillness, looking sharply at the one in question.

All eyes are now directed at Vesta.

"A—a thousand pardons, my liege, but this is all but a misunderstanding! Yes, it simply has to be a mistake!" His voice indicates a sheer nervousness as he pleads his case.

Those who never like him since the very start visibly roll their eyes in annoyance, as if wanting to say out loud, "Don't you dare lie even more!"

King Gazel looks at him coldly. "Misunderstanding? If it is, then it has costed me one of my most faithful retainers."

"How could you say such a thing my liege?! You call what he offered to you 'faithfulness'? Why, he is simply a man off the street—"

"Vesta, I see you're mistaken. Kaijin left my corps on his volition. When I refer to the faithful retainer I've lost, is in fact..." Gazel squints his eyes.

Vesta's heart races as he waits for his king to continue his words.


I need to find an excuse. But his mind is blank like a new sheet of paper. Words refuse to come to his lips. His thoughts are slow to form. What did he just say? He referred to me? Then...

"Let me ask you once again, Vesta. Is there anything you wish to say?"

Fear, just pure fear, dominates Vesta's head. His king has asked him a question. He needs to answer right now. But he just can't find it.

"I...my liege, I am afraid...I—"

"I had great hopes for you. I've been waiting for so long. Even through the failure of Magisoldier Project, I waited for you to finally speak the truth."

"M-my liege, p-please—"

"And now I find that, yet again. You were still denying the truth, that you ended up being disgracefully exposed by some unknown people who did not even have a single relationship with me nor you, in front of all these eyes in this court."

King Gazel's words pierce through Vesta's heart like the sharpest sword.

"Look at those." King Gazel points out two items one of his attendants have produced.

Vesta, eyes hollow, looks at them. One is a spherical bottle filled with a liquid that he has never seen before; the other is a single longsword.

"Do you know what those are?" King Gazel asks.

The liquid remains a mystery to Vesta, but he remembers the longsword. It is the same longsword as one of the swords that Kaijin have brought in.

"You may explain to him," King Gazel orders his attendant.

The attendant begins to explain about the liquid.


The speech takes a fairly long time for Vesta to fully understand. The liquid is a life-regenerating elixir, a nearly perfect extract of the juices of the hipokute herbs. A so-called "Full" Potion, named for its miraculous recovery properties.

Even with the best technology that the dwarves have at their fingertips, the purest extract they can produce tops off at ninety-eight percent. That makes it only as potent as a "High" Potion. This liquid, meanwhile, is at ninety-nine percent.

Vesta's face twists in shock. I have to know! What did they do to produce such a level of—

But before he could ask, the attendant has even more shocking news for him. The longsword has a core of magisteel that is already working its way through the rest of the blade.

Impossible! That process began only after a ten-year adaptation procedure! The shock set Vesta's mind reeling. If this was true...!

"Both of these wonders were brought by those two whom you unknowingly insulted when you hadn't even met them," King Gazel states. "And thanks to your behaviour, we almost lost our connection to such beings. Is there anything you wish to say?"

Vesta now realizes the full extent of his king's rage. With this, he truly doesn't have anything left to say.

"There...there is not...my liege." Tears start to fall down his cheeks. He falls to his knees and lowers his head. The memories of his childhood flash before his eyes.

Ever since I first saw my liege back in my days as a young boy...all I wanted was to be useful to my liege, to win my liege's approval. That is all I have ever wanted.

When did I choose the wrong path? Was it when I began to envy Kaijin? Or was it even earlier?

King Gazel can only look down at him with a gloomy expression.

"For betraying my liege's expectations." Vesta lowers his head more. "I humbly ask for your forgiveness."

"Vesta, I hereby forbid you from entering this palace. Never show yourself before me again. But know this: your works until this have been a very great service."

Hearing the words, Vesta can only cry, sobbing, regretting everything he did. He stands up and bows deeply to his lord. Then he leaves, setting off to pay for his penance for his foolishness.

A guard runs forward and arrests the representative serving as Vesta's accomplice.

King Gazel watches them out of the corner of his eyes. Then, he stands up then walks out of the court, heading towards the reception room.

Who actually are those two?

This is the first time in my life...have I ever seen such monsters. My full-fledged [Champion's Haki] didn't tickle them at all. My unique skill [Tyrant] couldn't dig even the surface of their minds.

They're the true beasts. And perhaps possess even much more threats than Veldora the Storm Dragon.

But I have seen and proved it myself. They are not some malevolent beings. They are not those who will do something without a good reason.

If that's the case, we're so fortunate.

Let's just hope that our talk later...will give the best result.


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