
Spawn Of The Devil

Adela sat on the couch in her father's office. She was on one side of her father and her brother on the other. They were facing a camera, with a projector placing a picture on the wall beyond. They were on a video call with the King of Myria. He looked serious. What was this about? He was in Siambi. Adela could not believe it, but he was with that girl he had been with in the papers. Was he officially cancelling their engagement?

She looked at her father and across him at her brother. Leroy was looking straight ahead. Her father glanced at her, smiled, and looked ahead. She had found herself called into the room and asked to sit with this setup already in place. Her brother had already been seated when she got in. What was going on?

She was going to find out sooner or later.

"Thank you for joining us," Gustav said with a gentle smile.

It took everything in her to smile and say, "Glad to be here."