
Regain Immortality

In the ancient realm of Murim, where martial arts and cultivation dictate power, the legendary Immortal Emperor Xianwu Yongsheng faces ultimate betrayal. On the brink of ascension to the Immortal Realm, he is murdered by trusted allies. Miraculously reborn 1000 years in the past, at the dawn of his cultivation journey, Xianwu seizes this second chance to reclaim his power, seek vengeance, and fulfill his destiny. patreon.com/regain_immortality

detalafol · Oriental
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13 Chs

Shadows Unleashed

After an intense series of matches that tested the limits of skill, endurance, and spirit among the disciples of the Azure Cloud Sect, the next duel was announced, setting the stage for a confrontation between Han Bo and Xianwu Yongsheng. The two competitors entered the arena, their approach marked by mutual respect as they acknowledged each other with a formal bow. The crowd, buzzing with anticipation, fell into a hushed silence, their attention riveted on the impending battle.

Xianwu, however, was preoccupied with thoughts far removed from the immediate challenge Han Bo presented. His mind lingered on the dark energy technique Liang Wei had unleashed earlier—a technique unknown to him, despite his extensive knowledge as the Immortal Emperor. I have no time to play games. I must end this fight quickly to learn more about that technique, Xianwu resolved, his determination casting a shadow over his usual calm demeanor.

As the gong sounded, echoing the start of the duel, Xianwu wasted no time. With a burst of speed that demanded even Lan Hua's keen attention to see him, he closed the distance between himself and Han Bo. Han Bo, taken aback by the sudden onslaught, managed to raise his weapon in defense, barely parrying Xianwu's initial strike.

But Xianwu was relentless. Launching another rapid attack with precision and power that left no room for counter, he swiftly outmaneuvered Han Bo, forcing him out of the ring with an almost effortless motion. The match was over almost as soon as it had begun, leaving the spectators and even the elders exchanging significant glances. This is no ordinary outer disciple, their looks seemed to say, a mixture of awe and speculation swirling in the air.

As Xianwu made his way back to Feng Mo and Jianyu, he was met with expressions of disbelief. "How did you do that?" Feng Mo asked, his voice tinged with both admiration and curiosity.

Jianyu, equally astonished, awaited Xianwu's explanation, the implications of his friend's power dawning on him.

Xianwu, feeling the weight of their questions and the curiosity of those around him, knew this was neither the time nor the place for revelations. "I'll explain it to you, but not today, not here," he assured them, his voice low but firm.

In the quiet before the storm of Feng Mo's match against Liang Wei, Xianwu found himself in a difficult conversation with his friend. "Feng, I think you should consider forfeiting your match against Liang Wei," Xianwu said, his voice heavy with concern.

Feng Mo's reaction was immediate, his pride wounded by the suggestion. "Forfeit? You know I can't do that. It's a matter of honor," Feng Mo retorted, the idea of backing down inconceivable to him.

Jianyu, having been a silent observer until now, chimed in, siding with Xianwu. "He's right, Feng. It's not just about honor. It's about being smart and staying safe. We've seen what Liang Wei is capable of."

The discussion was tense, with Feng Mo caught between his sense of duty and the logic presented by his friends. Eventually, he made a reluctant promise. "Fine, if it gets too bad, I'll concede. But I'm not going down without a fight," Feng Mo declared, a fierce determination in his eyes.

Xianwu, sensing Feng Mo's internal struggle, leaned in and whispered something in his ear. Feng Mo nodded, even as Xianwu battled his own turmoil, the weight of the future and the consequences of Feng Mo's actions pressing down on him.

As Feng Mo and Liang Wei stepped onto the stage, the tension was palpable. Feng Mo, with a steely gaze, addressed his opponent. "I'm here to avenge Lin. Your kind has no place in our sect," he declared, his voice echoing in the silent arena.

Liang Wei's response was a sneer, his arrogance as palpable as the danger he represented. "Avenge? You're hardly a threat," he taunted, his confidence unshaken.

The gong sounded, and the match began. Feng Mo launched into action, his movements precise and calculated. Liang Wei, for all his arrogance, found himself on the defensive, parrying a series of skilled attacks from Feng Mo. The crowd watched, breathless, as the two disciples exchanged blows, the clash of their weapons a testament to their prowess.

But as the battle wore on, Liang Wei resorted to the dark energy technique that had become his signature. The arena gasped as the familiar sinister aura enveloped his hand, aiming directly at Feng Mo.

Xianwu, from the sidelines, saw the danger unfold. "Feng, now!" he shouted, already sprinting towards the ring. Feng Mo, realizing the futility of continuing, raised his hand in surrender. The signal Xianwu talked about before the match.

Just as Liang Wei's attack was about to connect, Xianwu intervened, catching the blow with his own body, the force of the dark energy threatening to overwhelm him. He channeled 50% of his energy to counter the assault, a testament to the power Liang Wei wielded.

The elders, recognizing the severity of the situation, descended into the arena, ready to assist.

Xianwu's realization dawned sharp and sudden amidst the chaos. With clarity cutting through the tension like a blade, he saw the truth behind Liang Wei's dark energy. There was no time for hesitation, only action. With swift decisiveness, he reached for Feng Mo, shoving him away from the imminent danger.

"Get back!" Xianwu's voice boomed across the arena, a command that brooked no argument. "Everyone, away from the ring—now!"