

Kais is an F- rank lvl 4 psychic who's only power is energy shield. Even though he has such a useful ability, he can't use it effectively because of his low PSY stat. After accidentally bumping in to an S-rank psychic during a guild meeting he was instantly marked for death, who would miss a weak person like him anyways. His own squad mates whom he had know for years left him to die in a PD ( a dungeon) after stealing his skill because they were paid to. Now just a normal human he fears for his life as extra dimensional abominations surround him. Thankfully his innate powers fully manifested. Now he will go from being a lowly F- rank psychic to the worlds strongest and kill the superior beings responsible for the destruction of old humanity.

Loligagger27 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

I'll have to decline

After 2 minutes of running Kais and the loli reach the exit portal. He puts her down and realizes that he has a problem. He's in his under ware...

" Miss, remember how you said you'd reward me?"

** I knew it **

" Yes, what do you want?"

" Clothes "

** Wha?**

" Are you sure that's all you want?"

" For now"

" Alright, once I exit the portal I'll have someone send in some clothes"

" How do I know you aren't lying to me?"

** Oh for the love o...**

" Hand me your ID"

" Why?"

The loli proceeded to forcefully take the ID which snapped its cord. She placed hers on top of his and fiddled around with for a while until a beep was heard.

" There, I just issued you a quest using my family's access to the administrations system and said it was completed. The rewards of which are...*uh*... clothing and one request"

I've heard of these. Rich people use system contracts because they're 100% full proof. What ever the terms, if not fulfilled, will result in a punishment. I check my ID"s quest tab and see a warning over the quest I just " completed". [ Issuers failure to comply will result in death ] well that's extreme. But at least I know she isn't lying to me. I must have wounded her pride by questioning weather or not she'd go back on her word. so she set the failure punishment to be death to show how serious she is.

" I'll be waiting for you on the other side. Don't, keep me waiting"

Her angry face is adorable.

After waiting for 30 something minutes Kais sees a female, MIB lookin' ass ,black haired, silver eyed, F cup ..... holy shit she's a ten( her eyes look especially dead). She quickly zooms over to wear Kais is and throws a small pile of clothing at him. With a scowl she says...

" Get dressed, the young master's patience is running thin"

" That's not my fault. I'm the one whos been waiting for half an hour"

She scoffs and just as quickly exited the portal.

Kais gets dressed in his new clothes. He's surprised to see that this was technically enhanced gear. +15 AGI + 12 DEX + 20 PER.

All I asked for regular clothing but this works too( Its a black on red cloak) . Kais finally exited the dungeon, as soon as he did he felt weakened. It was day time so the effect of the Night-Crawler title isn't active.

He saw reporters and cameras everywhere. In the middle of it all, the loli was having tea.

" So, you finally decided to come out?"

" I'm the one who wa...."

" yeah yeah whatever, just shut up and follow me"

This loli has terrible manners She must be venting her anger onto me).

She got up from her chair and began walking forwards, I followed her. Some chicks in black began to spread the crowd while 2 others packed up the tea time stuff. Eventually, we reached a limo and both got in. What happened next was the most awkward hour of my life. We didn't talk, she just looked at me every now and then with the face of someone deep in thought. Once we arrived we both got out of the limo and my jaw fell off. I couldn't believe it, I was at the main entrance of the Bizzel family guild hall ( It's a skyscraper located in downtown Bottleneck city) . They're one of the most powerful guilds on the east coast. Kais was just standing there mouth open....

" My father wants to meet you"

" What!?"

" I told him about what happened inside the PD over the phone. Afterwards, he said he wanted to meet you in person"

" Let me guess your father is Galantromice Bizzel IIII, head of the Bizzel family"

" You are correct"

" What was the daughter of such an important man doing in an F rank dungeon all alone"

" I'd rather not talk about that right now"

She started moving again and I followed behind her. I was incredibly scared, what was going to happen. Was he going to thank me for saving his daughter or kill me? (Probably not) we enter the main hall and all over the place people were glad and relieved expressions on their faces. They must have wondered where she disappeared to. We enter an elevator and go up to the 110th floor. The doors open to revel secretary desk. She presses a buzzer which opens a gate like door behind her and tells us to enter the room.

I walk in and immediatly choke on the air (Its hard to breath in here). The pressure being exerted by this guy is immense. It's like I'm in 4X earths gravity right now.

" May I know what your name is"

His voice brought a shiver to my spine. Right In front of me was one of the world most powerful psychics. He was just asking me what my name is but it feels like I'm being interrogated by a god on if I ate the last slice of pizza when nobody was looking or not.

" My name is Kais"

" And your family name?"

" I don't have one"

He looks over to an agent, they check their clipboard and then nod.

Galan gets up and walks over to me.

I'm dead, aren't I?

He's standing directly in front of me.....

" Thank you so much for saving my daughter!"

He bowed at a 90 degree angle. the room goes deader than quiet.

" Please get up.. sir"

I try to grab him to make him stop bowing but he doesn't flinch. This guy is an S rank after all. He finally raises his head....

" You have my thanks. Just the thought that yesterday next year would be the anniversary of Vera's death shakes me to my core"

Ah, so that's her name.

" Don't mention it, what was I supposed to do just ignore her screams"

Galan nods his head in affirmation.

" Kais, I wish to thank you. My daughters life is priceless to me, so anything you may want, I will do my best to give you"

" Can I have an I.O.U?"

" Of course, if you need some time to think about it you can have it"

" However, I will request just one thing of you"

" What would that be?"

"I would like you to be Vera's body guard"


Vampires or naw?

Loligagger27creators' thoughts