
Plate form no.5


Rawalpindi Railway Station

Evening 4:35 PM

The weather is rainy.

Birds are heading to their nests.

Everywhere is bustling.

There's a long queue at the ticket counter. People are rushing to their compartments with their luggage. A snack vendor is going from window to window, selling snacks and walnuts. The sound of children crying can be heard. Porters are rushing to the train with luggage on their shoulders.

**Ainy, 22 years old**

Ainy sits on a bench, lost in her thoughts, oblivious to everything around her. She is consumed by her own helplessness. Her luggage is beside her on the bench, consisting of just one bag and a shopper with some food items. A man passing by notices:

"Hey lady, keep your ticket safe. You're sitting here with it fallen on the ground. If someone takes it, you'll have to pay again." He hands her the ticket that had fallen under the bench. Ainy takes it without saying anything, seemingly having nothing left to say to anyone. She looks down again.

Man: "No manners these days. A simple thank you would suffice." He walks away.

(Just then, the announcer's voice is heard)

"Attention please. The train to Karachi is arriving at platform number 5 in 10 minutes. Passengers are requested to take their seats as soon as possible. Beware of pickpockets and take care of your belongings. Thank you."

Ainy, hearing the announcement for the Karachi train, quickly grabs her belongings and heads towards the track, covering her face with a scarf to avoid being seen. Her walk indicates a strange anxiety eating away at her. Suddenly, her phone rings. As she takes it out from her bag to check, someone bumps into her, causing the phone to fall far away. Before she can retrieve it, someone else picks it up and runs off. The crowd is too thick for her to see who it was. Realizing it's useless to chase, she boards the train and finds her seat. Lost in her thoughts, she looks out the window with longing.

Ainy: "Water..." she asks the girl sitting next to her, "Do you have any water?"

Girl: "My father has gone to get water. He hasn't come back yet. Once he does, I'll give you some."

Ainy: "Okay, please watch my luggage. I'll get a water bottle."

Girl: "Sure."

Ainy gets off the train to buy a bottle of water. As she walks back, she sees Shehroze. In a panic, she throws the water bottle and rushes back to the train, covering her face with the scarf. Her scarf gets caught on a bench, revealing her face. Shehroze, searching each compartment for Ainy, finally spots her. In the rush, he gets stuck, allowing Ainy to slip back into a compartment and hide. Shehroze receives a call:

Shehroze: "Hello? Yes, she was just here, but I lost her in the crowd. She's hiding somewhere. Yes, I'm looking. I'll find her no matter what. Just hang up and let me search."

Shehroze starts showing Ainy's photo to people, asking if they've seen her, but no one has.

Inside the compartment, Ainy finds a seat and sits, still anxious. She asks the girl:

Ainy: "Did you get the water?"

Girl: "Yes, my father just brought it. He went to get something to eat. Here, take some."

Ainy thanks the girl and drinks the water.

Girl: "Where are you going?"

Ainy: "I'm heading to Karachi to a friend's house. I don't know the way very well, though."

(Girl's name is Anum, around 19 years old. She has two sisters and two brothers, one of whom is married and lives abroad. The other lives with them. Her sisters are unmarried. Anum loves to talk and can go on without giving others a chance to speak. She is very dear to her father, Jahanzeb.)

Anum: "Don't worry. My father knows all the routes in Karachi. He'll drop you at your friend's place."

Ainy: "Thank you, but I don't want to trouble him. I'm not sure where the house is exactly."

Anum: "It's no trouble at all. My father will find it. Don't worry. We're friends now, aren't we?"

Ainy: "Yes, we are friends now. You're so sweet; no one can resist being friends with you."

Ainy seems to forget her worries while talking to Anum, not realizing Shehroze is still searching for her.

As the train departs, Shehroze starts to panic. He rushes through each compartment, searching for Ainy.

Meanwhile, Anum is so engrossed in conversation that she doesn't notice when her father, Jahanzeb, sits beside her.

Anum: "Dad, when did you get here? I didn't see you."

Jahanzeb: "Just a little while ago. You were busy talking."

Anum: "Dad, I made a new friend here. She's also going to Karachi to a friend's house. But she doesn't know the way well. I told her you'd drop her at her friend's place. She's so nice, Dad. It feels like we've known each other forever. We'll drop her, won't we, Dad?"

Jahanzeb: "Of course, we will. Just give me the address."

Ainy: "Thank you, but I told Anum I'll find it myself. I don't want to trouble you."

Jahanzeb: "It's no trouble at all. You're like my daughters. Helping daughters is never a burden for a father."

(Ainy smiles faintly): "Thank you."

Anum: "Dad, have brother and sister reached Karachi?"

Jahanzeb: "Yes, they must have. If we had taken a flight, we would've reached by now too. But you insisted on traveling by train."

Anum: "Yes, Dad. And look, if we hadn't come by train, I wouldn't have met my wonderful new friend. This was all destined."

Jahanzeb: "Yes, dear. May God make everything better."

Ainy glances out the window and sees Shehroze frantically searching for her. She quickly covers her face and turns to Anum.

Anum: "Why did you cover your face?"

Ainy: "It's the cold wind. It's giving me a headache."

Anum: "Hold on, I'll give you some medicine. This weather brings strange fevers that don't go away easily."

Ainy: "No, no, I'll be fine."

Anum: "Just a moment, I'll get you the medicine." She starts searching her bag.

Shehroze enters the compartment where Ainy is hiding. She sees him and covers her face. Shehroze scans the compartment quickly but, due to the rush, leaves without noticing her.

Shehroze: "Where did you go, Ainy? The train is about to leave. How will I face them without you? Where did you go, which city?"

The train departs from Rawalpindi to Karachi at 6 PM.

Railway Station, Gujar Khan

Evening 6:50 PM

The train was gradually taking Ainy far from Shehroze and everyone else. She felt a little relieved. She wanted to forget everything that had happened to her. However, her past kept playing before her eyes like a movie. She wanted to forget her previous life and start anew, but it was difficult. It's not easy to leave behind the years where daughters are usually pampered. But now, she wanted to move on and start fresh.

The train stopped at Gujar Khan station for 10 minutes. Shehroze was already there with his men. They started searching the compartments for Ainy.

Shehroze, shouting to his men: "Find her! She must be in one of these compartments. Don't let any compartment go unchecked."

Meanwhile, Ainy was laughing at Anum's stories.

Anum: "That day, I was so angry. Can you believe my best friend made me look like a liar in front of everyone? I told her to tell the truth, but she stayed quiet. I haven't talked to her since. She tried to apologize, but I can't trust her anymore."

Ainy: "Anum, there are many people in this world who meet us for their own benefit. Once their purpose is served, they turn away. Never expect too much from anyone. Expectations are meant to be broken, and when they break, it hurts a lot. If she was a good friend, she wouldn't have left you alone. She probably wanted to make you look bad. Forget about her. Think of her as a bad dream."

Anum: "You're right. It feels so good to talk to you. It doesn't seem like we've just met."

People were watching Shehroze and his men searching for Ainy through the windows. Shehroze barges into a compartment, being rude to people.

Shehroze: "Have you seen this girl or not?"

Man: "Watch your tone, young man. Learn to speak properly. You look educated, but your manners are uncivilized."

Shehroze: "What did you say? Watch your tongue, or I'll cut it off and hand it to you. Don't mess with me."

Man: "Go ahead. Show me what you can do."

Shehroze reaches for his gun, but his man comes back, saying: "Man 1: Sir, she's not here. I've checked this entire carriage and the next one as well. Maybe she's not on this train at all.

Shahroz, putting the gun back: I told you to find her, not to speculate whether she's on this train or not. Go and search the other carriages. Don't come back without her.

(The man, head down, leaves the train and starts searching the other carriages.)

Shahroz, putting a hand on the man's shoulder: I'm in a hurry right now, or else I'd give you a proper response to your comments. You're lucky today.

(Shahroz steps off the carriage.)

(Ainy, oblivious, is sitting with her face hidden, looking out of the window as the train is about to depart.)

Anum: Dad, why has the train stopped for so long? I'm already tired of sitting here.

(The train starts moving.)

Jahanzaib: Look, sweetheart, it's moving. The train will stop at every station. Some passengers will board, and some will get off. This stop was short; some stops will be longer. What will you do then?

Anum: Dad, I don't know why, but it feels like this is my first and last train journey.

(Jahanzaib and Anum laugh.)

Shahroz, standing outside: Ugh! Where did she go? The train is leaving now. Where do I search for her? I've been looking for her all day from morning to evening, and still, I haven't found her. If I go back empty-handed, they will kill me. Ainy, how long will you run from me? One day you'll be in my grasp, and you can't even imagine what will happen to you then.

(Shahroz calls his men and tells them to leave.)

Shahroz: Let's go back. We didn't find her. Let's see what happens next. Amjad, get the car. We're leaving.

(Amjad gets the car, and Shahroz and his henchmen leave the station.)

Anum: Ainy, this journey is so boring. There's no enjoyment here. I'm getting bored. Let's do something.

Ainy: What can we do? There's nothing special to do on a train except sit and pass the time.

Anum: Come with me. Dad, we'll be right back.

Jahanzaib: Sweetheart, where are you going? This is your first train journey. Be careful. Don't do anything risky.

Anum: Dad, I'm not a child anymore. I know everything. Don't worry. We're just going near the door and will come right back.

Jahanzaib: Be careful, sweetheart. Don't stand too close to the door. You never know when the train might suddenly brake, and you could fall.

Ainy: Uncle, I'll be careful. She was just saying she's bored. We'll take a quick walk and come right back. I'll make sure she doesn't go near the door.

Anum: Wow, Dad, you're not coming, but you made Ainy your spy. (Anum, Ainy, and Jahanzaib laugh.)

Anum: Let's go, Ainy. (Ainy and Anum start moving forward when Ainy trips over a bag and remembers the time she spent with her mother when she was nine years old.)


Ainy, nine years old, is playing with her doll at home and accidentally hits her foot against the bedpost. She starts crying. Her mother, Aamna, who is cooking in the kitchen, rushes to her.

Aamna: Oh dear, what did you do, Ainy? Come here. Okay, stop crying. Look, Mommy is here. Everything will be fine now. (Ainy's foot is bleeding because it hit a nail.)

Aamna: Sit on the bed. I'll get the first aid box. Don't move from here.

Ainy: Okay, Mommy, I won't move. It hurts a lot. (Ainy is crying.)

Aamna quickly brings the first aid box from the other room and returns to Ainy.

Aamna: Show me your foot. Ainy: Mommy, it hurts a lot. Aamna: It will be fine in a little while. In the meantime, tell me what happened at school today. Did Zukhraf make up with you? Did you make up with her? (Aamna tries to distract Ainy while applying medicine to her wound.)

Ainy: No, Mommy. I called her today, but she didn't come to me. I spent the whole day alone, and so did she.

Aamna: You two can't stay without each other. I'm sure you'll make up soon. Ainy: Ouch! Aamna: It's done. Look, it's over. Now sit here. I need to talk to you about something.

Aamna: I know you're too young for this, but you never know about life and death. I'm here today, but I might not be tomorrow. Ainy: Mommy, why are you saying this?

Aamna: Look, today I took care of you. You called me once, and I came running. But, Ainy, you need to be strong on your own. This world is not for the weak. People here will take advantage of your weaknesses instead of helping you. I want you to become strong so that no one can hurt you. My daughter is very brave, and I know it. You just need to find your strength.

Ainy: Mommy, don't say things like this. You'll always be with me. You're scaring me with such talk. Aamna: Okay, just remember what I told you. Oh my, I forgot. I left the pot on the stove. It might be burning. (Aamna runs to the kitchen, and Ainy is left worried about her mother's words.)

(Aamna spoke to Ainy like this because she knew her life was uncertain. She wanted to prepare Ainy to be strong after her, due to her illness.)


Anum: Ainy... Ainy... Ainy... Ainy: Yes? Anum: What are you thinking about? Let's go.

Ainy: Yes, let's go.

Anum: We'll be back soon, Dad.

(Ainy and Anum go to the door.)

Anum: Ainy, the weather is so beautiful. The breeze is so cool. I feel like sitting here with my luggage. The real enjoyment of the weather is from here.

(Anum sits by the door.)

Ainy: Anum, be careful. Sit properly. You never know when the train might suddenly brake.

Anum: Yes, I'm careful. Come, sit here. Why aren't you saying anything? I've been talking non-stop. If I talk too much, tell me to stop, or else I'll keep going. I feel like I don't have a brake when I start talking. Come, sit here.

Ainy sits next to Anum.

Anum: Tell me about yourself. Where do you live? Why are you going to Karachi? Where are your family members? Why are you traveling alone?

Ainy: Family... (Tears come to Ainy's eyes.)

Anum: Okay, okay, don't cry. Don't tell me. Let's talk about something else.

Ainy: My story is long. I'll tell you someday.

Anum: Okay, let's forget about it. Look at the sky; it's so beautiful because of the rain.

Ainy: Yes, rain makes the sky and the earth beautiful. Rain cleanses everything. But there's one thing it can't cleanse: the darkness inside people's hearts. People here have very dark hearts, Anum.

Anum: Why are you saying this, Ainy? What happened?

Ainy: Nothing. Anum, rain brings back many memories for me. Some I want to cherish forever, and some are like a nightmare that haunts me. What do you think?

Ainy: Rain... When I was a child, I loved playing in the rain. My mom used to stop me, saying I'd get sick and miss school the next day. But I would still play in the rain and then fall sick and get a day off from school.

Anum: You love your mom a lot, don't you? Where is she now?

Ainy: Mom... (Ainy falls silent for a moment.)

Anum: Okay, let me tell you a story about the rain. (Anum starts telling a story, but Ainy gets lost in her thoughts.)


(Asfand, Ainy's university fellow. They loved each other deeply. Asfand was just a year older than Ainy. They shared many similar thoughts and had planned to spend their lives together.)

University - Rain - Break Time:

Ainy: Asfand, come under the shelter. The rain is getting heavy. You'll get sick. (Ainy calls Asfand under the shelter.)

Asfand: Ainy, come out. Look at this wonderful rain. Enjoy the rain. It's been a month since it last rained.

Ainy: No, no, I won't come. We have class at 2 PM. If we get wet, the teacher won't let us in.

Asfand: Forget about the class today. It's a boring class anyway. I feel sleepy throughout it. Come on.

(Asfand pulls Ainy into the rain. At first, she covers her head with her hands, but then she starts enjoying it with Asfand.)

Ainy: Asfand, we're enjoying now, but if we don't come to the university tomorrow because of a

fever, we'll miss the class and the attendance. I won't forgive you then.

Asfand: Okay, Ainy, my love. The rain has started to get heavier. Let's go under the shelter, or else you'll get angry at me for missing the attendance.

(Ainy and Asfand go under the shelter.)

Ainy: I'm so happy today, Asfand. I was very upset in the morning. But I'm smiling now, and it's all because of you. Thank you for making my day beautiful.

Asfand: Your smile is what makes my day beautiful, Ainy. When you're upset, my heart aches. I don't want to see you sad. Your happiness is everything to me.

Ainy: Asfand, let's promise something today. We'll always stand by each other's side, no matter the situation. We'll share all our happiness and sorrows.

Asfand: I promise, Ainy. I'll never leave you. We'll face everything together.

(Present: Ainy gets lost in her thoughts, remembering Asfand's promises. She's unaware of her surroundings. She misses him dearly and remembers all the promises they made to each other.)

(Anum is still talking about the rain and its significance, trying to keep the conversation light.)

Anum: Ainy, are you listening to me?

Ainy, coming back to the present: Yes, I'm listening. The rain brings back so many memories. Some are beautiful, and some are painful.

Anum: Yes, that's true. Rain has a way of making us remember things. But let's focus on the beautiful memories, shall we?

Ainy smiles: Yes, let's do that.

(The train continues its journey through the rain, with Ainy and Anum sharing stories and trying to enjoy the moment despite the weight of their pasts.)

To be continued....