
Chapter 56

In the teeny grooming room in the back of the Animal Instincts clinic, Zoe rinsed suds from a French poodle in the waist-high sink and eyed Rosa. Drake's aunt and their former office manager had a wicked gleam in her eye as her thumbs flittered over her cell screen.

Cade liked to refer to his mom and two aunts as the Battleaxes, since their sole mission was to interject themselves into others' lives and often play matchmaker. Or God. Zoe still had no clue why the woman was here, but she'd been at it for an hour. Texting. Smirking. Probably starting World War III via Twitter.

Zoe drained the sink basin and towel-dried the dog as her phone chimed on her desk. "Could you check that, Rosa?" It was probably nothing, but best to play it safe in case the call was about her mom.